Class V

THE MORNING RUN ON THE RIVER WAS FUN AND harrowing. Some of the rafters were banged up a bit, though. One young lady from another raft got knocked out by a big wave and was bloodied when she was struck by her own paddle.

Up until the lunch break, everyone in Samuel’s raft stayed in. They were having the time of their lives. With every conquered rapid Gabriel became more alive, more excited, and more confident. He was glad he was on The River.

The names of many of the rapids, he learned, had meanings. Rainbow Falls, for instance, was aptly named because of the rainbows that showed up in the spray when the water pounded the rocks. Most mornings, the sun came through the canyon at just the right angle and created a beautiful prism on The River’s mist.

The Juicer was another amusing rapid. A deep crack in the riverbed resulted in a massive wave and suckhole. The Juicer wasn’t too difficult to navigate, but if a raft didn’t enter with the correct amount of speed, the powerful currents folded the raft in half and “juiced” the riders right out of the boat.

Corkscrew, on the other hand, was very technical. Guides had to make sure they zigzagged back and forth across The River to avoid huge boulders that could pin them and create problems.

Thanks to Samuel’s years of experience on The River, their raft successfully negotiated Rainbow Falls, the Juicer, and Corkscrew. Their on-the-river experience that morning could not have gone better for the rafters—especially for Gabriel. As they pulled to shore for their noontime break, Samuel informed them that there were two more major rapids left on the trip. “They’re doozies,” he said. “But then again, The River has saved the best for last.”

They stopped for lunch at Mansion Turn, which turned out to be a welcome respite from their rigorous morning workout. Mansion Turn was a splendid section of The River where the gradient was almost level. On the right side was a small beach where there was room for the rafts to pull in. Mansion Turn—named for the towering columns of rock—was a popular place to have lunch, take a swim, or even hike up about forty feet to a small stoop and jump into a deep pool.

Twenty minutes after eating trail mix and apples, Samuel whistled. “Everybody gather around, please. We need to go over a few things before we finish the last leg.”

Some were swimming in the calm eddy, while others were still snacking. When everyone had congregated around the rafts resting on the shoreline, Samuel announced, “We’re going to leave in about fifteen minutes. This last section of The River is by far the most dangerous, but it’s also the most fun. About a half mile around the bend, we’re going to hit two rapids back-to-back. The first one is called the Chutes. The gradient gets steep, so the water will be moving fast. The canyon walls come together and make a narrow passage where the water is squeezed through. Be ready because we’ll be moving very quickly.” He motioned with his hands as he spoke.

“If we hit the Chutes sideways, you’ll get flipped over, and trust me, you don’t want to ride the Chutes outside the boat. The bottom is full of huge boulders and rocks, which would ruin your day. Immediately following the Chutes, we barely have time to catch our breath before we hit Widowmaker Falls.”

All chitchatting ceased. No one let out a peep. Everyone was listening with full intensity to what Samuel was saying.

“I don’t tell you this to scare you, but it’s imperative to listen to my every command. A man died at Widowmaker last week. No joke. He fell out on the first big drop and didn’t follow his training. He tried to swim his way out of a huge hydraulic, but he panicked and wore himself out before we could get to him. He got sucked under, and that was the last we saw of him.”

Gabriel got a knot in his stomach. The tone of the day was suddenly much more serious.

“Here’s the deal, guys.” Samuel made eye contact with several rafters. “I’ve done Widowmaker hundreds of times. It is a truly awesome section of The River, but it deserves our respect. We can and will do it safely, but we will treat it with respect and we will have a blast doing it. Everyone all right with that?”

“Let’s do this!” Jimmy yelled from the back.

The meeting broke up, and everyone headed to their rafts. Gabriel felt like he had made so much progress. His belief in himself and The River had grown with each passing minute. But Samuel’s pep talk jolted him to his core. He couldn’t help but think about his father after hearing about Widowmaker. He’d played the scene of that fateful day over and over in his mind, countless times.

What if something like that happens to me? Is this really worth it?

Before he could sink deeper into worry, Tabitha grabbed his arm.

“Hey!” Tabitha said with hushed excitement. “We have a few minutes before we push off. Come with me!” She grabbed Gabriel by the elbow and started to walk.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see. Just follow me.”

Kicking pebbles underneath their feet, they climbed some rocks and hit some woods before coming upon a vista that overlooked The River.

“Wow, this is a beautiful view.” Gabriel was a bit out of breath from the quick and vigorous climb.

“You want to go first or me?” Tabitha gestured toward the still pools below, which had to be a good forty feet down.


“We could go together!”

It finally dawned on Gabriel what Tabitha was saying.

“Jump? From here? We must be four stories up!”

“Come on. It’ll be fun. I’ve done it tons of times.”

Before Gabriel could even respond, Tabitha pecked his cheek with a kiss, grabbed his hand, and shouted, “One. . . two. . . three!”

Before he knew what was happening, he followed her and stepped into the abyss. They were airborne. Gabriel hung on to Tabitha’s hand as long as he could, then let go. He involuntarily flailed his arms because The River was still a long ways down.


