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12:22 AM

SpidersAndFlies wrote: The swamp has disgorged a soul with a story the likes of which I could never have imagined. This, surely, is the stuff of true revelation. This episode will be the one I use to launch the podcast.

Google Hangouts

9:33 AM

Arthur Quincey

Hey, Min. I have another clue and I was thinking maybe your friend Zoe could help

Mina Murray

Sure, I can ask!

Arthur Quincey

Cool. I'm sending it along—me and VH stared at it for like an hour and have no idea

[Screenshot] Image of blurry black dots on a white background

Mina Murray

Yay new clue. Ps, I loved chatting with your bf today.

Arthur Quincey

You're having way too much fun with this, Min

Mina Murray

I love puzzles, what can i say?

Arthur Quincey

And aw, yeah? He said the same about you.

Mina Murray


Arthur Quincey

Yeah, he said he thought you two would have loads in common. Well, he said that in his VH way. I think maybe he's a bit nervous to meet Lucy. I guess I can introduce you guys, haha

Mina Murray

I know, I can't believe we haven't met! Well, YOU have *big wink*.

SOON though, ok?

Hey I should make dinner for us all and you guys can come over. We can eat and talk like civilized grownups ;)

Arthur Quincey

Yes! that’d be awesome—just let me know when is good.

Anyway, I'm emailing it to you—too big to chat

Just like someone else I know *wiiiiiink*

Mina Murray

You are ridiculous. There goes the civilized grownups plan.

Arthur Quincey

Whatever like you weren’t as bad when you and lucy first got together lol

Mina Murray


Arthur Quincey

She would flirt with you

You would gaze adoringly at her

Mina Murray

Yeah yeah yeah, yuck it up Quincey.

I deserved every second of gazing adoringly at Lucy after basically freaking out when I realized I was in love with my best friend.

Arthur Quincey

How’d you realize it?

Mina Murray

Um. It’s possible that in a dark and never-to-be-spoken-of-again moment I googled it?

And then I took a quiz called "are you in love with your best friend" -_-

Arthur Quincey


*laughing crying emoji*


oh my god that's hilarious

I've never seen two people more obviously perfect for each other

Mina Murray

Ok you laugh but the sheer volume of results tells me that I am NOT the first to have to ask the internet that question.

Arthur Quincey

Well I mean.

Now that you put it like that…

Mina Murray

You want me to send you that quiz don’t you?

Arthur Quincey

No that’s silly.

Ok but seriously send it

Mina Murray

Happy quizzing ;)

[link to quiz "how to tell if i'm in love"]

Arthur Quincey

Okay anyway the clue. What does this look like to you? I see like…spots

Mina Murray

Jeez could the picture be lower resolution?

It's…is it like a smear?

Arthur Quincey

Oh hey wait the phrase was "the blood is the life" right?

Is it like spilled blood?

Mina Murray

Oh, shit yeah! It's a slide. A microscope slide? Like from bio class.

Maybe it's from the body? Like a dna sample.

Arthur Quincey

Whoa what if we sent it to the DNA 23 thing and like caught the Zodiac Killer or something???

Mina Murray

Well that would be amazing, of course.

What’s the actual prompt for what we’re supposed to enter?

Arthur Quincey

There isn't one :|

Mina Murray


Arthur Quincey

Just a box to input an answer

The clues are supposed to get harder, so it wouldn't surprise me if they stopped with the hints

Mina Murray


So, high probability that we'll get it wrong and have a pause in the game.

Arthur Quincey

Yeah I mean, i guess as a pitfall to make the stakes seem higher? And so yahoos don’t just try guessing every single thing that pops into their minds.

Mina Murray

Yeah, I get it from the game's POV, I just hate being wrong *huff*

Arthur Quincey

So…I guess we could try "blood sample" but I don't think that’s specific enough.

Mina Murray

There was nothing else? Just that image?

Arthur Quincey

Just that image and a box to input my answer

Mina Murray

Is the box the same size as all the rest have been?

Arthur Quincey

Yeah I think so?

Mina Murray

Ok so it wants a typed in answer, not like a picture or w/e.

Arthur Quincey

Right, yes. Like the license plate number or the street address

Mina Murray

Hmmm ok, I can't think with you there so lemme go mess with it. I’ve gotta go to work in a bit.

Arthur Quincey

Cool, let me know if you find anything.