Praise for BrainScripts for Sales Success

“This is one of those rare books that I wish wouldn’t
get published. It reveals new secrets based on
real experience and the latest scientific evidence.
A masterpiece! This gem will become the new sales bible.”

Dr. Joe Vitale, author Hypnotic Writing and
There’s A Customer Born Every Minute

“Drew Eric Whitman has done it again! BrainScripts gives you
tested psychological tools—plus actual scripts—that help you influence
people to buy. Read it and sell more—it’s just that simple.”

Roger Dawson, author of Secrets of Power Negotiating

“Drew Eric Whitman’s BrainScripts provides a rich journey
through the psychology of beliefs and their influence on
how we make decisions. It shows in detail how beliefs
become established, how they affect behavior and,
most importantly, how business owners can ethically tap
into them to help their companies grow and prosper.”

Robert Dilts, Founder NLP University

“In sales we all want a competitive edge. Drew Eric Whitman
gives us valuable insight into our prospects’ minds.
Can you imagine the power in your sales presentation when you
understand your prospects better than they know themselves?”

Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE, Sales Presentation Skills Expert
Past President of the National Speakers Association

BrainScripts gives sellers an inside look into the psychology of selling, including why people buy and why they don’t. It’s like looking into a crystal ball of human behavior. This is the most comprehensive work on the subject since the selling environment changed dramatically back in 2008.”

Thomas A. Freese, author of
Secrets of Question Based Selling

“The material in BrainScripts is so powerful it should require a
license for use. Luckily for salespeople, we just need to read and apply these psychological principles to sell more than ever.”

Art Sobczak, author of Smart Calling—Eliminate the Fear,
Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling

“Instead of just random talking, BrainScripts gives you actual scripts to
help get your sales message across without setting off your prospects’
‘What’s the catch?’ and ‘It’s too good to be true!’ alarms.”

Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, author of How To Get Instant Trust, Belief, Influence, and Rapport!

“Drew Eric Whitman’s BrainScripts is the definitive advantage in sales strategy—like playing poker while seeing your opponents’ cards.
Read it and win … or pray your competitors do not.”

MJ DeMarco, author of The Millionaire Fastlane

“Well-meaning, but totally out-of-touch salespeople often use lovely
words extolling their own thoughts about a product or service without
understanding the innermost thought processes and desires of the
prospect. Drew Eric Whitman shows you why that’s dead wrong, takes
you inside the step-by-step thinking of the merely curious and the deeply
desirous, and then shows you how to snag the prospect’s interest and lead
him/her to an urgent thrust to purchase! BrainScripts brings you
face-to-face with the prospect’s intimate evaluation procedures so
you can turn them into sales motivations and close the deal!”

René Gnam, author of René Gnam’s Direct Mail Workshop

“Drew Eric Whitman’s BrainScripts takes sales
psychology to a new level. His practical and easy-to-use
tips will also take you to the next level.”

Kerry Johnson, MBA, PhD America’s Sales Psychologist

“Brilliant stuff! BrainScripts is your magic key to unlocking your
prospects’ minds. Packed with game-changing ideas and insights,
it can help you gain the upper hand in your dealings with
people even if you’re not in sales. It gives you an almost
unfair advantage—yet it’s all perfectly legal!”

Richard Bayan, author of Words That Sell

“If you want to fix a car, it helps to read the repair manual.
If you want to sell more products and services,
it helps to learn what influences the consumer mind.
BrainScripts is the sales manual that puts you light years
ahead of your competition in understanding what makes
people buy and positively influencing their buying decisions.
I suggest you read it … before your competition does.”

Dr. Tony Alessandra, author of
The Platinum Rule for Sales Mastery

“Take all of the textbooks ever written about persuasion,
influence, marketing, and salesmanship.
Strip away all the nonsense. Then teach what’s left in
a rip-roaringly entertaining read full of precise recipes
for squeezing every last sale out of any market.
What do you get? BrainScripts by Drew Eric Whitman.
It’s a mistake not to read this book.”

Mark Joyner, Founder and CEO of Simpleology