Accra, Ghana, 45, 122n


coherent vs. incoherent, 14, 15, 79–80

deliberation before, 8, 77–78, 81–82

in haste, 10, 81

repetition and, 22–23, 31, 91

without thought, 9, 81

Aesop, 9, 10, 11, 17, 79, 108


“seed insecurity” in, 46, 48, 62, 123n

voluntary associations in, 44–47

Aire, Belgium, 50

Algeria, 68

aliveness, 85, 89

ambulance work, 16, 17, 29, 30

American Heart Association, 33, 115n–16n, 118n

Amsterdam Rescue Society, 33

Andromache, 10

Antarctic Treaty (1959), 67

Arendt, Hannah, 14, 79

Aristotle, 8

on deliberation, 8, 99, 106–7

on habit, 85, 87, 101

armies, “standing” vs. “citizen’s,” 73

Army, U.S., 27

Artaud, Antonin, 13–14, 79, 113n

Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, 55

artificial respiration, 21

Athens (ancient Greece), 96

Attlee, Clement, 64

Australia, 69

Austria, 60

ballistic missiles, 70

Baltimore fire and ambulance service, 27

Bangkok, Treaty of (1995), 67

Bangor, Wash., 70

Battlefords Mutual Aid Area, 35

Baudelaire, Charles, 10

Beauvais, France, 50

Beckett, Samuel, 85

Berman, Harold, 49–51

Bible, 21

billeting, emergency, 37, 40

Blue Ridge Mountains, 57, 58

Bologna, Italy, 50

Bonvicino, Alessandro, 55

Book of Odes, 62

Born, Hans, 4

“bottoming,” 103–4

Box Hill shelter, England, 65

Boy Scouts, 33

brain matter, habit and, 87, 90, 101–2

Bratton, Michael, 47

Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, 25–26

Britannia (royal yacht), 65

Budapest, Hungary, 55

Bush, George H. W., 134n

Bush, George W., xii, 68, 71, 97, 112n, 134n

Byrd, Robert C., 97

bystanders, CPR given by, 29–31, 32–33, 53, 117n–19n

California, 36, 129n

“Call to Action for Bystander Response, A” (American Heart Association), 33

Canada, Canadians:

constitution, 132n

emergency response strategies in, 12, 13

mutual aid contracts in, 34–42, 79, 96

Canetti, Elias, 13

cardiac arrest, out-of-hospital, 29, 30

cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, see CPR

Carter, Jimmy, 128n

case histories:

Naicam, Canada, grain elevator fire in, 38–40, 41

Vanguard, Canada, rainstorm in, 35–38, 39, 47, 119n

Ceausescu, Nicolae, 77

censorship, of press, 109n

Chicago, Ill., 29, 30

children, CPR and, 21–23, 30–31, 32, 114n, 118n

China, 3, 46, 125n

Confucian morality in, 64

grain shelters in, 62–64

“chronic emergency,” 4, 14

cities, mutual aid and, 49–51, 124n–25n, 134n

civil defense, U.S., 41–42, 57–62, 71, 121n–22n, 127n–28n

Civil War, U.S., 77

Clinton, Bill, 98, 128n, 139n

coherent action, 14, 15, 79–80

Cole, Jonathan, 31

color perception, 88, 135n–36n

Columbia University, 31

“communes for peace,” 49–51, 124n

Conduct of the Understanding (Locke), 8, 100, 103–4

Congress, U.S.:

attendance requirements of, 97

power to declare war given to, 71–73, 74, 77, 98, 133n

Considerations on Representative Government (Mill), 8

Constitution, U.S.:

deliberation before action required by, 77, 97

jury deliberation in, 16, 79

Second Amendment to, 71, 73–74, 76, 96

Twenty-Fifth Ammendment, 110n

war initiation protocols in, 6, 16, 69–70, 71–72, 73–74, 75–76, 77, 79, 96, 107–8

constitutional brake on war, 6, 16, 69–80, 82

congressional deliberation as, 71–72, 77, 97

foreign constitution provisions and, 75–76, 125n, 132n

never-injure rules and, 78–79, 133n–34n

U.S. Constitution specifics and, 69–70, 71–72, 73–74, 77

Constitutional Dictatorship (Rossiter), 3, 131n–32n

CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation), xiii, 19–34, 53, 79, 82, 96, 102, 107–8

