
Many people have helped to make this book possible. I am so grateful that you are in my life. I truly am blessed. I would like to offer my gratitude to:

My darling daughter, Bernadette, who brings such light and love into my life. Thank you for being you and especially for your design insights and suggestions.

My dear friend Susan Pluto, who, above and beyond providing me with huge emotional support, was also my second set of eyes. Your editing prowess is magical!

My longtime friend and constant rescuer, Jooley Johnson. Thank you for being my third set of eyes. I deeply appreciate your “intolerance” of poor grammar.

My thoughtful wasband (ex-husband), Paul, for your support and for your gift of my Wisconsin Dells time away from technology.

The wonderful staff at Oneness University in Chennai, India, and at the Dhamma Pakasa Vipassana Center in Pecatonica, Illinois.

Kent Palmer and the NaperLaunch team at Naperville Nichols Library, Naperville, Illinois, for their outstanding business program.

My three SCORE mentors, Chuck, Bruce, and Gerry. You gave outstanding advice, but more than that, you gave me hope when I was feeling down.

My biological and geographical families, both back home in Canada and here in Chicago.

Dan Strutzel, Gary Chappell, Vic Conant, and the Nightingale-Conant team. I am deeply grateful. The time I spent there set my life on a trajectory that has forever changed its course.

Tajuana Ross for being such a remarkable woman and outstanding coach.