To Matt, for everything. To my family — my mom, my dad, my little brother Kenton and my big sister Carolyn — for always being there. To my editor Jessica Case at Pegasus, for absolutely getting it, and for a tremendous job well done. To Claiborne Hancock, for running a brilliant publishing house and supporting this book. To my agent Stephanie Abou in New York, vous êtes superbe. To my agent Pippa Masson in Sydney, one million times over. To Alison Urquhart and Maaike le Noble, because they are wonderful. To Monica Catorc, a mentor and inspiration whom I treasure. To Monsieur Candela, for his magical way of being. To Fred and Pam Pitzman, whose generosity first opened up the world to me. To Aunt Trudy, who was the first sounding board for this book. Again to my sister, for doing my website for free (you know I will pay you one day!). To everyone who ever helped me, consciously or not. And particularly to those whose sunshine has lit up my life: James Prichard, Yeva Glover, Lara Kkafas, Robert Blaauboer, Sam Cascone, Liza Jenne, Jean Christian, Mark Blankestein, Rachael L’Orsa, Sandra Holmqvist, Juliet Bennett, Guillaume Catala, Andrew Candela, Matt Booy, Shamkhun, Toshio, and, of course, the unforgettable Shin.