Transcript, Shadowcast

Mina Murray:

So, we’d been working on this damn clue for what felt like an eternity and it has been a ROUGH few days. The IP address that Arthur’s app sent us to had a sound file. It was a voicemail of a girl drunk-dialing her friend. I’ll put a link in the show notes.

“Hey, girl, where’d you go? I thought you were coming back for another round? Did you leave with that scruffy tourist because I thought you were done with little boys who won’t never be anything to you. Whatevs, your life, we’re cool. Aaaaanywaaay—oh shit!”

[Sound of a car driving by and blasting its horn]

“Uh, anyways so I’m waiting for my Uber at 7th and someone’s pissing in the neutral ground— [yelling] HELLO, FOLKS WALK THERE, COME ON, NOW!”

“Like, I’m not wrong that the bartender was hooootttt, right? And he lit my cigarette like a damn gentleman, too, I’ll tell you what. But so—oh, my Uber’s here! Hey, there, hi. Yes, ma’am, how’s your evening? Okay, so anyway, girl, I’mma go, but I was just checkin on you okay? Call me back so I know you got home, now. Byyeee.”

[Sound of a door slamming.]

Mina Murray:

There was no hint of what Allium was looking for as an answer. This game is getting harder as we move through the clues, for sure. So, you might remember that when we first started the game, Allium gave us the choice of three different victims and one of them was Olivia Robertson, who’d gone missing. So my first thought was that this girl in the audio recording was Olivia Robertson, and that the three tracks in the game were intersecting. It would make sense, right? Drunk girl gets into an Uber and is never heard from again. Since you hear the girl (maybe Olivia) say “yes, ma’am,” to the Uber driver, we know the driver is a woman. So I made a note of her as one of the suspects.

Lucy Westenra:

So then we had Arthur try “the Uber driver” as an answer and it was wrong. Which meant we were locked out of trying again for 24 hours. DAMN YOU, ALLIUM! I thought maybe we needed to get her name somehow but I couldn’t think of any way to get it. Neither could Mina so you know that wasn’t right, cuz my girl’s wicked smart.

Haha y’all can’t see her, obviously, but Mina’s looking at me with heart eyes, awww.

Mina Murray:

[grumbles] I am not.

I went back over all the other clues so far—thank god for screenshots and a shared google doc or no one would remember anything, I swear. I zoomed in on the picture of the contents of Jay Ingram’s pockets from clue #2. There was a piece of that clue we never did anything with—anyone remember? It was the roll of dollar bills. We decided that a roll of dollar bills probably meant Jay worked as either a stripper or a bartender, so we wondered if maybe the bartender in question was Jay Ingram. I didn’t think the name of the victim would solve the clue about a girl who disappeared, but…

Lucy Westenra:

Psh, you can say it. Lucy was getting desperate and impatient so she had Arthur try it and it was wrong and he got dinged, which meant we were locked out for another 24 hours.

Mina Murray:

Uh, yes. At which point, I got pissed because honestly I hate being wrong and I hate not knowing things, and Lucy started to panic a little bit because she thought we would never solve it and I was all THANK YOU, ALLIUM, FOR UPSETTING MY GIRLFRIEND. Ugh.