I’m in mourning. I want to cry.
Today I saw Henry, the pizza guy, in town with his arm around a girl. She was at least seventeen, maybe older, and she looked like a model. Her legs were about a mile long, and she had really shiny, jet-black hair, and her make-up was perfect.
She had her hand in the back pocket of Henry’s jeans, which I think looks dead cheap, but Henry didn’t seem to mind. He smiled when he saw me and said, ‘Hey, doll,’ and the girl gave me a filthy look, and I felt like a kid in my old jeans and my vomit-coloured jacket. And wouldn’t you know, I hadn’t even bothered to put lipstick on.
Well, I was only meeting Chloe.
So Henry’s got a girlfriend. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. It would be more surprising if he didn’t – he’s so good-looking and friendly. And imagine I thought he liked me, just because he chatted a bit when he brought our pizzas, and winked at me when he was leaving.
And remember I thought the Valentine card I got might be from him? Boy, I must have a really good imagination. I just hope he didn’t guess how I felt about him.
Oh well, at least I still have Chris.
Ruth came over here yesterday after dinner and we played Monopoly with Dad. She’s a really sneaky player, like I knew she would be. She cheated all the time, snuck out of jail and robbed money from the bank and changed the dice when she thought we weren’t looking.
Dad said it was a good job she was in a wheelchair, or he’d have asked her to step outside, and she told him she’d report him to Childline, if he laid a finger on her. They got on really well.
I was glad to see Dad enjoying himself. I think I was right about him and Marjorie having a row – they haven’t gone out for ages. And I haven’t seen any sign of her around the neighbourhood, although her car’s still there. Maybe she’s avoiding us. Hopefully they’ll make up soon. Dad needs someone to go out with now and again.
I can’t believe I just wrote that – remember how mad I was when Dad told me he was going out with Marjorie the first time? Funny how things change, isn’t it?
Or maybe I’m just getting more sensible in my old age, ha ha.
Ruth is coming with Chloe and me to the Camelot show at the Comp on Saturday night. Wonder what she’ll think of Chris.
Wonder if Bumble and Catherine are still going out. I could ask Chris but I’d better not, in case he gets the wrong idea. Remember how touchy he was about Henry? And he knows how friendly I used to be with Bumble.
Henry with a girlfriend, Bumble deserting me, Chris sulking about nothing. Really, I’m beginning to wonder if boys are worth all the trouble they cause.