Postmodernist Visions: Supermarket Slavery

So what moral futures does Postmodernism offer us? Postmodernism celebrates uncertainty and variety, so it’s unlikely to point with certainty to any one ethical destination. But here are a few …

The late Capitalist future could be one of scarce resources, genetically engineered humans, huge corporate employers of slave labour, and hi-tech surveillance of channel-hopping consumers who inhabit a present-tense world of images. The constant “Spectacle” of consumerist images would control and hypnotize individual citizens to accept the “morality” of Capitalism.


This morality insists on the need to produce and consume, the acceptance of meaningless work, and the isolation of individuals from each other. westerners will become slaves at work and slaves in the supermarket. Individual morality will cease to exist. The only choice will be that made by consumers between products.