Instagram Direct Messages for


3:33 AM

SpidersAndFlies wrote: I have found another soul and my method improves with experience. This one was a fully grown cat, and hence, I believe, its faculties of communication were more fully formed. After all, it might have been unreasonable to believe that a tiny kitten could have the words (or whatever their feline equivalent) to tell its story! Surely, longer life and a more developed mind can only improve my chances of extracting the story of their life and death. This one’s soul was still pure, despite the life it led, for it killed only to eat. This is animals’ superiority over humans, friend. They are not cruel for any sake but survival. If only we could learn from them. Still, I do not know how I can do justice to the flitting life of my friend here, who darted between graves and dropped softly onto eaves from the branches of trees. Who has seen this city the way none of us lumbering humans can ever see it. Perhaps my project is in vain.

Lucy’s Diary

[Twitter Followers: 9402]

Last night I dreamed that it stormed. And it was a nightmare, because all dreams of storms are nightmares when you are from New Orleans. There are rain showers and they pass unnoticed—pleasant humid things that steam the streets and make my hair unwind from ponytails, escape haphazard twists.

Then there are storms that rattle the windows and lash the trees, tear down and collapse and wash away. I watched my city torn apart and ravaged by storms and I will never understand people who listen to the sound of thunder to try and sleep. The sound of thunder is an alarm.

I don't know where I was but it looked like the bayou, and I was outside, alone, in the storm. Strange to dream about storms and not feel the rain on your face, or the wind, but still feel like you're going to be blown apart.

In the dream I was trying to move, sluggish, caught in the swamp. There was someone across the way, holding one of those old-fashioned lanterns full of blue fire.

By the time I got to her, she was gone.

I know this is about Harker, because it’s impossible to ignore now that something is wrong. The whole thing keeps edging on my awareness like a mosquito bite, and there’s no way I can put it out of my mind and just focus on other things. My brother is in trouble, and I know it.

So if my dream is trying to tell me something, all I can think of is that it’s telling me to “go toward the light”—as in, go toward my instincts, and keep using the resources at my disposal to find Harker.

The thing is, I guess, I hadn’t wanted to admit—really admit—that he’s lost.

Text Message

Lucy Westenra to Harker Westenra

2:35 AM

Lucy: Okay. I know you’re not going to answer, but I’m going to find you.

It’ll be okay. I’ll find you.



Hello, Shadowcasters!

We are excited to announce a new feature in Season 2. We have found the names of what appear to be cold case victims, and we’re going to do our very own sleuthing to see what we can dig up…and since this is New Orleans, we’re sure to dig up something CREEPY!

Here’s how it’s gonna go. We’ll still be doing the main part of the show just the way we did in Season 1. But at the end of each episode, we’ll devote ten minutes to our research and any leads in the cases they unearth.

And you can research along with us! If anyone finds information or leads that might help solve the cases, send them to us via our very own SHADOWCAST TIP LINE!

Coming at you from the shadows as always…

Shadowcast Twitter Feed

Shadowcast Podcast @shadowcast

Season Two is on its way—and do we have an announcement for you! This season, our intrepid SC team is going to attempt to solve some local cases that have gone cold. Tune in and see if you can help catch a killer!

JessyBessy @jessbess101

Reply @shadowcast

Wait like for real?? Are the police okay with that?

Beeeeees @buzzybuzzy411

Reply @jessbess101 @shadowcast

LOL you don’t need the police to look into a crime

Shadowcast @shadowcast

Reply to @jessbess101

We will be working with readily available information, and through completely legal and respectful channels.

Critical Assassin @yeowmate2

Reply to @shadowcast

Dude y’all should be for real looking into RAZOR MOUTH

Benji Dare @benjidare385

Reply @yeowmate2 @shadowcast

Lmao that’s not real wow

Critical Assassin @yeowmate2

Reply @benjidare385 @shadowcast

That’s what you think

Harper O’Malley @irisheyes00

So @shadowcast is going to try and solve crimes! Wonder if they’re doing this for a tv deal orrrr

Purrfectly Precious @purrboi

Okay this is all cool about @shadowcast being vigilante badass PIs but like they better keep up that Shadowcats instagram or i am out [cat.gif]

Shadowcast Podcast @shadowcast

The cats aren’t going anywhere! Don’t worry ;)

[Quote Retweet: Purrfectly Precious @purrboi

Okay this is all cool about @shadowcast being vigilante badass PIs but like they better keep up that Shadowcats instagram or i am out [cat.gif]]

Jim Porter @jimhastweets

I’m not sure I’m here for amateur detective hour :/ @shadowcast

Ravyn Ambyrr @ravyndragon03

Reply @jimhastweets @shadowcast

Y’all just listen to @bridesofnola they know the REAL deal and that it’s all about the creatures that people don’t want to admit exist and THEY DO and the truth needs to be known!

Critical Assassin @yeowmate2

Reply @ravyndragon03


Eliza Day @namewaselizaday

Don’t let the haters get you down, @shadowcast! I’m here for the new season and I think it’s great that you’re trying to help give voice to victims that don’t have one. Great job!

Google Hangouts

6:19 PM

Lucy Westenra

All present and accounted for?

Arthur Quincey


Mina Murray


Lucy Westenra

Okay. Well, we've done the first ep of the show and we've received…some comments. The usual shit like "you girls sound hot" and "your show is dumb" and the "omg I love y'aaaaall" stuff.

We've had a few tips that seemed really interesting but make literally no sense.

Mina checked into them to see if there were any that were actually helpful but…nada. Unless something else came up, Min?

Mina Murray

Nope. I had Arthur set it so the tip line messages forwarded to my email address, but the ones about the cold case names were definitely not useful in finding Harker. And we haven’t gotten any in a bit. Probably people got bored of trolling. Unless you disabled the forwarding, Arthur?