ancient practices of, 20

chest compressions in, 23, 28, 31, 32

children and, 21–23, 30–31, 32, 114n, 118n

“classic,” 31, 32

distribution strategies and, 27–28

as given by bystanders, 29–31, 32–33, 53, 118n–19n

habit and, 20, 26, 31, 34

“head tilt, chin up” position in, 23–24, 53

in Kenya hospital studies, 21–23

learning and relearning of, 25for neonatal resuscitation, 24–25

survival rates after, 21–22, 26, 29–31

“watch the chest,” 24, 115n

Cranston, Maurice, 66

creation, habit and, 90–98, 99

criminals, punishment of, 78–79

Crowds and Power (Canetti), 13

Cuban Missile Crisis, 65

cultural artifacts, protection of, 55–57

Cypress Hutterite Colony Farm, 37, 47

David, Jacques-Louis, 55

De Anima (Aristotle), 8

De Corpore (Hobbes), 8

defibrillation, 30

deliberation, 106–7

action preceded by, 8, 77–78, 81–82, 141n

etymology of, 102, 140n

governance and, 99–101

habit and, 81–83, 98–106

material obstruction and, 99, 101–6

democracy, “equality of survival” and, 52–53, 60–61

Dewey, John:

on deliberation, 104–6

on sensory perception, 87–89, 101, 102, 103, 136n

drought, 46–47

earthquake, 42, 43, 48

East Germany, 76–77

education, 87

Egypt, ancient, 20–21

Eichmann, Adolf, 14, 79

Eisenberg, Mickey, 27, 28, 33, 119n

Eisenhower, Dwight, 128n

Elam, James, 21, 27, 116n–17n

Elisha the Prophet, 21

Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 65

Elster, Jon, 105

emergency(ies), 7

action without thought in, 9, 81

as analogue for theatre, 13

billeting plans in, 37, 40

case histories of, see case histories

claims and requirements of, 7–10

coherent action in, 14, 15, 79–80

constitutional brake on war and, 6, 16, 69–80, 82,

CPR and, 19–34, 53, 79, 82, 96, 102, 107–8

cultural artifacts in, 55–57

declarations of, 36, 40, 41

deliberation and, see deliberation

designing and testing procedures for, 40–41, 52

drought as, 46–47

“equality of survival” in, xiii, 52–54, 60–61, 64, 65

evacuation procedures in, 37, 40

fallout shelters in, 52, 54, 56–57, 58, 59–60, 64–65

famine as, 46, 62

government response to, 16, 42, 44, 121n—22n

immobilization in, 14, 42, 44, 79

incoherent action in, 14, 15, 79–80

language of, 11–12, 112n—13n

mind in exile in, 10–15

minimization of injury in, 77–78

mutual aid contracts in, 34–51

populations and, see populations, emergency and

“right of exit” in, 66–67, 69

seriatim structure in, 16–17

Swiss shelter system and, 13, 51–69, 79, 82, 96, 106–8

water contamination as, 37–38

water supply in, 39

Emergency Preparedness Digest, 12, 13

Epictetus, 66

“equality of survival,” xiii, 52–54, 60–61, 64, 65

Essay on Human Understanding (Locke), 8

Ethiopia, 46–47, 48, 62, 123n

evacuation, emergency, 37, 40

executive power, xii, 4–5, 57, 75, 76, 97–98

fallout shelters, 52, 54, 56–57, 58, 59–60, 64–65

famine, 46, 62

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 58, 127n–28n

Finland, 60, 125n

“first-use” policy, 3–4, 70, 75, 98, 112n

floods, 36–38

France, 3, 124n, 134n

declarations of war by, 75, 131n

General Assembly of 1789, 74

lines of succession in, 5

Franklin, Benjamin:

