Appendix 3

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

.30 cal: Size of a rifle or carbine bullet

.40mm: Size of an anti-aircraft shell

.45 cal: Size of a Colt automatic bullet

.50 cal: Size of a vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun bullet

75/105/155 mm: Size of artillery shells (from light to heavy)

368/369: Undesirable discharge given to soldier with discipline problems and/or poor performance

A/A: Anti-Aircraft

AAA: Anti-Aircraft Artillery

A/A Bn: Anti-Aircraft Battalion

ABN, A/B: Airborne

A/C: Aircraft

AFB: Air Force Base

AFFE: Armed Forces Far East

AFOD: Air Force Officer of the Day

Aggie: Native Korean child

AIR: Airborne Infantry Regiment

A&P: Ammunition and Pioneer

APO: Army Post Office

ARCT: Airborne Regimental Combat Team

Armd: Armored

Arr (d): Arrive (d)

Art/arty: Artillery

ASAP: As Soon As Possible

Asgmt/asgn (d): Assignment/assign (ed)

Assembly area: Prominent terrain feature where a unit assembles

ASTP: Army Specialized Training Program

ASU: Army Special Unit

Atch (d): Attach (ed)

Atck (d): Attack (ed)

ATT: Army Training Test; used in unit evaluations

Auth (d): Authority/authorized

AWOL: Absent Without Official Leave

BAR: Browning Automatic Rifle

B-Bag: Duffle bag that stores extra clothing

Battery: Company-sized artillery unit

Bayonet: Code name for 7th Infantry Division in Korea

BG: Brigadier General

Big Eight: Military prison in Japan

Bn: Battalion

Bn CP: Battalion Command Post

Bootsie Mae: Black soldier’s foreign girlfriend

BS (V): Bronze Star Awarded for Valor

BTO: Big-Time Operator

Btry: Artillery Battery

Buffalo: Nickname for black soldiers (originally those fighting Indians in the American West)

Burp gun: Chinese sub-machine gun

BX: Base Exchange (store)

C-46: Early, two-propeller-driven paratrooper transport aircraft

C-47: Same as C-46, but with one door

C-54: Four-propeller-driven cargo or troop transport aircraft

C-119: Two-propeller-driven heavy cargo transport aircraft

C-123: Similar to C-119, but could land on an unimproved airstrip

Cal: Caliber (size of bullet fired from a weapon)

Capt: Captain

Carbine: Short-barreled rifle

Cathouse: House of ill-repute

CAV: Cavalry

CBI: China-Burma-India theater of operations

CC: Canadian Club (whiskey)

CCC: Civilian Conservation Corps

CCF: Chinese Communist Forces

CG: Commanding General

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency

CIB: Combat Infantryman’s Badge

Class-6: Alcoholic Beverages

CMB: Combat Medical Badge

CO: Commanding Officer

Co: Company

Code-Talkers: Navajo Indian soldier radio operators

C of S: Chief of Staff

Col: Colonel

Colored or *: Morning Report designation for black personnel

Comdr: Commander

Commo: Communications

Conf: Confinement (jail)

CONUS: Continental United States on theater duty

COPL: Combat Outpost Line

CP: Command Post

Cpl: Corporal

C-rations: Individual food rations, good for one day

CSM: Command Sergeant Major

CSW: Crew-Served Wagons

DA: Department of the Army

DAC: Department of Army Civilians

DAR: Daughters of the American Revolution

DCNG: District of Columbia National Guard

DD: Dishonorable Discharge

Defilade: A defensive position against enfilading, or raking, fire

Deuce-and-a-half: 2-1/2 ton truck

Div: Division

DMZ: Demilitarized Zone

DOA: Dead on Arrival

DoD: Department of Defense

DOE: Date of Enlistment

DOR: Date of Rank

DOW: Died of Wounds

DR: Delinquency Report

DS: Detached Service

DSC: Distinguished Service Cross

Dtd: Dated

DUI: Driving under the Influence

Dy: Duty

DZ: Drop Zone

ED: Extra Duty

EDCMR: Effective Date of Change of Morning Report

E&E: Escape and Evasion

Eff: Effective

EIB: Expert Infantryman Badge

Eightball: Soldier who consistently fails to meet requirements

EM: Enlisted Man

EMB: Expert Medical Badge

EOD: Explosive Ordnance Demolition

ER: Enlisted Reservist

ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival

ETO: European Theater of Operations

ETS: Expiration of Term of Service (end of enlistment term)

