DJ Pon-3 was headed to the Sweet Shoppe for an afternoon treat along with some of the kids from Canterlot High. She had in her earphones and was listening to music, but she kept hearing a more insistent tune out on the street. And that’s when she saw the giant performing banana!
That fruit can rock, she thought to herself. That’s when she realized that hidden inside the yellow costume was Applejack. She pulled out her earphones so she could really listen.
Wow! She could imagine Applejack and Rainbow Dash strutting across the stage. It looked like the girls might be able to get this band together after all.
“Doesn’t she look ridiculous?” said Trixie, coming up beside her. “I think it would ruin the Spring Fling to let anyone that silly-looking perform.”
“You don’t look at music,” a text response from DJ Pon-3 said, “you listen to it! And you can’t stop listening to Applejack.”
“Hmmph! I can!” said Trixie. She stomped off down the street.
But as Trixie disappeared around the corner, DJ Pon-3 noticed that she was walking in time to the rhythm of the bass.
Kids were going in and out of the Sweet Shoppe, and every one of them was moving to the music. Even the coffee glugging out of the espresso machines seemed to be harmonizing with it! Kids were munching their muffins to the beat. A baby was slurping his milk bottle in rhythm. A tiny dog poking out of a lady’s fancy purse was blinking his little black eyes to it.
Standing in line, DJ Pon-3 was snapping her fingers as Applejack’s awesome music pulsed through the store. Just add a drum set, a keyboard, and some vocals, and the Spring Fling was going to be unforgettable!
“Good afternoon!” said Mrs. Cake from behind the counter. “What can I get for you?”
DJ Pon-3 smiled and pointed to an enormous blueberry muffin with crumble topping in the glass case. Mrs. Cake leaned into the case, grabbed the muffin, and dropped it into a white paper bag, humming as she did so.
“It’s a wonderful day, isn’t it?” she said to DJ Pon-3.
She smiled as she handed Mrs. Cake a dollar bill.
The music was reaching a crescendo, and everyone in the Sweet Shoppe was bouncing to the beat. It was like a flash mob, only it was completely unplanned. Customers found themselves doing the Pony Stomp, lifting their knees and prancing, clapping their hands, and waving their arms from side to side. They couldn’t help it! The music was just too magical.
With a final riff of notes, the music came to a climactic finish. One customer who’d been waving his hands over his head lost his balance and staggered, and his smoothie tipped and spilled. But it didn’t matter. Not one bit. Nothing mattered when you were dancing!