30 December 1812: Yorck, commander of the Prussian Auxiliary Corps in Russia, signs the Convention of Tauroggen ending de facto the Prussian alliance with the French. The Wars of Liberation are considered to have begun at this point.


28 February: Prussia and Russia sign the Treaty of Kalisch. Alliance against France formed.

18 March: Hamburg occupied by Russians under Tettenborn.

27 March: Prussians and Russians occupy Dresden in Saxony.

2 April: Prussians and Russians defeat French at Lüneburg, taking Morand and 2,000 men prisoner.

2 May: Battle of Lützen or Gross-Görschen. French victory.

18 May: Swedes under Bernadotte land in Pomerania.

20-21 May: Battle of Bautzen. French victory.

30 May: Hamburg reoccupied by French under Davout.

4-26 June: Armistice of Poischwitz. Later extended to 16 August.

15 June: Prussia and Russia sign subsidy treaty with Britain.

21 June: Wellington’s victory at Vittoria.

27 June: Treaty of Reichenbach signed by Austria, Russia and Prussia.

21 July: Swedes join coalition.

12 August: Austria declares war on France.

16 August: Hostilities commence.

23 August: Battle of Grossbeeren. French defeated.

26-27 August: Battle of Dresden. Napoleon beats Schwarzenberg.

26 August: Battle on the Katzbach. Blücher beats Macdonald.

27 August: Battle of Hagelberg. French defeated.

29-30 August: Battles of Kulm and Nollendorf. French defeated.

6 September: Battle of Dennewitz. French under Ney defeated.

3 October: Battle of Wartenburg. Yorck’s Prussians defeat French under Marmont.

8 October: Bavaria leaves Confederation of Rhine and joins Allies.

14 October: Cavalry battle at Liebertwolkwitz.

16-19 October: BATTLE OF LEIPZIG. Napoleon defeated. French withdraw from Germany.

30-31 October: Battle of Hanau. Attempt by Bavarians to halt French retreat unsuccessful.