R. Q. Wilberforce



Maltravers Ratcliffe had risen and broken his fast early, so that he was already installed behind his desk, with a long black cigarette holder between his teeth, reading through his accumulated correspondence, when his wife appeared at the library door.

‘So my bonny has come back to me,’ she announced with joy.

‘Over the sea to Skye,’ he rejoined merrily, as he rose to greet her. ‘Except, in my case, it was over the sea and through the sky. I came on the aeroplane to Croydon. Podd brought the Bentley down to meet me at the ‘drome, and we fairly flew again as we drove back here!’

‘You should have wakened me on your arrival.’

‘No, no, Eithne my love. Even the nonpareil of beauty can reap benefit from a little beauty-sleep.’

Nor was his description fanciful: Eithne Ratcliffe was possessed of a beauty that would quicken the blood in any man’s veins. Though slight, she was perfectly proportioned, and her carriage was superb. The golden hair that was her chiefest glory had been cut in the modern style, but its waves owed nothing to the artifice of coiffeurs. And her eyes! What eyes! Their hue of purest blue would have made a cornflower despondent; sapphires could offer but feeble comparison to them.

‘Was your business in Paris successfully concluded?’ she enquired of her handsome spouse.

‘Successfully enough,’ he conceded carelessly. ‘Although, as is ever the case, I trapped the small fry in the certain knowledge that the big fish swam away unscathed.’

‘Was it . . .?’ Eithne questioned tremulously.

‘Our old enemy?’ Maltravers nodded with gravity. ‘That same Teutonic devil was behind this latest outrage. Backed by an international conglomerate of Jewish bankers, he was planning to flood the gold bullion market with counterfeit ingots. Had he succeeded, he’d have crippled all the major economies of the Western world! Shares would have gone down to cat’s meat prices and hundreds of perfectly decent small houses would have gone smash!’

‘But you prevented the swindle?’ demanded Eithne, her wonderful eyes sparkling as she looked at her husband.

‘Oh yes, I scotched his scheme easily. It was like eating jam. Once I had worked out that someone must be manipulating prices on the Bourse, I found out who it was first pop. A little Jewish thimblerigger, who I may say won’t be seeing much scenery except the inside of a prison for the next twenty years. The Sûreté were very grateful. I’ve been awarded one of their croix d’honneurs’.’

Charles’ concentration on the words wavered, but his interest was fiercely aroused. He skimmed verbose description of Maltravers Ratcliffe’s cricketing prowess and a long, somewhat precious discussion about where the couple should spend the weekend. This was resolved at the end of the first chapter . . .

With a merry laugh, Maltravers cried, ‘I’ve had my fill of crime for a while! Let’s away to Derbyshire to play cricket. I happen to know Lord Wainscott fields a scratch team that’s none so dusty. Tell Podd and Smithers to commence packing for us immediately! We’ll take the Bentley and they can follow along in the Sunbeam. Oh, and tell Wallace to prepare a luncheon-basket, so that we are free to lunch where the scenery’s good. Then we’ll leap into the Bentley, my angel, point the bonnet towards Derbyshire, and be there in two twos!’

The second chapter assembled a house party of suspects at Wainscott Hall, in the time-honoured style of its genre. One of them, a foreign gentleman called Mr Akbar, did not endear himself to the rest of the guests . . .

The presence of this last personage was an unaccountable mystery. Neither his appearance nor his manners qualified him as a likely social acquaintance of Lord Wainscott, and yet the peer seemed ready, nay, eager, to welcome the foreigner into that proverbial castle of the Englishman, his home. Mr Akbar did not commend himself to the Ratcliffes by appearing at dinner in a silken cummerbund of the hue favoured by Romish cardinals and diamond studs of such ostentatious size that they might have looked less out of place amongst the regalia of a Babylonian Coronation! And Maltravers Ratcliffe, in front of whom the newcomer pushed as they proceeded to dinner, was not a little shocked to feel his nostrils assailed by a distinct whiff of perfume!

All that the book needed now, apart from a plan of the ground floor of Wainscott Hall (which soon appeared duly printed in the text), was a crime. After dinner Maltravers and Eithne Ratcliffe repaired to the billiard room . . .

‘You know, my love, there’s something deuced rummy going on here,’ mused Maltravers as he chalked his cue. ‘Deuced rummy. Something that makes my flesh creep. Do you feel it too?’

His wife answered in the affirmative.

‘It’s something to do with that gigolo, Akbar. I’ve a feeling he’s out to spoke somebody’s wheel. And what’s more . . . I’ve a feeling I’ve seen the bounder somewhere before.’

At that moment Maltravers Ratcliffe froze, his face suffused by a ghastly pallor, his eyes transfixed by some object on the floor.

‘Oh no, ‘he breathed. ‘Oh no, oh no, oh no!’

He moved forward and picked up a monocle, whose silver setting was curiously wrought in the shape of a coiled snake. ‘See, he has left his visiting card.’

‘Are you sure?’ murmured Eithne, unwilling to accept the sheer ugliness of the truth.

‘Sure, ‘her husband confirmed with unearthly calmness. ‘Yes, it’s von Strutter!’

Eithne Ratcliffe gasped. Their arch-enemy! Here, at Wainscott Hall!

‘What’s behind there?’ Maltravers demanded, pointing to a door in front of which the monocle had lain.

‘That’s where Lord Wainscott keeps his collection.’


He tried the door. It was locked, and there was no sign of a key. Fortunately he always carried a set of pick-locks, fashioned for him by the versatile Podd, and to open the door was a matter of moments.

One look inside sufficed to tell him all!

‘Don’t look, my love, don’t look!’ he commanded Eithne as he entered the room.

The walls were hung with many splendours of the Orient, but he had eyes for none of these. All he saw was the ghastly spectacle staining the fine Turkey carpet in the middle of the room.

It was the offensive Mr Akbar, destined never more to give offence! He lay face down on the floor. Upright from the back of his coat rose the bloody blade of a Japanese samurai sword!