He closed his eyes and braced for a feet-first landing. With a sizable splash he spilled into the chilly water but immediately surfaced like a submerged beach ball, thanks to the PFD around his chest.

When he got to the surface, his first thought was to find Tabitha. There she was, laughing her head off, and he swam to her and gave her a huge hug.

“That was so awesome!” he yelled. “Oh man!”

Gabriel wiped his face with his hands and pushed his wet hair back. “I would have never done that on my own.”

Her brief kiss had made it all possible.

He dragged himself to shore, and his buddies were saying things like, “What got into you?” Gabriel didn’t have an answer, but he did know that his fear of the future had faded a great deal. He could—and would—handle anything The River would throw at him.

Back on the raft, they floated through the beautiful canyon like the calm before a big storm, preparing for the whitewater that lay ahead at Widowmaker. Gabriel turned back to Tabitha. “I’m going to get you for that,” he vowed. “I don’t know how, but it’s coming!”

“We’ll see about that.” Tabitha laughed. “I wish I had a picture of that look on your face! See, you weren’t even thinking about Widowmaker when you jumped. You were just living!”

“You suckered me, and you know it.”

“Sure did.”

Gabriel made a funny face, but he didn’t mind. . . at all.

Samuel’s voice brought him into the present. “Okay, guys, let’s get set. In about two minutes you’re about to start the ride of your lives.”

Samuel got everyone focused. At this point, Gabriel thought, he was as ready as he’d ever be. The pace of the water accelerated, and he could hear the roar of the rapids just around the corner. They floated through the bend as Samuel guided the boat, using his paddle as a rudder. The decibel level rose markedly from the crashing whitewater ahead.

As he was preparing himself, Gabriel looked up and saw the great white hawk circling over the rapids downstream. Then he turned, and they were arriving at the entrance of the Chutes. His fear faded into pure joy as he felt the raft move into the rapids and go up, then down. . . then up, then down. . .

“Forward hard!” Samuel shouted in the distance.

Water splashed from every side and tossed the boat around like a cork in a washing machine. Gabriel had a huge smile because he was having the time of his life. He whooped and hollered through the rapids as the raft dodged rocks and careened through the gorge. Each time a wave crashed over the bow, Gabriel accepted the fury of the water and just kept paddling. Everyone on the raft was yelling like teenage girls on a roller coaster.

They came through the Chutes perfectly.

As Gabriel caught his breath, he noticed that Samuel was still focused and intense.

“Okay. . . excellent, guys! Yes! You’ve got about sixty seconds to rest, and then we hit Widowmaker!”

Samuel steered the raft so that they were floating backward down The River. This would give them the right angle on Widowmaker, he explained.

“Stay focused! Right forward hard!”

This maneuver spun the boat around so they were facing downstream again. Gabriel looked ahead and saw a massive boulder in the middle of The River, and to the left of the boulder, a big drop-off, followed by another one where the horizon disappeared.

Samuel shouted several commands, and everyone followed in perfect coordination. They hit the first drop dead-on and powered through at breakneck speed. Then a massive wave poured over the front of the boat, drenching everyone. Like a writhing mechanical bull, the raft bucked through the massive somersault waves, grazing rocks below the surface.

Then the last drop came—Widowmaker Falls. Before Samuel could say anything, the right side of the raft over-powered the left side, and the raft turned slightly to the left. Samuel yelled for a correction, but they hurtled over the last drop. . . sideways.

The yellow raft hit the bottom of the falls, and a brick wall of water smacked them violently. Like a killer whale tossing a sea lion in a vicious attack, The River threw the helpless raft straight up in the air, which catapulted everyone into the churning water.

Arms and legs thrashing, the rafters were scattered in the boiling waters. Within seconds Samuel bounced back up and grabbed on to the raft, which was drifting downstream upside down. One by one the rafters surfaced, all except Gabriel. The current slowed a hundred yards downstream, and Stevie and Samuel pulled the raft over to the right side.

“Anybody see Gabriel?” Jimmy shouted.

Tabitha was on the other side of The River, catching her breath in a waist-deep eddy. As they were all looking around frantically, he popped up from underneath the whitewater and started floating toward the others. Clutching his paddle, Gabriel aimed his feet downstream and floated until the water slowed and he could get his feet under him.


Everyone cheered his arrival.

“You okay?” Jimmy shouted.

Gabriel found himself in water shallow enough to stand up in. He put his hands over his face, took a deep breath, and slammed his paddle into the water like he was chopping wood—because he was happy. Then, reminiscent of a medieval warrior with a spear in hand, he hoisted his paddle high over his head, over and over.

“YEAHHHHHHHHHH! I did it! I did it! Yes! Woohoo!” Gabriel shook the canyon with his battle cry. He knew that his fear and indifference had been shattered—forever.

The River had opened up a whole new world to him. A world he was destined for. A world he belonged to.

He was sure his life would never be the same.