Keep your knees as high as possible, pumping your arms and running as lightly as possible. Do not put pressure on knees by pounding the floor or ground too hard.


Start with your feet slightly wider than your hips, arms out to the side, and lean forward. Move your feet as fast as possible, alternating from one foot to the other.


Keep your feet parallel, chest up, arms out. Make slight fists and bring one knee up to the arm above it. Bring it down then bring the other knee up and bring it down. Try not to move your arms as you move your legs.


Start in a push-up position. Keep your hands flat on the floor outside of your legs. Bring one leg forward, then shuffle the legs, alternating from left to right, right to left, at a controlled pace.


Start with feet together and arms down by your side. Jump to open legs and clap hands above head, then bring arms back down to sides and legs back together.


Start in standing position with your feet parallel and arms by your side. Squat down and place hands on the floor, then push one leg back, followed by the other. Now you’re in push-up position. Immediately bring the first leg back in, the second leg back in, bend your knees and stand straight up to starting position.


Starting position: Feet parallel. Chest up, arms by your side. Squat down, touch the floor, kick out both legs to straight legs. Now you are in a push-up position. Immediately bend legs back into squat position and stand up straight.



Start with your legs parallel, hands on your hips and your chest up. Reach down and touch your toes, dropping your head. Return to starting position.


Start with your legs open wide, arms out to the side and your arms straight. Use your left hand to touch your right toes as your right arm reaches up and back. Return to starting position and reverse it (right hand touches your left toes as your left arm reaches up and back).


Separate your legs slightly wider than shoulder width. Stretch your arms out to the side. Letting the left arm lead the way, stretch to the right side. Slowly return to starting position. Then switch sides. Leading with the right arm, stretch to the left side as far as you can.


Stand on both feet. Bring your right leg behind you and use the same arm to pull your heel in toward your hamstrings. Now switch legs. Hold on to a wall if you’re unable to balance.


Lie on your back with your legs bent. Use both arms to pull your right knee into your chest, keeping your lower back on the floor. Hold it for a few seconds, then repeat with the opposite leg.


Sit down on the floor with your chest up. Lean forward and reach for your toes. Hold that position for a few seconds, keeping your legs as straight as possible. Return to starting position.



Start with feet parallel and arms straight out to the side. Make a slight fist with each hand and slightly move your arms forward in a circular motion; for backward rotation, reverse it and rotate your arms backward in a circular motion. Try to keep your arms as straight as possible when going in either direction.


Start by sitting on the floor with your knees bent. You should be on the heels of your feet so that your toes are pointing upward. Place your arms behind you, slightly bent, with your fingers pointing toward your hips. Straighten your arms to bring your bottom off the floor. Bend the elbows slightly and press back up to straight arms. Note: Keep your butt off the floor throughout the exercise.


Start in push-up position, but this time with your knees on the ground. Your arms should be slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend the arms to about a 90-degree angle, keeping the weight over your chest as you push back up to straight arms.


Get into push-up position, with your arms out slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your body and your core as tight as possible. Bend your elbows and come down to about a 90-degree angle. Push back up to straight arms. It’s important to keep your body straight and your core tight during this exercise.


Get into push-up position, bringing your index fingers and thumbs together to form a diamond. Keep the hands very close together. Bend your elbows, bringing your body down as far as you possibly can. Press back up to straighten your arms, keeping your body flat.



Start with your legs slightly wider than your hips, arms open to the side, hands making slight fists. Initiate with your hips, pushing them back as you bring your chest forward. Go forward as far as you can (try to go down to a 90-degree angle) and then slowly squeeze the hips and glutes in as you rise to starting position.


Start with your feet flat on the floor, chest up and hands on hips. Press upward with the balls of your feet so that your heels are off the ground, and hold for a few seconds. Slowly return your heels to the floor.


Start with your feet parallel and hands on your hips. Bring your left foot behind you and rest it on the back of your right ankle. Push up on the ball of your right foot as far as you can so that your right heel is off the ground, and hold. Bring your right heel down to starting position. Switch legs and repeat. Note: Hold on to a wall if necessary.


Start with your feet parallel and arms out front, making a slight fist with each hand. Starting with your hips, move your bottom down and back as if you’re going to sit on a chair. Lower your body to a 90-degree angle, and then slowly come back up to starting position. If necessary, lean against a wall. Make sure your chest stays up throughout the entire exercise.


Start with your feet parallel, chest up, and hands on hips. Step out on your left leg, keeping your chest up. Bend your knees, slowly lowering your body. Do not let your right knee touch the floor but come as close to it as possible. Slowly rise back up. Repeat, but this time, lead with your right leg.