D. H. Lawrence on, 91, 92, 93–95

inventiveness of, 91, 138n

Tolstoy on, 92, 137n

Venturi architectural portrait of, 91, 92–94, 95, 107

“freedom of the seas,” 68

Freiburg, Germany, 50

Friske, Carle, 120n

Gandhi, Indira, xi

Gandhi, Mohandas, 74

“gate control theory of pain,” 90, 136n–37n

Geertz, Clifford, 45

Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 3, 4

Germany, 60, 131n–32n, 125n

Gershwin, George, 91

Ghana, 45

Girl Scouts, 33

Gladwell, Malcolm, 137n

glass harmonica, 96, 138n

Goldblat, Jozef, 130n

Good Samaritan laws, 132n

Gothenburg, Sweden, 30

governance, 8–9

deliberation and habit in, 99–101

Locke on, 100


accountability of, in emergency, 48

democracy and “equality of survival,” 52–53, 60–61

emergency decision-making by, 16

immobilization of, 42, 44

nuclear weapons controlled by, 4–7

grain elevator fires, 38–40, 62

grain shelters, 62–64

Greenbrier Hotel shelter, White Sulphur Springs, 59, 127n

Gulf War, 74

Gup, Ted, 59, 127n

habit, 14–18, 62, 79–80, 81–108, 113n–14n, 134n

aliveness and, 85

brain matter and, 87, 90, 101–2

CPR procedures and, 20, 26, 31, 34

creation and, 90–98, 99

deliberation and, 81–83, 98–106

education and, 87

governance and, 99–101

law as form of, 80, 101

material obstruction and, 99, 101–6

and mental creation, 90–98, 99

nuclear war and, 70

and sensory perception, 83–90, 99

Swiss shelter system and, see Swiss shelter system

voluntary associations and, 43

Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property, 56

Haig, Alexander, 110n—11n

Haiti, invasion of, 74, 98

Hallie, Philip, 134n

Hamburg, Germany, 33–34

Han dynasty, 62

“head tilt, chin up” position (CPR), 23–24, 53

hearing, sense of, 84

Hebrew scriptures, 20

Hector, 10

Hennessy, Peter, 65

Hitler, Adolf, 131n–32n

Hobbes, Thomas, 8, 51, 63, 67, 78, 99, 102, 140n

hopelessness, 11, 13

How We Think (Dewey), 104–5, 136n

Huguenots, 134n

Human Nature and Conduct (Dewey), 136n

Hume, David, 99

Hutterites, 37, 47

Iceland, 124n

Illinois state legislature, 97

immobilization, 14, 42, 44, 79

incoherent action, 14, 15, 79–80

India, xi–xii, 3, 46, 74, 75, 131n–32n

injury minimization, 77–79, 133n

International Court of Justice, 4

International Guidelines on CPR, 22, 23, 25, 26

International Red Cross, 33

invention, inventors, 90–95

Iraq War, 74, 97, 98

Israel, 3

Italy, 124n—25n

James, William, on habit, 85–87, 101, 135n

Japan, 30–31, 32, 125n

Non-Profit Activities Law of, 44

voluntary associations in, 42–44, 48

Jefferson, Thomas, 72

Jekyll, Gertrude, 88

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29

Johannesburg, University of, 31

John F. Kennedy Library, 97

Johns Hopkins University Hospital, 28

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 28

Jude, James, 21, 28

Kennedy, John F., 128n

Kenya, 21–23

Kilifi District Hospital, Kenya, 22, 25, 115n

Kindersley, Canada, 40

Kings Bay, Ga., 70

Klotz, Frank, 110n

Knickerbocker, Guy, 21, 28

Kobai earthquake, 42, 43, 48

Korean War, 52, 74, 133n

Kouwenhoven, William, 21, 28

Kropotkin, Peter, 124n

Kyoto, Japan, 30–31

Lagos, Nigeria, 45

Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, 22–23, 25, 26, 31, 115n

Langton, Rae, xi

language of emergency, 11–12, 112n—13n

Lawrence, D. H., 91, 92, 93–95

laws, legal procedures, 4, 7, 11, 12, 54–55, 56, 72, 74, 80, 96, 101

Laws, The (Plato), 8

Leviathan (Hobbes), 8, 67

Life in the Balance: Emergency Medicine and the Quest to Reverse Sudden Death (Eisenberg), 27

