Daddy Said



I prunk you hea

precause tis is ta lan of



In Samoa,

te is nofing

To you heard me Son?



Hea in Ameika

ta worlt is at

you finka tip

and ta sky is ta limits


You know why I nefa

teach you Samoan Son?

cause Samoan no ket you

anyfing in life


tis is ta white man’s worlt

an Enklish is

only fink tat matta

You heard me Son?


Tis is ta white man’s worlt

an at ta en of tat ay, we all haf

to walk fru his toor


at ta en of tat ay, we all haf

walk fru his toor

cause he sign ta check Son


look at me,

my whole life I strukle wif

fo try speak ta Enlish


i strukle my ass off Son

so tat you can ket you

pestes echucation


So I make tamn sure

my sons masta Enklish

precause tis is what pestes


You see what I’m said Son?


Tis is why it pisses me when

te say, How come I nefa teachet

you speak Samoan?


What ta hell te fink I prunk you here fo eh?

tes stupit hets know

nofing apout Samoa


Rememper sumfing Son,

Amerika is ta pestes place in ta worlt

so ket ta echucation


pe ta tocto

pe ta lawya

tis is my tream fo you

tis is why fo I prunk you hea


fo to kif you ta

opportunity to haf ta

fings i nefa haf


You see what I’m said Son?


Okay, koot talk


Alu su’esu’e

ko prush ta teef

an to ta maf homewok