I’d like to mention A Companion to Ethics as especially useful to this author, although, unsurprisingly, I haven’t agreed with every single view expressed in that anthology. I’d also like to thank the unnatural patience shown me by my companion Judith and all those friends I forced to read my original manuscript. I’m always grateful to my students for making me laugh and providing me with some of the very few original ideas in this book. I am also full of admiration for Chris Garratt who has made this book more fun than it might have been. Thanks also to my editor, Richard Appignanesi, who had to remind me patiently what commas are for. Finally I would like to thank Professor R.F. Atkinson for much of my formal and informal education in ethical philosophy. I would recommend everyone read his book Conduct: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy (Macmillan 1969) when they have finished with this one.
Artwork assistants
Diane Dalton
Sophie Garratt
Duncan Heath