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Atkinson, Ti-Grace. By Breanne Fahs. Cambridge, MA, February 1–2, 2008.
—. By Mary Harron. Phone, circa 1992.
Baxandall, Rosalyn. By Breanne Fahs. New York, April 8, 2011.
—. By Mary Harron. Phone, circa 1992.
Blackwell, David. By Breanne Fahs. Phone, November 6, 2011.
Borman, Nancy. By Mary Harron. Phone, circa 1992.
Bristol Hotel manager. By Breanne Fahs. San Francisco, December 12, 2008.
Brown, Christopher. By Breanne Fahs. Phone, October 31, 2011.
Caputi, Jane. By Breanne Fahs. Atlanta, GA, November 15, 2009.
Ceballos, Jacqueline. By Breanne Fahs. Phoenix, AZ, September 27, 2009.
Chance, Michael. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Cisler, Cindy. By Mary Harron. Phone, circa 1992.
Densmore, Dana. By Breanne Fahs. Santa Fe, NM, October 24, 2009.
Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne. By Breanne Fahs. San Francisco, December 11, 2008.
Engel, Don. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Erikson, Nancy. By Mary Harron. Phone, circa 1992.
Feiden, Margo. By Breanne Fahs. New York, March 15, 2010.
Freeman, Jo (aka Joreen). By Breanne Fahs. Phone, October 14, 2010.
Friedman, Mr. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Fustero, Robert. By Breanne Fahs. Phone, September 20, 2008.
—. By Breanne Fahs. Silver Spring, MD, May 25, 2012.
Girodias, Maurice. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Gornick, Vivian. By Breanne Fahs. New York, April 9, 2011.
—. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Hanisch, Carol. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Harron, Mary. By Breanne Fahs. Brooklyn, NY, September 14, 2008.
Jordan, Fred. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Koedt, Anne. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Lanker, Roderick. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Laura X. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
LeMond, Allen. By Mary Harron, New York, circa 1992.
Mauldin, Julia. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Miles, Sylvia. By Breanne Fahs. New York, April 9, 2011.
Miller, Lorraine. By Breanne Fahs. Phone, May 23, 2013.
—. By Mary Harron, New York, circa 1992.
Millett, Kate. By Mary Harron. Phone, circa 1992.
Morea, Ben. By Breanne Fahs. Phone, March 10, 2011.
—. By Breanne Fahs. Brooklyn, NY, March 18, 2012.
Morrissey, Paul. By Breanne Fahs. Phone, April 7, 2011.
Newton, Jeremiah. By Breanne Fahs. New York, April 8, 2011.
—. By Breanne Fahs. New York, March 14, 2010.
—. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1994.
Owens, Iris. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Rosset, Barney. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Scheiner, CJ. By Breanne Fahs. Phone, February 7, 2011.
Spoor, Robert. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Spottiswood, Dick. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Steele, Joanne. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Thompson, Louise. By Mary Harron. New York, circa 1992.
Tobias, Sheila. By Breanne Fahs. Tucson, AZ, October 24, 2010.
Ultra Violet (Isabelle Dufresne). By Breanne Fahs. New York, April 17, 2012.
Vasconcellos, Bud Maxwell. By Breanne Fahs. Phone, October 12, 2012.
Zwiren, Louis. By Breanne Fahs. Phone, October 23, 2012.