Lithuania, 77

Lobel, Jules, 5

Locke, John, 8, 51, 63, 66, 67, 78, 99–100, 103–4, 133n, 140n–41n

London, 34

Los Angeles, Calif., 29, 30

Luini, Bernardino, 56

Lusaka, Zambia, 24

McMahon, Martin, 23, 24, 27–28

Madagascar, 68

Maine, USS, 70

Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy (Putnam), 48

Malmö, Sweden, 30

Manual of Parliamentary Practice (Jefferson), 72

Marseille, France, 55

material obstruction, 99, 101–6

Matisse, Henri, 88

Melfort, Canada, 39

Melzack, Ronald, 90, 136n—37n

Metz, Donald, 17

Miel, Jan, 55

Milan, Italy, 33

Milgram (electric shock) experiments, 14

Mill, John Stuart, 8, 99

Mirabeau, Honoré, 74

Monet, Claude, 88

Montaigne, on habit, 84, 87, 89, 100–101, 102, 135n

Mount Weather shelter system, 57–58

Mozart, Wolfgang, 138n—39n

Musée de Beaux-Arts, Marseille, 55

Museum of Art, Philadelphia, 55–56

mutual aid contracts, 34–51, 79, 96, 107

billeting provided by, 37, 40

case histories of, see case histories

as “communes for peace,” 49–51, 124n

in designing and testing emergency procedures, 40–41, 52

emergency equipment and, 41

“equality of survival” in, 53, 61

evacuation provided by, 37, 41

immigrants’ rights and, 45, 50–51

and voluntary associations, 42–51

see also Swiss shelter system

Naicam, Canada, 38–40, 41

Nanemei Akpee (Society of Friends), Ghana, 45

National Research Council, 27, 33

nation-states, 49, 51, 123n

Natural Resources Defense Council, 71

Ndola, Zambia, 24

Needham, Joseph, 62

neonatal resuscitation, 24–25

never-injure rules, 78–79, 133n–34n

New York, N.Y., 29, 30

New Zealand, 68–69

Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 85

Nigeria, 22

Non-Profit Activities Law (Japan), 44

Notuku Creek, Canada, 36

Nova Scotia, Canada, 40–41

nuclear-free zones, 67–69, 129n

nuclear weapons:

civilian casualties of, 52

elimination of, 69, 76

executive power and, xii, 4–5, 57, 75, 76, 97–98

fallout shelters as protection against, 52, 54, 56–57, 58, 59–60, 64–65

in “first-use” policy, 3–4, 70, 75, 98

nonconstitutional arrangements for, 6, 60–61, 111n

at sea, 68

in “second-use only” policy, 3

states with access to, xii–xiii, 3–4, 67, 76

strategic policies and, 3–4, 6

submarines carrying, 70

torture compared with, xiii

Nung Cheng Chhüan Shu (treatise), 62

Oakes, Gerrit, 70

Obama, Barack, 97

On Dreams (Aristotle), 8

“On Genius” (Mill), 8

On Liberty (Mill), 8

On Memory (Aristotle), 8

Ooty, India, xi–xii

Osaka, Japan, 30, 31

pain, “gate control” theory of, 90, 136n—37n

Pakistan, 3, 4, 76, 125n

Panama, invasion of, 74

Paris, 34

peace, contracts for, 50–51, 125n

Peirce, Charles, on deliberation, 103, 104–5, 141n

Pekkanen, Robert, 42, 125n

Pelindaba, Treaty of (1996), 67–68, 130n

Phaedrus (Plato), 8

Philadelphia Museum of Art, 55–56

Philadelphia, Pa., 55, 91

Pindar, 101

“plasticity” of structure, 86–87, 89–90

Plato, 8, 99

Politics (Aristotle), 8

populations, emergency and:

civil defense procedures and, 58–61

hopelessness experienced by, 11, 13

political descriptions of, 14

shelters available to, 57, 58, 60, 64

volunteer associations and, 47–49

and war decisions, 69–70, 73, 74, 77, 79, 97–98

Posterior Analytics (Aristotle), 8

Presidential Directive 59 (1980), 4

presidential shelters, 57–61

presidential succession, 5, 110n–11n

press, censorship of, 109n

Prior Analytics (Aristotle), 8

Putnam, Robert, 48, 124n

Qing period, China, 63

Quebec Civil Defense, 12–13

Quill Plains Mutual Aid Area, 34–35, 38–40

rainstorms, 35–37

Rarotonga, Treaty of (1985), 67, 68, 69

Reader’s Digest, 28–29

Reagan, Ronald, 110n—11n

Red Cross, 27

Regina, Canada, 37, 47

repetition, action and, 22–26, 31, 84–85, 91, 100

Republic, The (Plato), 8

Rescue Breathing (film), 27

Resuscitation of the Unconscious Victim: A Manual for Rescue Breathing (Safar and McMahon), 23, 27

