Google Hangouts

11:01 AM

Arthur Quincey

Hey, so, I'm sending you this chat but remember—you can respond when you're not busy, babe. It's not an emergency :)

I just had a few minutes and was wondering what you thought about my friends since we got…distracted after the dinner

A. Van Helsing

Good afternoon, Arthur. Indeed we were quite distracted. You hardly even woke when I left this morning. Did I wear you out?

Arthur Quincey

Oh yeah. And the memory of it kinda wore me out this morning. Good thing my meeting was a teleconference so I didn't have to get dressed

A. Van Helsing

You are painting a vivid picture.

Arthur Quincey

I painted it all over my stomach

/sex joke

well, kinda. anyway, hi

A. Van Helsing

Yes, thank you for the clarification. I am sorry I missed the real thing. Hello, Arthur. And, to answer your question, I found your friends as lovely in person as I'd imagined they would be.

Arthur Quincey

Yeah? I'm glad. I hadn't realized how much I wanted y'all to get along until we got there.

A. Van Helsing

I hadn't wanted to say anything, but I was a bit apprehensive that my presence would…mar the dynamic you all enjoy.

Arthur Quincey

I think Mina is thrilled you're one of us now

A. Van Helsing

Mina is a lovely woman, and very smart. I believe she hides it at times. Much like you do, though, I would wager, for different reasons.

Arthur Quincey

Yeah? Huh. I always figured I was more like Lucy since we never stop talking. But Mina is super smart, definitely.

A. Van Helsing

As are you.

Arthur Quincey

Yeah, well, none of us is as smart as you, so

A. Van Helsing

I'm sure it’s not a competition.

Arthur Quincey

And you liked Lucy? She can be a bit much at first I know

A. Van Helsing

I did. I found her clear desire to be liked endearingly vulnerable in its transparency.

And her sincere interest in what people said refreshing.

Arthur Quincey

The thing that's great about Luce? She'll own up to that. The first time I met her she was like, "You seem fun and interesting, and cute! So I'm going to charm you until we're friends, pretend it's working"

A. Van Helsing

Let me guess: you did not have to pretend?

Arthur Quincey

Nope. we got along like a house on fire :D

And if you're wondering…no, never.

A. Van Helsing

Wondering? If you ever set a house on fire?


I have caught up.

Arthur Quincey

*crying laughing emoji* that too

Everyone—like, EVERYONE—assumes we've dated or fucked at some point.

A. Van Helsing

Yes, well, you are both very beautiful, both attracted to all genders, and good friends. I am not surprised by the assumptions.

Arthur Quincey

That's probably nicer than "you're both flirts who like to fuck" haha

I mean, obvs I'm off the market ;)

A. Van Helsing

There is nothing wrong with flirting or with fucking, Arthur. I like both with you.

Yes, you are. Correct.

As am I?

Not that I flirt in any case.

Arthur Quincey

You are 1000000% off the market

You don't need to flirt because you're smart and interesting

A. Van Helsing

I don't care for flirting, myself. It feels too much like lying. But I enjoy when you flirt with me.

Arthur Quincey

i'm definitely not lying when i do it with you. it was interesting hearing about your experiences moving here. You didn't feel like an outsider or left out or anything like you described last night with M and L, right?

A. Van Helsing

Well…if I am being honest, I nearly always do. But that is about me, I assume, and has nothing to do with the social failings of anyone else or any situation.

Arthur Quincey

You don't feel like that with me, do you?

A. Van Helsing

No, not very much. I…somehow being myself with you manages to feel safe, I suppose? Rather than alone.

Sometimes I still do, when I feel I've done something to create distance between us. Said something silly or misunderstood.

But that is to be expected.

Arthur Quincey

I don't mind when you say something silly—you don't have to say the right thing all the time, you know. I love that you're so self-assured but that also means I like how you don't mind saying you don't know something

A. Van Helsing

Thank you, Arthur. Sometimes I am simply quite painfully aware of the ways I don't fit in. In the moments when that misfit is highlighted I become a bit…guarded, maybe. But it is precisely because you feel I needn't say the right thing all the time that it is okay with you.

I am not sure if this makes sense.

There were times, even with David, when I felt…far away.

Arthur Quincey

In a bad way? I mean…that's okay sometimes. If you have to step back or whatever. And what you said makes sense, yeah. I spend all my time bringing people together and like I've said before, it feels like everyone around me connects…*but* me

A. Van Helsing

Not far away from David, I think, but far away from myself for being with him. I do not know. Yes, I remember. We agreed you are lonely.

Arthur Quincey

Maybe you are, too.

Just, I don't want you to be.

A. Van Helsing

You make me feel close. To you and to myself. Is that…I don't mean to be…I'm not sure what to say, Arthur. I care for you.

Arthur Quincey

Well, I'm in love with you, so.

A. Van Helsing

[time elapses]

Arthur Quincey

…okay maybe I shouldn't said that on chat.

shouldn't *have

A. Van Helsing

Arthur, I…I do not know what to say. I'm undone.

Arthur Quincey

that's…is that good

or bad

help me out here, VH

A. Van Helsing

If you were in front of me right now, I would grab you and tell you that I love you too.


Arthur Quincey

oh my god you used an exclamation mark

A. Van Helsing

I'm sorry, I should have begun more clearly.


Arthur Quincey

Yeah? Phew. Yay! Okay, that makes me feel…really good. You get a lunch break?

A. Van Helsing

Yes, it's not the salt mines, love.

Arthur Quincey

VH, if you're not ten minutes early to class you think you're late

love. aw. I like that :)

A. Van Helsing

I thought, best to put it into practice right away, given my appalling vagueness of a moment before.

And, yes, I am master of my own destiny today and can eat lunch at will.

But you are correct that being early allows me time to organize my notes.

Arthur Quincey

You weren't appalling. I was just worried it wasn't the right way to tell you. Mediated layer of text between us, and all that.

A. Van Helsing

Well, so long as you can promise you'll say it in person as well?

Arthur Quincey

I'll call you right now and tell you if you want/

and yeah come over for lunch and I'll say it. Among other things.

A. Van Helsing

I find I do want that, actually. Both of those things. I need to hear you tell me that in your own voice. I need to hear it so I can replay it in my mind when you aren't around.

Come here, please? I…I can't tell if that is a joke, but I want you to do that. But I am not sure I can see that you are calling to tell me you love me and not answer the phone.

Arthur Quincey

I will be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail, babe

also does your door have a lock

love makes me horny, apparently

A. Van Helsing

Such a romantic. Yes, it has a lock. Bring your extra credit assignment and we shall see if we can make life imitate art after all.

Arthur Quincey

Best day ever :) Okay, on my way

A. Van Helsing

It is, isn't it? See you soon, love.