
Jenks was facing away from me, so I couldn’t see everything, but I could see plenty of his tall, lean swimmer’s body below his shock of red hair that looked darker than normal because it was wet. Of course it was wet; he was a swimmer and he’d been in the Rosewood pool for a reason I couldn’t even begin to imagine. Mostly because my brain was busy taking him in.

I gurgled something in surprise, but when he didn’t cover up or turn around immediately, my eyes took the opportunity to do a long, lingering sweep up, where I discovered the reason why he hadn’t moved; he had earbuds in.

He has no idea I’m here. Turn around, turn around, turn around, I chanted in my head, watching him rub a towel over his chest. I’d had something of a crush on him for a while because not only was he really hot (and, like Chelly said, we would make really amazing looking babies) but he was an athlete and got how important sport is. He was on track to go to the Olympics in diving and took his athletic career very seriously. We’d had a few conversations about competing and I’d thought maybe he was interested in me beyond as a fellow sports fan, but he’d never made a move. Not that it mattered since now I was with Shane.

Jenks’ towel moved down as he moved from drying his chest to his belly. And then, when I realized other parts of him were probably next, I freaked out a little, feeling guilty and a little bit dirty for totally ogling him. I should be the one turning around. So I did, thinking I could just sneak out and he’d never have to know I’d ever been there.

I almost made it, too, getting almost to the door before, “Celia?”

Shoot. “Yeah?” I squeaked over my shoulder. Smooth, Celia.

“What? Uh...what are you doing here?”

I didn’t dare turn around. My face was so hot at being caught—he had to know I’d seen him. “The door to the pool was locked and I thought maybe it was a mistake or something, so I thought I’d try this one. I had no idea...” my sentence trailed off and I made some sort of gesture with my hand.

“Oh. Yeah. Sorry about that. The Westwood pool had a leak and I need to keep up with my training, so your dean said I could come here first thing in the mornings.”

Of course she did. And wouldn’t tell anyone because if we knew boys were in our pool, his training would become a spectator sport. I mean, just look at him.

“Right,” I said. “Anyway, I’ll leave you to it.”

“Hey, Celia?”

“Mmhmm?” I said, staring intently at the door.

“It’s okay,” he said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Yeah, sure,” I said, no idea what he was talking about.

He was obviously amused. “You can turn around.”

“I think I’d better not,” I said. Did he want me to look at him?

He chuckled. “I’m decent.”

Oh, you’re more than decent, I thought but turned toward him. His towel was wrapped tightly around his waist, still showing off quite a bit of his very defined body. “You weren’t a second ago,” fell out of my mouth as I forced my eyes up to his face, away from his eight-pack.

His smile faltered a little and his face got red, making me wonder if he assumed I’d seen everything. His blushes were so obvious on his pale skin that I felt badly for him, but I couldn’t deny it was adorable. “Right. Sorry about that,” he said.

You have nothing to apologize for. I thought about that body, the image of it burned forever in my memory. I shook my head, using the movement as a reason to not look into his eyes. “You shouldn’t be. I barged in here.”

Speaking of which...Why am I still in here? “I should go,” I said.

“Sure, sure,” he said, but he sounded like he wasn’t done talking. He lifted his arm and rubbed his palm over the back of his neck. Boy, he had nice arms.

Stop gawking at his biceps! You’re with Shane, I told myself. He probably has awesome biceps, too, built from all the chopping and kneading. But Jenks’ were just so...defined.

“So, uh,” Jenks said. “You going to the next dance?”

I dragged my eyes away from his body and focused on his eyes. They were nice: light blue and framed by his ginger lashes. “What?” I asked because I was having trouble keeping up with so much distraction in front of me.

“The next dance. In a couple of weeks.”

He actually looked hopeful. Was he asking me if I wanted to go with him? Or just making polite conversation while he was half naked in front of me? Still, as I stood there not having any clue what he was on about, I had to say something. But what was the right answer?

“Oh, uh, I don’t know,” I said non-committally. “I need to get through mid-terms first. I haven’t really thought about anything else.” Besides biceps and eight-packs, I didn’t say.

“Right, sure,” he said. “Can...maybe I’ll see you there?”

“Maybe,” I said. I mean, yeah, I guess I was with Shane if those kisses meant anything. But Jenks...Jenks was hot and right there in front of me, and I could totally see myself with him. Especially if it meant I could run my hands up that chest.

Urg, you really need to stop focusing on his body, I told myself.

He smiled. “Cool, well, I should get out of here and get back to Westwood.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I’ll leave you to it. See you later.”

I turned to leave but he said my name, stopping me before I go to the door. I looked over my shoulder.

“I’ll be here tomorrow, too.”

I wasn’t entirely sure why he was telling me this, but I nodded and left without another word, sneaking back to the girls’ locker room so I could change out of my bathing suit and figure out a different way to burn off some steam.

~ ♥ ~

I did some weights to take the edge off and then went back into the locker room and found the door to the pool open and the sign gone, even though it wasn’t nine yet, so I put my suit back on and did a bunch of lengths. By the time I got out, I wasn’t exactly completely worn out, but I did need to get to studying, so I grabbed a quick shower and got dressed to return to the dorm. As I walked out into the sunshine, I checked my phone and stopped in my tracks when I saw a text from Shane.

Hi. Can I see you tomorrow?

With mid-terms starting, I really needed to study, but even I knew no one could study straight through without breaks. And now that I had a tutor, my time spent studying was going to be so much more productive. So of course I sent back that I was free to see him.

He sent back a smilie face, which was nice, but nothing compared to the anticipation of more kissing. More uninterrupted kissing.

Where? When? I sent.

Not sure. Working on Deans party right now but Ill let you know. K?

Yes. Good luck tonight, I typed. I was a bit put out that I wasn’t able to help with the party, but making out with Shane the next day would go a long way toward making me feel better about it.

Thanks, he sent back and then my phone went silent. I headed back to the dorm, dumped my gym bag and joined my friends for breakfast.

~ ♥ ~

Two hours later, I’d just started in on the algebra practice questions after a long breakfast and then an hour or so procrastinating, when my phone sounded. With a sigh, I turned and looked at the screen, berating myself for not turning it off. Or being able to ignore it. But when I saw it was Shane, I knew there was no way I could deny myself from seeing what he was texting me about.

Any chance you can come help out today?

Seriously? I mean, sure, I wanted to see him—kind of desperately. But there was no way I could go down to the kitchen today.

I can’t. Mid-terms are this week. I’m studying. Plus the dean kicked me out of my CSA, remember?

Yes, I remember, he sent back immediately. But I’m desperate. Val and Sandra never showed and Anna has been puking since last night.

I felt bad that he was really short-handed, but what could I do? Leaving my CSA wasn’t my idea. The dean will lose her mind...

I’ll talk to her. It’s her party. I’m sure she wants the food to be perfect especially if she’s looking to find donors.

I looked down at the sheet of questions in front of me. I’d only done a few so far and while they did seem slightly easier after last night’s session with James, I had a long way to go before I could write that test and hope to pass. I can’t. I’m really sorry.

Please. Celia, Let me talk to her. I need you.

Sigh. What are the chances I can say no to a guy who says he needs me? Slim and none.

Fine. I’ll come after my tutoring session. 3 or so.

That’s too late. I need you now.

I glanced at the clock; it was almost eleven. I sighed again and then sent back, I will come down after you talk to the dean and clear it with her.

It was barely ten minutes later that he texted me back that the dean was good with it. I let him know I was on my way. I grabbed my knives and hurried down to the kitchen, eager to help cook, but more eager to steal a few kisses as payment.