Writing acknowledgments for the last book in a series brings a heightened case of oh-my-land-I-need-to-thank-everyone combined with a hefty dose of please-don’t-let-me-forget-anyone.☺ But at least I know where to start.

Thanks to God, for with Him all things are possible … like creating the fictional world of Nil that I’ve been blessed to live in for the past five years.

This trilogy—and of course, this final Nil book, with its stunning cover and gorgeous graphics—would not exist without the incredible support, hard work, and tireless enthusiasm of the following people:

Jennifer Unter, my literary agent extraordinaire, who I’m grateful for every day. You are THE BEST! Thank you for making my publishing dreams come true, for working so hard to bring Charley, Thad, Rives, and Skye to readers everywhere, and for your unwavering support. Thank you for making this book, and this journey, possible.☺

Kate Farrell, my brilliant editor, who expertly brought this trilogy to life. Four years ago, you took a chance on a debut author, and I’m so incredibly grateful you did.☺ Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, your patience, your wisdom, and your vision; I can’t imagine a more perfect editor for this series. All the thanks and Nil love I can send you are yours! YOU ARE AWESOME!

The incredible lovelies at Macmillan and Henry Holt, including Rachel Murray, Brittany Pearlman, Molly Brouillette, Allison Verost, Caitlin Sweeney, Mary Van Akin, Ksenia Winnicki, April Ward, Elizabeth Dresner, Liz Fithian, and the rest of the wonderful publishing team who brought this book, and this series, into the world. You lit the Nil fire! The Macmillan #NILtribe is the absolute BEST.☺

The YA Valentines (Sara Raasch, Bethany Hagen, Lindsay Cummings, Bethany Crandell, Phil Siegel, Sara B. Larson, Amy Rolland, Anne Blankman, Paula Stokes, Kristi Helvig, Jen McConnel, Jaye Robin Brown, Kristen Lippert-Martin) aka THE BEST WRITING SUPPORT GROUP EVER. This journey would not have been the same—or nearly as fun—without y’all.☺

Becky Wallace, Tonya Kuper, Lindsay Currie, Trisha Leaver, and Nicole Castroman: I love your brains and your kindness, your generosity and your friendship.☺ How did I get so lucky?

Vivi Barnes, Christy Farley, Amy Parker: I will be a guest chick any day. Road trips and apples and beach getaways on me … and we’re just getting started.☺

Jay C. Spencer: thank you for going back to Nil in the ’80s with Scott and sharing your incredible talent with me.☺

Natalie Whipple, Charles Martin, Laura Stanford, Eliza Tilton, and Jessie Harrell: I can’t say thank you enough for believing in the Nil world from the start and in my writing. Your encouragement was huge when I needed it most.☺

My Fierce Reads partners in crime, Marie Rutkoski, Morgan Matson, and Lindsay Smith: I adore you.☺

Artists Maggie Eckford, Gaslight Anthem, The Broods, Snakadaktal, Rise Against, and Silversun Pickups: special thanks for setting this book on fire, inspirationally speaking.

All the booksellers, librarians, and incredible book bloggers (Eli, Nikki, Stacee, Hafsah, Danny, Ivey, Stephanie, Celeste, Jack, Kristen, Jessica, and more!) who have supported the Nil world from word one: YOU AMAZE ME. You are the heart of the #NILtribe, and I truly appreciate everything you do! An island of thanks from me!☺

Speaking of hearts … my friends and family, near and far, who have supported me and the Nil world with such love it makes me cry. I am SO blessed.

Sims, Gina, Christy, Mary Caroline, Kelly, Phaedra, Amy, Mary Claire, Leigh, Kelley, Natalie, Kat, Allison, Meg, Avery, Lindsey, Julie, Erin, Heather, Margaret, Isabelle, Susanna, Mary, Susannah, Stephanie, Nina, Lauren, Nicole, Annie, Darden, Porter, Kasie, Laddy, Virginia, Debbie, Rebecca, Michele, Stacy, Lani, Shannon, Angela, Devon, Susan, Rhonda, Sharlon, Jennifer, Pat, and Missy (and my other sweet friends I forgot to mention because of writer’s brain), I love you all and am grateful to have you in my life.

My family aka my personal #NILtribe: Ki (best sister ever), Mom, Ryan, Baz, Max, Mark, Jill, Blake, Kerri, Grandma, Bev, Jim, Johnny, and Aymi. I love y’all tons!

My guardian angels, who I miss: my dad, who gave me my first fantasy book … this series is for you. Uncle Beepsy, who said there should be more kissing … I wish you could have read the final copy. And Penny, who was the proudest mother-in-law ever … you inspired me to be the best me.

My boys, Caden, Christian, Davis, and Cooper: I LOVE YOU ALL BEYOND WORDS! Thank you for sharing me with Nil, for your hugs and your inspiration, and for being the amazing boys you are. You make life the best trip ever. I am y’alls’ biggest fan, always.☺

My best friend and my soul mate, Stephen, who makes life more. You believed in me and in the Nil world from Day One, and this book—this series—absolutely would not exist without your support. Thank you, my love! I can’t wait for our next adventure! Whatever it is, I know it will be awesome—because it will be with you.

And finally, thank you, sweet reader, for taking this journey with me! There isn’t enough space to convey how grateful I am for the passion of the #NILtribe. Your excitement, your artwork, your emails, and your generous Nil love have meant the world to me. Over the past few years, meeting you in person and interacting online has been incredible. Nil belongs to you now and so does this book.

And so, to the #NILtribe everywhere: thank you for embracing all things Nil from the start and for staying until the end.☺ This book is for you.