Effect of Dietary Supplementation with SDG on Pulmonary Metastasis of Melanoma Cells in Mice

Group Mice n Mice with Lung Tumors Tumors/mouse
1–50 Tumors >50 Tumorsa Medianb Mean±SE Range
Control 27 11 16 62 64±8 10–180
71 μmol/kg 27 19 8 38 43±5 8–117
147 μmol/kg 28 22 6a 36 42±4 9–96
293 μmol/kg 27 21 6a 29b 33±4 4–86

a Significantly different from the control, p <0.05. Data were analyzed using Fisher’s exact test.
b Significantly different from the control, p <0.01. Data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric and Dunn’s multiple comparison test.

Source: From Li et al., Cancer Lett., 142:91–96, 1999. With permission.