“Review and Conclusion, A” (Hobbes), 67

“right of exit,” 66–67, 69

Robert’s Rules of Order, 73

Romania, 77

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 133n

Rossiter, Clinton, 3, 4, 131n–32n

“rotating credit associations,” 45

Round Lake, Canada, 40, 41

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 63, 66, 67

Royal Humane Society, England, 34

Running Hot, 16


lines of succession in, 5

1993 constitution of, 75–76

nuclear weapons held by, 3, 4, 57

Russian Federal Council, 75–76

Safar, Peter, 21, 23, 24, 27, 116n

St. Petersburg, Russia, 34

Sarasota, Fla., 56

Saskatchewan Emergency Planning Act, 35, 41

Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly, 35

Saskatchewan Province, Canada, 34–42, 47

Saunderson, Dorothy, 119n

Scuola of San Rocco, Venice, 55

Seabed and Ocean Floor Treaty (1972), 67, 68

Seattle, Wash., 31

Second Amendment, 71, 73–74, 76, 96, 130n

Second Treatise of Government (Locke), 8, 67

“second-use only” policy, 3

“seed insecurity,” 48, 62, 123n

self-authorization, 14

Senate, U.S., 71, 97

Senri, Japan, 31

Sense and Sensibilia (Aristotle), 8

sensory perception, 83–90

Dewey on, 87–89

in “gate control theory of pain,” 90

habit and, 83–90, 99

Montaigne on, 84, 87, 89

seriatim structure, 16–17

Shou Shih Thung Khao (treatise), 62

smell, sense of, 84

Social Contract (Rousseau), 67

social contracts, 67, 124n–25n

never-injure rule of, 78–79

peace and, 50–51, 125n

Society for the Recovery of Persons Apparently Drowned, 34

South Africa, 68, 132n

Spalding, Canada, 39

State Art Museum of Florida, Sarasota, 56

Stockholm, Sweden, 30

Story, Joseph, 73, 98

Strozzi, Bernardo, 55

submarines, missile-launch, 70

survival rates after CPR, 21–22, 26, 29–31

Sweden, 29, 30, 60

Swift Current, Canada, 37

Swiss Civil Defence, 1971 Conception of, 52

Swiss Civil Protection Concept (2001), 52

Swiss Committee for Special Objects, 55

Swiss Federal Law on Civil Protection and Protection and Support Service, 54–55

Swiss Office of Civil Defence, 51

Swiss shelter system, 13, 51–69, 79, 82, 96, 106–8

cultural artifacts protected by, 55–57

“equality of survival” in, xiii, 52–54, 60, 61, 69

foreign residents protected by, 53

legal safeguards of, 52, 54–55, 56

male citizens’ obligations and, 54

“right of exit” in, 66–67, 69

U.S. civil defense compared to, 57–62

System of Logic, A (Mill), 8

Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 55

Theatetus (Plato), 8

Theatre of Cruelty, 13


“bottoming” and, 103–4

CPR procedures and, 19–34, 53

deliberation as a form of, see deliberation

forward momentum and, 103, 104

governing and, 8–9

in haste, 10, 81, 103

mind in exile in, 10–15

place of habit in acts of, 81–108

seductions to giving up, 3–15

Thucydides, 10–11, 13, 14, 15, 108

Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, 55–56

Timaeus (Plato), 8

Tintoretto, Jacopo, 55

Tlatelolco, Treaty of (1968), 67, 68

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 43, 48

Tolstoy, Leo, 92, 137n

Toronto, Canada, 55

torture, xii, 5

nuclear weapons compared with, xiii, 112n

trial by jury, 16, 79

Trojan War, 10, 76

Truman, Harry, 133n

United Kingdom, 46

fallout shelters unavailable in, 64, 65–66

“Government War Book” of, 65–66

nuclear weapons held by, 3, 65

Royal Humane Society of, 34

war protocols, 76, 112n, 132n

United States:

civil defense, 41–42, 57–62, 71, 121n–22n, 127n–28n

congressional shelters in, 59

draft eliminated in, 73, 74

eligibility for shelter entry in, 58

executive power in, 5, 57, 97–98

“freedom of the seas” and, 68

nuclear weapons held by, 3–4, 57, 61

presidential shelters, 57–61

presidential succession, 5, 110n–11n

war initiation protocols, 6, 69–70, 71–72, 73–74, 75–76, 77, 79, 96, 107, 108

White House as target, 58

Vanguard, Canada, 35–38, 39, 47, 119n

Veenhoven,W. A., 109n

Venice, Italy, 33, 55

Venturi, Robert, 91, 92–94, 95, 107

Verona, Italy, 51

“vertical evacuation,” 57, 66

Vietnam, 46

Vietnam War, 52, 74, 76, 77, 133n

Vilnius, Lithuania, 77

violins, 87, 135n

voluntary associations, 42–51

in Africa, 44–47

in Canada, 34–42

“communes for peace,” 49–51, 124n

in Japan, 42–44

populations affected by, 47–49, 123n

Wall, Patrick, 90


constitutional protocols for initiation of, 6, 69–70, 71–72, 73–74, 75–76, 77, 79, 96, 107, 108

habit structures and, 70

nuclear weapons use in, 69–70

populations and decision-making in, 69–70, 73, 74, 77, 79


contamination of, 37–38

in fire emergency, 39

White House as target, 58

Will, Pierre-Etienne, 63

Wilson, Harold, 64

Winter, Donald, 70

Wong, R. Bin, 63

World War I, 52, 77

World War II, 52, 133n

Yokohama, Japan, 42

Yugoslavia, 68, 74, 98

Zambia, xiii, 24

Zimbabwe, 46–47

Zurich, Switzerland, 55, 56