Two- or three-man fire teams from the assault platoons called to enemy personnel who might have been hiding in the dugouts to surrender. If no one appeared, the Rangers threw in a grenade to ensure that the dugout was empty or nothing dangerous was left waiting inside. They had learned that during fluid fighting, enemy soldiers would remain holed up unless forced out. Then, hours after being by-passed, they would creep out during the night to attack American positions or CPs.

After a brief reorganization, the company started its final assault toward Hill 151. (Sketch B) The Mortar Section took position on the high ground behind Sangdokso-ri village. The company moved out with Wilburn’s 2d Platoon on the left and Freeman’s 1st Platoon on the right. Queen started to go forward with Wilburn’s platoon, but Allen called him to come back to the mortars. Wilburn’s platoon advanced about 100 yards. He set up his LMG Team to cover his advance. Freeman was to the right and a little to the rear, but he quickly brought his platoon into line.