Mina Murray’s Journal

I’m really scared and I don’t want to tell Lucy because she’s freaked out enough about Harker already. But this murder… It’s not that I totally think it’s related to the game. But there is SOMETHING going on. I don’t know, maybe it’s just Mardi Gras, but even the air feels wrong.

I woke up last night in a panic, drenched in sweat, but I’m not sure why. Thanks, dreams-I-never-remember. I stepped out onto the balcony for a minute because I was feeling all creepy and claustrophobic. It was maybe two a.m., and the street was dead silent except for this…sound. I can’t explain it, but it was like when you’re wearing earbuds and you can feel your heartbeat in your ears? Like the trees and the houses and the streets were gathering themselves together and throbbing to a rhythm I couldn’t place. I got so freaked out I went back inside after like thirty seconds.

As soon as I shut the door, though, Cleo started meowing this strange, baby cry meow that I’d never heard her make before. She was scratching at the window, her claws clicking on the glass as if she was trying to get to someone on the other side.

But I live on the second story…and nothing was there. That I could see. Oh my god I have to stop doing MurdeResearch right before bed.

Obviously, I ran and jumped into bed and hid under the covers, like a totally normal 25-year-old who is afraid that her cat is seeing sinister, otherworldly forces lurking outside her window would. Well done, me. Of course, within ten seconds, Cleo had decided that it was all a game, and was pouncing on me as I hid under there. Sparrow lumbered out from where he’d been sleeping in the closet and tried to climb under the covers with me, which was adorable. Which is how I ended up huddled in my bed under the covers with two cats at two in the morning, watching YouTube videos of still more cats in an attempt to soothe myself enough to go to sleep.

I am really living the life.

Note: I might not be cut out for the on-the-ground part of this whole MURDER DEATH KILLERS thing…

Note: get cat food