EUSAK: Eighth United States Army Korea

F-51 or P-51: Propeller-driven aircraft that provides close air support to ground units

FA: Field Artillery

FAB: Field Artillery Battalion

FAC: Forward Air Controller

Fat Boys School: Training program for overweight paratroopers

FDC: Fire Direction Center (group that coordinates unit fire support)

FEPC: Fair Employment Practices Committee

First Sergeant: Head soldier in a company

FO: Forward Observer

Fr: From

G-1: Personnel section of division or higher staff

G-2: Intelligence section of division or higher staff

G-3: Operations and training section of division or higher staff

G-4: Supply section of division or higher staff

Geneva Convention: International body of rules governing warfare

GHQ: General Headquarters

GI: Government Issue: A term used to describe a member of the military

GI Jane: A member of the WACs

GI party: Barracks cleaning before morning inspection

GO: General Order Got hat: Left an area very rapidly

Gyroscoped: When a unit was transferred from overseas back to the States

HALO: High-Altitude, Low Opening; a type of parachute jumping

HC: Harmony Church (located at Fort Benning, GA)

Hei-hei: North Korean and Chinese term for black soldiers

H&I Fire: Harassment and Interdiction Fire

HMG: Heavy Machine Gun

Homesteaders: Those who arranged repeated tours stateside or in a safe area

Hosp: Hospital

HQ: Headquarters

ID: Identification/Infantry Division

IG: Inspector General

Ike Jacket: Olive drab jacket named for General Eisenhower

Inf: Infantry

Institutional memory: Equivalent of oral history or folklore

I&R: Intelligence and Reconnaissance

Jd: Joined

JLC: Japan (Joint) Logistical Command

JrROTC: Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (for high school students)

Jump School: Paratrooper training school, located at Fort Benning, GA

K-2, K-4: Temporary designation for United States airfields in Korea

K9: Dog corps, sentry patrol

KANSAS Line: Line of advance of UN forces in April 1951, just north of the 38th parallel

KASLC: Korean Army Service and Labor Corps (civilian personnel)

KIA: Killed in Action

KMAG: Korean Military Advisory Group

KP: Kitchen Police: duty helping the cooks

KPA: Korean People’s Army

L-4: Small, observational airplane

LCI: Landing Craft Infantry

LCP: Landing Craft Personnel

Ldr: Leader

Legs: Airborne term referring to non-airborne soldiers

LMG: Light Machine Gun

LOD: Line of Duty

LOGCOM: Logistical Command

LSM: Landing Ship Medium

LST: Landing Ship Tank

Lt: Lieutenant

LTC: Lieutenant Colonel

LTG: Lieutenant General

Ltr: Letter

LWA: Lightly Wounded in Action

LZ: Landing Zone

M-1: Rifle used by most soldiers in Korea

MASH: Mobile Army Surgical Hospital

MAT: Military Air Transport

MC: Master of Ceremonies

MD: Medical Doctor

MG: Major General

MIA: Missing in Action

MLR: Main Line of Resistance

MOH: Medal of Honor

Mohawk: Hairstyle with uncut center strip flanked by bald sides

MOS: Military Occupational Specialty

MP: Military Police

M/R: Morning Report

MSC: Medical Service Corps

MSG: Master Sergeant

MSR: Main Supply Route

NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer; all enlisted men other than privates

NCOIC: Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge

NG: National Guard

NKPA: North Korean People’s Army

OC: Officer in Charge

OCS: Officer Candidate School

OD: Officer of the Day/Olive Drab

OG: Officer of the Guard

OP: Observation Post/Outpost

P&A: Pioneer and Ammunition platoon; also called A&P: dealt with mines, barbed wire and the like; also carried ammo and was responsible for headquarters security

Para/par: Paragraph

Paratroopers: Airborne Infantry soldiers; deployed via parachute jump

PCS: Permanent Change of Station

PFC: Private First Class

PH: Purple Heart

PIB: Parachute Infantry Battalion

PIO: Public Information Office

PIR: Parachute Infantry Regiment

Plat: Platoon

POE: Port of Embarkation

Police Action: War waged without Congressional declaration

POM: Preparation for Overseas Movement

POW: Prisoner of War

PRO: Public Relations Officer

PT: Physical Training

Pvt: Private

PX: Post Exchange (store)

QM: Quartermaster

Quit Slip: Formal application to leave ranger/parachute training program

RA: Regular Army

RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging

RCT: Regimental Combat Team

Rct: Recruit

Red Legs: Artillerymen

Red Tails: Black fighter pilots of the 99th Pursuit Squadron

Regt: Regiment

Rel/reld: Relieved

Repl: Replacement

Repo Depo: Replacement Depot organization

Ret: Retired

RICA: Ranger Infantry Company Airborne

RIF: Reduction in Force

Rigger: Person who packs or rigs parachutes

ROK: Republic of Korea (South Korea)

R&R: Rest and Recreation/Relaxation/Recuperation

RTC: Recruit Training Center

RTD: Returned to Duty

Rtn (d): Return (ed)

RTO: Railroad Train Office

/s/: Signature

S-1: Personnel section of regimental or lower staff

S-2: Intelligence section of regimental or lower staff

S-3: Operations and training section of regimental or lower staff

S-4: Supply section of regimental or lower staff

SAM: Surface-to-Air Missiles

SCR-300: Signal Corps radio that infantry companies used to contact battalion

SEAL: Sea-Air-Land: U.S. Navy Special Forces branch member

Serial: Group of aircraft operating together

SFC: Sergeant First Class

Sgt: Sergeant

Shavetail: Nickname for a new Second Lieutenant

Shpmt: Shipment

Sk: Sick

Slim Jim: Nickname of Major General James Gavin, 82d Airborne Division

SO: Special Orders

SOL: Shit Out of Luck

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

SOS: Services of Supply (also slang for creamed chipped beef)

Sqd: Squad

SS: Silver Star

S/Sgt: Staff Sergeant

Str: Company’s strength (number of personnel) at a particular time

SWA: Seriously Wounded in Action

/t/: Typed

T-34: North Korean Army tank

T/A: Table of Allowance

TACP: Tactical Air Control Point

T/D: Table of Distribution

TD: Tank Destroyer

TDY: Temporary Duty

TF: Task Force

Tk: Tank

TO: Table of Organization

TO&E: Table of Organization and Equipment (list of personnel and equipment belonging to a unit)

TOT: Time on Target (a type of artillery barrage)

Triple Nickels: Nickname of the 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion

Tvl: Travel

TWX: Telegram

UCMJ: Uniform Code of Military Justice

UN: United Nations

Un-ass: To exit from an aircraft in a very rapid manner

UNC: United Nations Command

Unk: Unknown

UP: Under the provisions of…

USCT: United States Colored Troops

USMA: United States Military Academy

USNS: United States Naval Ship

USNTS: United States Naval Transport Ship

USO: United Services Organization

VFW: Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.

VIP: Very Important Person

VOCG: Verbal Order of the Commanding General

WAC: Women’s Army Corps

Wheels: VIPs

WIA: Wounded in Action

WOJG: Warrant Officer Junior Grade

WP: White Phosphorus

XO: Executive Officer