We hope you enjoyed meeting Liz.
Now meet Tia and Tammy in Blue Lavender Girl
and Copper Girl from Judy May.
I’m glad I didn’t waste brain cells thinking of anything else to do for the summer, because I just found out that I’m going to Aunt Maisie’s anyway. She always comes here so I’ve never seen her place. Mum tells me it’s a large cottage in its own grounds, but if she thinks that will change me into one of those Pride and Prejudice girls she’s very much mistaken. I’m sort of relieved though, because I hate everyone right now, but I won’t let them know that.
I need to use every minute I have to make it so they won’t go into my room while I’m away. That way they can’t pull another stunt like the salmon-coloured flowered wallpaper that appeared when I was off on the weekend school trip to that farm. I am going to push all the mess near the door so it’s impossible to get through.
I put all my favourite clothes into a big suitcase and then took them all out again deciding to wash everything first in case she doesn’t have a washing machine. I know she will, I just … God, I don’t know.
I went around to meet Kira and Dee at the burger place, but they sounded worse than my mother. They kept saying that I’d have a good time and they wish they were going and that I might find a boyfriend there.
I didn’t even get to say goodbye properly because Dee’s brother’s friends arrived in, and this needed the girls’ full attention.
I looked up at the sky and wondered what’s happened to the stars these days. There are never any when I think to look up. When I was really little and we spent time in Dad’s uncle’s place by the beach, there were loads of stars. We used to all lie on the beach and Dad would teach us the names of the stars and Mum would get them all muddled up and not on purpose. It was such a laugh, but I haven’t explained it very well. It was one of those ‘you-had-to-have-been-there’ things.
I nearly forgot to pack this diary, good thing it was on top of my jeans with the beads otherwise I would have left it behind. It’s weird that I have written more in this than in English class for the last year.
I am in bed early.
PRETEND REASON: To get enough sleep to be up bright and early to get to the train in time.
REAL REASON: I am so angry with my parents that I keep wanting to bite someone’s head off whenever either of them says anything, and I don’t want to fall out with them just before I go or they might never let me come home.