Effect of Various Fruit Extracts or Juices on NO Synthesis in Human Red-Cell Membrane

Addition to the Assay Mixture nmol NO Produced/h/mg Residue
None 0.012±0.005
Banana 8.45±1.15
Cucumber 6.36±0.057
Apple 6.07±1.14
Lemon 6.05±1.15
Pear 3.42±0.14
Orange 2.57±1.58
Grape (purple) 2.1±0.054
Grape (green) 0.1±0.011

Note: Results are the mean±S.D. of six different experiments, each conducted in triplicate.

From Guha et al., Nutr. Res., 23:1081–1088, 2003. With permission.