& Sign Scents
Creating your own aromatherapy is a lovely way to make magic. The right mixes of essential oils and other botanical and mineral- based ingredients can produce optimum benefits for your body, mind, and spirit.
You will also find the aroma- therapeutic effects of the following easy- to- find oils and scents to be restorative and revitalizing. Just add a few drops to your bath, infuse a cotton ball with the essential oil, and inhale the aroma, or add to water in a spray bottle and spritz the air when you feel you need an extra- special boost to soothe and uplift your personal space.

Choose 100 percent pure, organic essential oil
Fill an empty and unused mist- spray bottle with 4 fluid ounces (or 120 ml) of purified water.
Add 20 drops of the oil to the water.
Once you’ve added your essential oils to the water in the small spray bottle, screw the cap back on snugly, shake it gently to mix the ingredients
We energize the finished mixture with our intention, seeing in our mind’s eye the successful future result of its desired use.
Use as needed. Usually two or three spritzes are sufficient for what you’ll be using it for, but it’s okay to use more.
After use, store the mist bottle in a cool, dark place to protect the contents.

Arians are honest, brave, and headstrong. Their fiery, assertive, and courageous natures are full of charm and charisma. They favor stimulating and bold scents, rich and spicy ones that pervade their space with comfort and glowing warmth.
Frankincense and rosemary can help support the strong Aries energy, and peppermint can help cool and calm as well as help heal headaches, which Aries are prone to. Fragrant notes with hints of warming ginger, pepper, and clove are snappy penetrating scents that stimulate, purify, and invigorate, to complement the wild- child Aries who loves to unleash the free spirit within.
The best kind of scent for a kind, earthy, patient, practical Taurus is a luxurious blend of rich, sweet, creamy flowers such as honeysuckle, gardenia, or magnolia, to encourage feelings of protection and security. Taurus types are loyal, pragmatic, and good- humored.
Taurus relishes harmony. Beautiful art and music and delicious smells are important to a Taurus, as this sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and affection. To nurture their sensual nature try patchouli and ylang- ylang. Hyssop and wild cherry will help alleviate the sore throats that sometimes bother Taurus types.
Geminis are witty, changeable, versatile, talkative, well read. Inside of all Geminis there are actually two different people with two different sets of tastes. Those born under this sign love to communicate and put their point across. They know how to keep everyone interested. Basil, bergamot and grapefruit are great to inhale for nurturing an overactive mind.
Their need for mental stimulation might also suggest a light hint of mint or citrus and multitasking with lavender and lily of the valley to create an inspiring, joyful, and positive environment and improve concentration. Eucalyptus can help with respiratory problems, if needed.
Cancerians are caring, tenacious, and sensitive. Those born under the astrological sign Cancer are well known for their ability to nurture and protect others. Feelings and the moods they produce are an important part of being a Cancerian.
To stay comforted and centered, they might be drawn to the protective aromas of melon, vanilla, and coconut. Other good oils are sandalwood and lavender to help stimulate a sense of peace and emotional well- being, which in turn, facilitates the release of repressed negative emotions, allowing them to be addressed and then released.
Chamomile and mint are good for aiding digestion.
Loving Leo rules the creative process. Leos are dramatic, proud, organized, romantic, playful, and fun. Leos need to be complimented and admired. They demand attention. They can show the world how to really live and laugh and love the good life. Lemon and ginger oils help sore backs, sometimes a tender area for Leo, and garlic and marjoram are good for the heart.
A lovely royal scent would be something with cinnamon, mandarin, and nutmeg to stimulate creativity, desire, focus, and motivation; help support a positive attitude; and magnify a Leo’s life purpose.
Virgo is an earth sign. People born during this time are energetic, analytical, intelligent, reliable, and responsible. They have their feet on the ground and possess the gift of discernment. They like scents that are clean and simple, yet special. Virgos are often meticulous perfectionists.
To alleviate some of their worries, they can benefit from patchouli, Melissa, and chamomile, which will help to calm the nervous system, soothing feelings of being overwhelmed with an overworked mercurial mind. Rain, cedar, or grass would also refresh and remind a Virgo to be grounded and close to nature.
Faithfulness, partnership, and loyalty are essential to a Libra. They want to be surrounded by the best. Libra is an air sign, and ideas and happy thoughts are important to them. Cedar inspires steadiness for the sometimes indecisive Libra.
For their refined tastes and keen perceptiveness, we suggest loving and peaceful neroli (orange blossom) and lavender to help achieve balance and harmony and to enhance their appreciation of beauty. Rose is relaxing, soothing, and helps to strengthen the Libran’s inner being—gentle but strong, it has an uplifting effect on the psyche and a balancing effect.
Scorpios are intense, loyal, and determined. They are the master detectives of the zodiac. Scorpios like to discover the hidden truth. They have strong passions, so strong aromas appeal.
Jasmine nurtures their sensual side, and geranium can help soften their intense nature.
Scorpios are the embodiment of Oscar Wilde’s brilliant statement, “I can resist anything except temptation.” The enticing scents of wisteria, anise, or tuberose will suit their sexy natures and help them appreciate their mystical powers. It also will help to heal past traumas to the energy field and boundary violations.
Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are optimistic and enthusiastic and have a love of travel, animals, the great outdoors, natural healing, and all things foreign and exotic. You can expect them to be surprisingly blunt and honest about their likes and dislikes.
Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, rules them. Tea tree is an essential oil that will help heal and encourage a Sagittarian spirit. Jasmine, saffron, or cinnamon would transport the adventurous traveler within to the exotic locales they are drawn to, along with relieving the tensions of travel.
Capricorns are ambitious, prudent, and self- disciplined. They have very deep and real emotional needs that can slow them down, but their persistence and ability to focus on a goal enables them to succeed. Coriander is suitable for softening their hard- headed and stubborn side.
Capricorns can also be surprisingly sensuous. Vetiver or sage with a hint of musk would suit this earthy sign, a personality that appreciates tradition, meaning, and loyalty. Pine promotes feelings of strength, empowerment, and protection that are a result of being close to nature.
Aquarians are unique, brilliant, articulate, and progressive. They have freethinking minds, unfettered by rules. They like inventing, experimenting, and discovering. Aquarians thrive on being rebellious and different. They are futuristic but also students of history, so they will appreciate a scent that harkens back to another time. Cypress is a good choice.
To help de- stress this idealistic intellectual, try the delightful scent of lemon verbena with amber or almond to foster feelings of determination to leave the past behind so that they can move forward.
Pisces are very sensitive, full of inspiration and clairvoyance. They can experience scents on a deeply mystical soul level, feeling the subtle energies of the various ingredients. Elemi is a perfect stress reducer and meditation oil for a Pisces.
A Piscean’s natural ability to be empathetically connected requires an aroma such as ylang- ylang to protect them from negativity, to reduce self- consciousness, and to complement their dreamy, spiritual nature. Lilac is also good and peach or mango would appeal because of the sweet aroma of their oils.