Lucy Westenra


Are you doing work for your OTHER clients at the same time here??


Arthur Quincey

Then you can tie my hands behind my back and make me suck you off

Mina Murray


Lucy Westenra

…physically i don't think i can

Arthur Quincey



Wrong window

Want to hear about my research?

Lucy Westenra

After that? Definitely

Mina won't answer, she's currently staring at her computer through her fingers

Arthur Quincey

I got six matches for my Harker-fied profile on Thrall. I contacted them but no dice re: Harker.

Also you're welcome, because this was fucking stressful

I'm pretty sure some of these girls would brain me with a heavy object. Look at this one :(

Lucy Westenra

Jesus, Arthur wtf did you do?

[Screenshot of THRALL Chat]

Arthur Quincey wrote: Hi there! Nice to meet you. I’ll definitely have to check out that book :) Listen, I wonder if you could help me out. A friend of mine seems to be missing and his friends and family are a little concerned. Have you happened to match with a guy named Harker on this app? Or, he might not have used that name, but he’s a grad student in anthropology. If so, can you tell me if you talked to him or met up, and where the last place you might’ve seen him was? Any info would be much appreciated.

Jasmine Borgo wrote: Are you kidding me with this shit?

Arthur Quincey wrote: No, I promise, it’s no joke!

Jasmine Borgo wrote: Yeah, I agree it’s not a joke to contact a woman on a dating app, where she’s implicitly vulnerable and putting herself out there, and remind her of all the creeping menace in the world, then attempt to bond with her using the rhetoric of joining forces in the service of aiding a friend. Get the fuck out you negging creep. Consider your privilege and what you’re doing for literally five seconds. And if you contact me again, I’ll report you.

Mina Murray

Oh Christ, A, buy a clue.

Also I wanna be friends with Jasmine Borgo like yesterday!

Arthur Quincey

…yeah I…did not do a good job with this assignment. But honestly can you think of a good way to have that conversation???

Mina Murray

Um. Not really. I guess we could have taken their names and tried to find them IRL, then had me or Lucy talk to them. But that’s still creepy AF. Shit.

And at the risk of introducing another variable, are we sure Harker's straight?

Or interested at all in romance, period?

Because idk I always thought he was kinda queer?

Arthur Quincey

…wait, is there a chance he's not? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN USEFUL TO KNOW BEFORE I DID THIS!

Mina Murray

Well, I mean, the only person I know he’s dated is ME, in middle school, but then, I dated him too, and I'm def not into dudes, so.

Plus, if he hasn't dated anyone since, maybe he just isn’t interested.

Lucy Westenra

What??? But I—I would know. If he were gay, I'd know, right? FFS i'm bi

Mina Murray

Well, don't take this the wrong way, Luce, but he didn't exactly talk to you about much personal stuff, ya know?

Lucy Westenra

Mina, I can't be a bisexual woman with a NATIONALLY KNOWN podcast about serial killers…and have a gay serial killer brother I didn't know about!

Mina Murray

LOLOLOL ok, babe, but…that's not actually logic.

Lucy Westenra

Still, like…wouldn't Hark have come out to me? I came out as bi to him.

Mina Murray

Not necessarily. It’s not a precise exchange.

Lucy Westenra

I know. I just wish…I just wish things were different. I wish I could have been whatever he needed to not go out and like…do whatever he's doing. Or feel closeted. I know he's weird, I know he's not like me and that we shouldn't even get along, but…you guys he made me and Mina popcorn when we were afraid of the storm.

He did my math homework in college

He's not even good at math

He forged a dr's note once when I went out drinking in hs and was too sick to go to school and had a final

And I'm a shit sister who has no patience and oh, god, he's dead and it's all my fault

Arthur Quincey

Whoa, Luce

Mina Murray

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy, stop!

Hark is a great brother and he loves you very much, and he appreciates you for just who you are. None of this is your fault. We don't even know what THIS is. Just please, please don't panic—it's gonna be ok.

Arthur Quincey

It's also not about what kind of brother he is or what kind of sis you are, Lucy. I think—I think we might want to talk about letting this go

Lucy Westenra

What? No!

Arthur Quincey

Look, Luce, I'm…I'm just not comfortable going through the whole thing again and asking dudes this time if they've seen Harker. I'm sorry, but it's…I don't feel right about it. Those women were right that it was creepy.

Lucy Westenra

No, it's fine. I get it.

Arthur Quincey

I'm not saying you can't keep looking for him.

Lucy Westenra

Wow, Arthur, thanks SO much for your permission about what I can do for my own brother

Arthur Quincey

That's not what I meant. I just meant I don’t think there's an angle with Thrall.

Lucy Westenra

I said I get it, all right? Mina and I will continue with the podcast

I know you're busy. Lots going on, A.

Arthur Quincey

Lucy, can we please not?

Lucy Westenra

What? Look, Arthur, it's fine.

Mina Murray

Okay, so the point is that Thrall was a dead end in terms of finding Harker and we're not sure what else we can do besides just keep plugging it on the podcast and see if anyone gets in touch with a useful clue. Right? Or is there some other approach?

Arthur Quincey

I think that's about it. Unless you want to get the police involved, Lucy. See if they can track his credit card or license plate, etc.?

Lucy Westenra


Mina Murray

Luce? You ok?

Lucy Westenra

I just hate feeling like there's nothing I can do.

Mina Murray

I know, babe. Don’t worry. We’ll figure it out. I promise <3

Arthur Quincey

Yeah. What she said :)

Lucy Westenra

Thanks, guys. G2g, I’ll be in touch later.