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This Aladdin/Beyond Words edition May 2012
Copyright © 2001, 2012 by Vicki Hambleton and Cathleen Greenwood
“About Wishing” Copyright © 2001 by Matthew Stepanek
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Nothing in this book is intended, or should be construed as a guarantee that any of the opinions expressed will result in income for children. The materials in this book is not intended to provide legal opinions, tax opinions, or advice.
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Managing Editor: Lindsay S. Brown
Copyeditor: Sheila Ashdown
Proofreader: Gretchen Stelter
Design: Sara E. Blum
The text of this book was set in Bembo.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hambleton, Vicki.
So, you want to be a writer? : how to write, get published, and maybe even make
it big! / Vicki Hambleton, Cathleen Greenwood.
p cm.
Rev. ed. of: So, you wanna be a writer?
1. Authorship—Juvenile literature. 2. Authorship—Marketing—Juvenile literature.
3. Authorship—Vocational guidance—Juvenile literature. I. Greenwood,
Cathleen. II. Hambleton, Vicki. III. Title. So, you wanna be a writer?
PN159.H28 2012
ISBN 978-1-58270-353-4 (pbk)
ISBN 978-1-58270-359-6 (hc)
ISBN 978-1-4424-5291-6 (eBook)