
Beethoven’s Ode to Joy began to play. By the second bar, Rebecca Mayfield had snapped open her cell phone.


“Rebecca? Hey! Did I catch you at a bad time?”

“Oh, Midnight! No, it’s not a bad time.” Rebecca tried to calm her voice so Midnight wouldn’t detect her stressed-out state.

“Okay. Well, I tried your apartment and no answer, so I thought maybe you were out.”

“Hoped. You hoped I was out. On a date. With some tall, dark, handsome, eligible bachelor-type guy destined to be the next Mr. Rebecca Mayfield. Well, no way. I’ve told you that.” She began twisting the back of her diamond stud earring.

“Ugh. You’re at work, aren’t you? You need to cut your hours, my dear.”

“Midnight, I’m the boss. I set an example by working hard.”

“Right. We’ve had this conversation. You’re extremely good at what you do. I can attest to that. Without you on my side, Jeffrey and his attorney would have ruined me. But Rebecca, you need to give yourself a rest once in a while.”

“Okay. Fine. I will.” She leaned her head back, tried to relax, but the movement strained her tense shoulder muscles. “It’s the holidays, after all. I’ll be taking some time off.”

“Great! Exactly what I’m calling about. Martin and Daniel and I want you to come down to Legend and spend Christmas with us. The entire town is decorated for the holiday. There’s even a little bit of snow on the ground, which is unusual for around here. Seriously, it’s prettier than a greeting card. This is the perfect time to make your first visit. So just grab a flight and head down. The apartment over The Emporium is available, and it’s partly furnished, so you can even have your own space if you’d rather not stay with us. How does it sound?”

“Oh, Midnight, it’s sweet of you guys. Martin hasn’t even met me in person, so I can’t imagine he’d want me there. Let alone Daniel. He’s fifteen now, right? I remember Blaine at his age. An extra adult around isn’t what he wants for Christmas. And I wouldn’t want to horn in on your holiday.”

“You’re not horning in. We’re inviting you, stupid. We want you here. So, it’s all set, okay?”


“Why not? What could be better than a small town Christmas?”

It did sound interesting, but at the moment Rebecca felt old and tired. Not at all merry. Her doctor had recently told her she was pushing her luck on her health with the schedule she kept and the constant stress—especially since she’d turned forty this year. He’d given her a prescription for anti-depressants, told her to take some high-powered vitamins, eat healthier, exercise daily, and get more sleep. The man obviously had no clue what it took to be the best divorce attorney in New York City.

Her staff and associate attorneys respected her, and wisely kept their distance. Occasionally she heard herself referred to as The Dragon-Lady, but that was part of being at the top. The firm was her livelihood, her career, and since Stephen had died and Blaine had gone to college, it had become her life. Rebecca Mayfield was respected and successful—at times, even feared. Her suite of offices was beautiful, with expensive, tasteful décor. Mayfield & Associates had become the embodiment of Rebecca Mayfield.

“Midnight, you’re railroading me. This is not like you. I have work.”

But work was all she had, for the first time in what seemed like forever. There was no one in the entire city she really wanted to spend Christmas with.

“Um, let me think about it, okay? It sounds great, of course. Just let me think about whether or not I can manage it.”

“Well. Okay, Rebecca. The invitation is open. You come on down to Legend. We hope you want to. I’ll e-mail you the directions, because cell reception is spotty sometimes. And hey—I don’t mean to be pushy.”

“You’re an organizer. It’s just your way. Mine, too. That’s not a bad thing.” Rebecca absently straightened the items on her desk. Stapler here, paper clip dispenser here, two-hole punch here. “I appreciate the thought, and the fact that you really do want me there. Just let me think it through. Don’t expect me. But on the other hand, I might show up. Can we leave it at that?”

“Sure, Rebecca. No pressure. Um. One tiny thing. There’s someone we’d like you to meet.”

Rebecca’s eyes rolled. Oh no!

“It’s not a big deal, really. We haven’t said anything to him. Just a casual meeting here with lots of other people around. You like him, maybe it’ll go somewhere, you don’t, nothing’s lost. But I thought I’d mention it, because once you got here you’d figure it out, and then you’d probably rip my head off. Tactfully, of course.”

In spite of herself, Rebecca smiled. “You know me too well. But I am really not looking right now. Just had something end rather poorly, and, well, it’s definitely too soon. So please don’t get your hopes up on that, okay? It’s good of you, but still.”

“All right. Understood. But think about Christmas. No pressure. Just show up Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Sooner if you want.”

“If I do come, what can I bring?”

“Just yourself, and a sense of adventure. Martin’s family is huge, and they love getting together at holidays. Very festive. There’s also a Christmas Eve candlelight church service we can go to in town. It’s non-denominational, and really nice. Just about everybody goes.”

Rebecca imagined it. Small town Christmas. Picturesque. Hokey. But somehow, surprisingly tempting. Midnight’s life had turned around when she moved to Legend, Tennessee from the City. Perhaps there was something special there for Rebecca too. “I’ll think about it. Thanks, Midnight. Maybe I’ll see you.”

Maybe a quaint little snow-covered mountain Christmas was just the tonic she needed.