Danny went to Ms. Rait’s house after practice the next day. He wasn’t going to let her say he didn’t do his part. If she failed him, it wasn’t going to be because he quit. He knew that’s what his dad would have told him, so he did as she asked, but he made no small talk. He didn’t ask about her cat or the kittens.
Wednesday night, he woke up screaming. He’d dreamed about the last run with his dad, only in the dream his dad lay there begging Danny for help. Danny stood there, willing his legs to run with every fiber he had, but he couldn’t force them to move.
Danny’s mom rushed into the room and held him until he stopped screaming and just cried. She told him it was okay, and even heavy with sadness, he remembered Mr. Crenshaw’s words and knew that it was okay.
Thursday’s game was slow torture. He rode with the team on the bus to Millerton, his mind blank while everyone around him wound themselves into a frenzy. He sat on the bench, still elevating his foot, but he couldn’t avoid seeing Markle go on a romp through the Millerton defense. At one point, Bug appeared and asked Danny to hand him the water bottle resting beside him.
Bug didn’t mean anything by it, he was just Bug, but it made Danny feel like a water boy. The ride home was worse. The team chanted Markle’s name as he led the cheer like a band director, standing in the middle of the bus. Even Cupcake joined in until he saw Danny glaring at him.
Cupcake shrugged and silently mouthed, “Sorry.”
Danny stayed quiet as Herman drove him and Cupcake into town. When they pulled into Rait’s driveway, Cupcake spun around from the front seat to address Danny. “Hey, bro. It’s all gonna be beef. You’ll come back next week and light the world on fire. You’ll pass your test and play in the big game. This is all gonna seem like some bad barley dream that’s over.”
Danny’s hand stopped on the door handle and he paused a beat before he looked Cupcake in the eye. “I seriously doubt any of that will happen.”
Danny enjoyed the shock on his best friend’s face. “Even if the doctor clears me and even if Coach Kinen gives me a chance to win my job back, I’m on track to fail Rait’s test and I’ll be ineligible for the big game anyway.”
“Bro, you’ve been here every day. You’re barely on Xbox anymore. You know she’s gonna pass you.” Cupcake smiled like it was a joke between them.
“No. She’s not.” Danny didn’t wait to continue the discussion. He got out, thanked Herman, and marched into Rait’s house as he heard them pull away.
The next day his mom picked him up after school and took him to the doctor’s. They were shown directly into a waiting room without an MRI this time.
“Please take off your shoe and sock,” said the nurse who showed them in.
Danny did as he was told. He wiggled his toes and forced a smile at his mom.
Dr. Severs came in after about a half hour.
“So, how’s it feeling?” The doctor picked up Danny’s foot and immediately put strong pressure on the injured bone.
The way his life was going, Danny was ready for pain, but it didn’t come. “Fine.”
The doctor held the foot, squeezing harder and searching Danny’s face. Danny thought of his dad and his old-school toughness. He’d made it another way. Maybe listening to the doctor’s advice—no matter how hard it had been—was new-school toughness. He smiled until the doctor let go.
“Well, it looks good to me.” Dr. Severs typed some notes on his laptop. “Keep an eye on it, though. Any pain or swelling and I want to know about it. Got it?”
“Yes, sir.” Danny pulled on his sock. He couldn’t stop grinning. “Uh, Doctor, could you call Coach Kinen for me and tell him I’m good to go?”
“I’ll send him an email.” The doctor looked down at his computer and began to type again. “And good luck, Danny. I’m taking my two boys to the championship. I’m assuming you’ll be there. We’ll be rooting for you.”
The doctor looked up and smiled.
Danny couldn’t bring himself to say that he had no idea if he’d even play.