Start with your knees bent and fingers touching the floor. Jump as high as you can, fingers stretching upward. Return to starting position.


Start with your feet parallel and chest up, with your arms straight out and your hands in slight fists. Bring one leg out straight in front of you, slowly lowering your body on the standing leg and keeping the other leg as straight as possible. Go down as far as you can, hold the position and then slowly return to starting position. Repeat on the opposite leg.



Start in a push-up position but with your weight resting on your forearms and your hands in loose fists. Your arms should be as wide as your shoulders. Keep your body straight and your core very tight and hold.


Start in the push-up position. Come down with your right arm and then your left arm so that you’re in standard plank position with your weight resting on your forearms. Push up with your right arm and then your left to return to push-up position. Repeat, leading with your left arm.


Lie on your stomach with your arms reaching out in front and your legs stretched out behind you. Lift your arms and legs off the floor simultaneously, arching your back as much as possible. Hold for ten slow counts and then return to starting position.


Start by lying down on your back, with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise your arms straight out in front of you and make loose fists with your hands. Come up slightly so that your shoulders and head are off the floor, and then lower your body back to starting position, keeping your shoulders and head off the floor throughout the set. Note: The crunch should initiate with your core, not your neck. Straining your neck can lead to injury.


Start in standard crunch position, raising your feet off the ground so that your legs form a 90-degree angle (a tabletop). Raise your arms straight out in front of you and make loose fists with your hands. Come up slightly so that your shoulders and head are off the floor, and then lower your body back to starting position. Keep your head and shoulders off the floor throughout the set.


Start by lying down on your back, with your legs straight up in the air. Come up slightly, keeping your arms outside your legs and your legs extended straight up. Lower your body back down. Remember that the crunch should initiate with your core, not your neck.


Lie on your back with your arms down by your side. Bring your feet slightly off the floor, keeping the legs as straight as possible, and flutter the legs up and down. Be sure to keep your lower back as relaxed as possible. Note: Your feet should stay off the floor throughout the set.


Lie on your back and bring your feet up slightly off the floor. Slightly open and close your legs, touching your heels together as fast as possible. Note: Your feet should stay off the floor throughout the set.


Lie on your back with your upper body slightly off the floor, your knees bent, feet parallel, and fingers interlocked behind your head. Come up from your core and touch your left elbow to your right knee, twist and touch your right elbow to your left knee, and then return to starting position. Note: Your head and shoulders should stay off the floor throughout the set.


Lie on your back with your upper body slightly off the floor, your knees bent, feet parallel and fingers interlocked behind your head. Have a partner hold your feet down. Come up from your core and touch your left elbow to your right knee, twist and touch your right elbow to your left knee, and then return to starting position.


Lie on your right side with your legs bent, left arm behind your head and your right hand by your right side or on the floor. Squeeze your abdominals to come up off the floor and slowly return to starting position. Repeat on left side.


Lie on your back and bring your legs off the floor so that your knees are bent in a tabletop position (90-degree angle). Cross your arms over your torso. Raise your torso off the floor, simultaneously opening up your arms to the sides, like wings. Balance on your tailbone for a few seconds, then return to starting position by lowering your torso back down and crossing your arms across your chest. Your feet should remain off the floor in a tabletop position.


Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your arms facedown on the floor. Bend your legs in to push your bottom up off the floor, straightening your legs slightly as you push your legs and bottom straight up in the air. Bend your legs back in and press out to straighten your legs. Repeat.


Lie on your back with your legs bent, feet on the floor, and knees together. Extend your right leg straight with both knees touching. Raise up with your upper body as far as possible (ideally sitting up on your tailbone), reaching forward with your arms. Extend your left leg so that both legs are now straight. Hold this position for a few seconds. Bend your left leg in, and hold for a few seconds. Return to start position and switch to opposite side, extending your left leg to start.


Lie on the floor with your legs straight out, arms behind your head, holding on to your partner’s ankles. Keeping your legs as straight as possible, bring them straight up to your partner. As your partner pushes your legs down, try to control your legs as much as possible. Then return to starting position. You should let your legs go down as close to the floor as possible without touching it.


Lie on your back with your feet off the floor in a tabletop position. Keep your fingers interlocked behind your neck and your elbows open. Come up and twist, touching your right elbow to your left knee and then your left elbow to your right knee. Note: Keep your head and shoulders off the floor throughout the set.


Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. With your fingers interlocked behind your neck, curl in (bringing your knees to your elbows) and release out (straightening your legs).