Consumer-Psychology Trainer Drew Eric Whitman Asks …
“What’s the Difference Between a Sales Wizard and a Low-Performance Flop?”
Dear Reader:
Why do some salespeople close deals like crazy, and others usually only get doors closed in their faces?
For example …
Salesman Joe routinely writes deals on homes worth over $3 million …
… while Bill bangs his head against the wall trying to sell $24 cell phones.
Lindsay frequently wins awards for moving the most $380,000 Rolls Royce Phantoms during the slow summer months …
… while Buffy just got fired because she couldn’t figure out how to persuade more businesses to try her $79 a month coffee-delivery service.
Fact is, these four salespeople have great personalities, bright smiles, firm handshakes, and excellent prospecting and follow-up skills.
They’re all dedicated, hard workers, and have families to support.
But the difference in their performance is staggering. And it’s reflected numerically in the last line of their respective bank statements.
Why do some salespeople earn big, fat, healthy commission checks while others are barely scraping by? What’s the answer?
The “secret” is …
Because just like today’s most mind-boggling illusionists, these high-earning “sales wizards” have special “tricks” of their own. They use consumer psychology. Powerful principles that influence people to buy. And it doesn’t matter what these sales experts sell because these principles work for every business. Plus, they’re 100% legal, ethical, and powerful when used to promote quality products and services.
BrainScripts takes you on a fascinating tour inside your prospects’ minds and teaches you 21 powerful techniques of consumer psychology that really work. Plus, dozens of real-life scripts show you exactly how to incorporate these principles into your own sales presentations.
No matter what you sell—or where you sell it—the tested and proven ideas in this practical, fast-reading book will teach you …
How to use the powerful emotion of fear to convince even the most stubborn prospects—Learn to use it to ethically motivate people to buy whatever you sell.
How to make prospects personally identify with your products—It’s like taking an x-ray of their brains before you ask for their money.
How to borrow believability from others to enhance your own—Breaking sales records is easy when people believe what you say. Here’s how to do it … even if they don’t know you from Adam.
How to tailor your sales pitch for your prospects’ specific stage of awareness—Eric loves your product … Lindsay never heard of it! Here’s how to sell to both of them in the quickest, easiest way. (It’s simpler than you think.)
How to crush your competition … before they know what hit them—These devilishly effective pre-emptive strikes leave them scratching their heads.
How to change the way your prospects think about your product—No matter what they already know about it, you can actually shape how their brains calculate the value of your products. Result? Greater desire and more sales.
How to make your prospects demonstrate your product inside their heads before they spend a penny to buy it—Do this, and the sale is 75% closed.
How to use powerful speaking patterns that build a river of desire for any product or service—An amazingly effective way to talk that gets your prospects’ buying juices flowing. If you didn’t have their attention before, just wait until you see how they respond now.
How to smoke the competition with the power of “extreme specificity”—Chances are, none of your competitors are using this wickedly effective tactic … and they’ll hate you for it. (But you’ll love how it affects your bank account.)
What common mistakes to avoid … at all costs—Commit these sales blunders and you may as well stay in bed the next day. (How many are you making right now?)
What you should NEVER/ALWAYS do during any sales presentation—Whether in person, by phone, email or letter. These tips will save you years of wasted effort.
Expert guides, tips and strategies—All based not on hypothesis, conjecture or wishful thinking, but on tested and proven methods of consumer psychology.
And much more.
Here’s my challenge to you, dear reader. Commit to reading two—yes, just two—pages of this book every day. Skip weekends and holidays if you’d like. And in a few short weeks you’ll know more about what it takes to persuade the consumer mind than 99% of other salespeople on the street today. You’ll know what to say and how to say it. You’ll know how to structure your sentences so they have the greatest impact on not only your prospects, but also on the size of the checks you deposit.
And it doesn’t matter if you work for a corporate giant or you run your own business. It also doesn’t matter what you sell—from anvils to zucchini bread—because as long as you’re dealing with human beings, this book will help you make more money. That’s because the topic is your prospect’s brain, not the things that his brain commands his hand to pay for.
Ready to go? Turn the page and begin a fascinating—and profitable—journey that will perpetually reward you throughout your entire sales career.
Drew Eric Whitman
Direct Response Surgeon™
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin