Appendix 4

Table of Army Ranks, Branches, and Awards

Officer Ranks:

O-10: General (GEN) 4 stars

O-9: Lieutenant General (LG) 3 stars

O-8: Major General (MG) 2 stars

O-7: Brigadier General (BG) 1 star

O-6: Colonel (COL)“Bird Colonel”

O-5: Lieutenant Colonel (LCOL)

O-4: Major (MAJ)

O-3: Captain (CPT)

O-2: First Lieutenant (1LT)

O-1: Second Lieutenant (2LT) “Shavetail”

(Five warrant officer ranks fall in between)
Enlisted ranks (all qualify as NCOs except privates):

E-9: Sergeant Major (SgtMaj)

E-8: First Sergeant (1stSgt) “Top Kick”

E-8: Master Sergeant (MSgt)

E-7: Sergeant First Class (SFC)

E-6: Staff Sergeant (S/Sgt)

E-5: Sergeant (Sgt)

E-4: Corporal (Cpl, Corp)

E-4: Specialist (Spec)

E-3: Private First Class (PFC)

E-2: Private (Pvt)

E-1: Private“Buck”

Explanation of Army Constituent Units:
Unit Size Make-up Command

(“A ____ has about ____ men divided into _______with a _____ in charge.”)

Army: 50 to 60 thousand: multiple corps: GEN, LG

Corps: 30 to 50 thousand: 2 or more divisions: LG

Division: 10 to 20 thousand: 2 to 4 brigades: MG

Brigade: 3 to 5 thousand: 2 to 5 regiments: BG (or 3 to 6 battalions)

Regiment: 2 to 3 thousand: 2 or more battalions: COL (or 3 to 7 companies)

Battalion: 300 to 1500: 2 to 6 companies: LCOL

Company: 70 to 250: 3 to 5 platoons: CPT, MAJ

Platoon: 25 to 60: 2 to 4 squads: 1LT, 2LT

Squad: 8 to 14: NCO

List of Army Branches

Air Defense Artillery

Armor (tanks)




Field Artillery

Infantry (includes Airborne)

Military Police



Adjutant General (lawyers)



Quartermaster (supplies)




Hierarchy of Army Awards

Award: Year established and re-established

Congressional Medal of Honor: 1862

Distinguished Service Cross: 1847, 1918

Distinguished Service Medal: 1918

Silver Star: 1918

Legion of Merit: 1942

Soldier’s Medal: 1926

Bronze Star: 1944

Purple Heart: 1782, 1932

Commendation Medal: 1945