Google Hangouts

5:45 PM

Arthur Quincey

Hey, babe. You around?

A. Van Helsing

I am. Hi, love.

Arthur Quincey

Hey. I have to admit, I'm a little bummed about the game being over. Well, okay, just because I liked having a reason to bother you on chat all the time :)

A. Van Helsing

As opposed to right now, when you're not talking to me? :)

(That was a smile to show I am joking; did it work?)

Arthur Quincey

Yeah, babe it worked ;)

And I—you know how I get. I don't want to suddenly be boring or anything because I don't provide you with fascinating puzzles.

A. Van Helsing

I should think you know me well enough by now to know that boring is the last thing I find you.

Arthur Quincey

Good ;) Because I'm still going to want to talk to you a lot. Even without clues to solve.

Maybe a sexy clue, if I can think of one *winky face emoji*

A. Van Helsing

I want you to talk to me all the time, Arthur. You know I love to hear you talk. Clues optional.

Arthur Quincey

Well now it's in writing so I can refer to this chat in the history if I ever need to prove to you that you said that.

A. Van Helsing

I can provide better proof: Would you like to go somewhere with me the last week of March?

It's my Spring Break.

Arthur Quincey

Oh yeah? I would love to! I can give myself a vacation by then, definitely. What were you thinking?

A. Van Helsing

Well, I'd already planned a trip for myself, but I'm not sure you'll be interested, so we can change it.

Arthur Quincey

Well I'd hate for you to do that, if it was something you wanted to do. What was it?

A. Van Helsing

Ah, it was a camping trip.

Arthur Quincey

Ohhhh, well…

I mean, it won’t be too hot, right?

And you can keep me warm if it gets chilly, and…you and me in a tent doesn't sound nearly as bad as it was when I went camping in college.

(it rained the whole time, the tent had holes so it leaked, and no one remembered to bring lighter fluid. or a lighter.

or a can opener.)

A. Van Helsing

That sounds horrible. I'll tell you what, come camping with me (and Jack) for three nights, and I'll take you to a posh hotel for two?

Or three, if you want it to be even.

And if you don't like it, you never have to come again.

Arthur Quincey

Okay, I don't need a posh hotel—I'm not Lucy, LOL.

Deal. I want to watch you be all hot and competent and remember things like lighters and food that can actually be consumed.

A. Van Helsing

That’s wonderful. It's so beautiful, Arthur. To go to sleep and wake up feeling as if you are a part of nature. As if you are connected with the world we so often forget is outside our doors.

And I'll show you the most glorious sunset.

Arthur Quincey

I think you could make me want to go get a root canal, with the way you talk. But I'm sold ;)

A. Van Helsing

Marvelous! So, I will procure the supplies, and you should start breaking in your hiking boots.

Arthur Quincey

…and by that, you mean, order some on the internet and pretend they were in my closet all along.

A. Van Helsing

I was giving you ample warning for this reason, yes.

To get some and break them in, that is; not to pretend. You know you don't need to pretend with me.

Arthur Quincey

I do know. And that's—well, it means a lot. And why I want to at least try camping, because somehow you make me like things I never thought I could before.

A. Van Helsing

I feel the same. Why don't I pick you up after work and we'll go buy you some hiking boots together?

Arthur Quincey

I think that would be awesome, Van.

A. Van Helsing

Thank you for saying yes, Arthur. I’m so looking forward to this. I can't wait to hold you as the sun sets. The sublimity of nature and the sublimity of your body at the same time… I am overwhelmed at the thought.

Arthur Quincey

It might be hard for me to notice the sunset, not going to lie. You're sort of distracting.

A. Van Helsing

I'll go down on you anytime, Arthur.

That was a sunset sex joke.

Arthur Quincey


I got it, believe me.

I'm so proud of you.

A. Van Helsing

I'm not unteachable.

Arthur Quincey

This trip is gonna be great :D

A. Van Helsing

To each his own sublimity, my love.