Your life-changing journey starts here

Anyone who slims down and regains their youthful figure is a winner. There is no price you can place on looking – and feeling – ten years younger, easing your aching joints and having energy to spare at the end of the day.

Based on the priciples of my best-selling Gi Hip and Thigh Diet (Arrow), this book accompanies my second television series of Slim to Win with Rosemary Conley on ITV Central. The series follows seven overweight men and women on a life-changing journey to re-educate their eating habits and adopt a more active lifestyle. If it’s not aired in your area, you can log on to or our own website and watch each episode as it unfolds.

However, this book is about helping YOU. I have included the same diet principles, activity advice and motivational tips that my television slimmers followed and, although I didn’t have their final results before this book went to print, after just two months on the diet, this is the progress they had made:

Alan Graves lost 1st 9lb

Lauren Hewitt lost 8lb

Debra Gaskin lost 1st 6lb

Vicky Argyle lost 1st 8lb

Roweena Kaur lost 1st 8lb

Allyson Wicklen lost 1st 7lb

Neil Wicklen (Allyson’s father) lost 2st 9lb

It worked for them and it can work for you. I will show you how to make some common-sense choices about the food you eat – what to buy and how to cook it – and what activity to do.

For more than 35 years I’ve been helping people to get slim, and during that exciting and enjoyable career I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the UK’s top experts in the fields of nutrition (Professor Andrew Prentice and Dr Susan Jebb), exercise physiology (Professor Kevin Sykes), psychology (Professor Raj Persaud), general medicine (Dr Hilary Jones), as well as exercise and weight management (Mary Morris Msc) and cookery (chef Dean Simpole-Clarke).

I have learned so much from these people and incorporated their very best advice into many of my diet and fitness programmes – in my books, videos and DVDs, my Diet & Fitness magazine, Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Clubs and our online slimming club,, and now in my Slim to Win series for ITV. Indeed, most of these experts have appeared in the programme.

This diet and cookbook gives you the tools you need to change your lifestyle for the better by losing your unwanted weight and getting fitter, just as my Slim to Win dieters did. It is easier than you think, but only you can decide that you want to be a winner. No one can do it for you, but once you start to see results you’ll be so encouraged that you will transform your body faster than you ever thought possible.

Chef Dean Simpole-Clarke has provided a wonderful array of dishes suitable for all the family, including some special recipes he created for my Slim to Win dieters, who featured in the series. Those recipes are prefixed with the dieter’s name. The calorie and fat content is clearly shown with every recipe throughout the book.

I’ve included a strict Fat Attack Fortnight Diet to get you started on your weight-loss journey. The initial short, sharp, concerted effort will pay dividends by enabling you to lose around 7lb in the first two weeks! Then, from week three you can enjoy alcohol, puddings and treats, depending on your personal calorie allowance, which you can calculate by referring to the tables here. I’ve given some additional menus so you can continue your weight-loss programme as well as advice on how to become more active, how to cook the low fat way, plus some motivational tips. In addition, there are lots of extra recipes to stimulate your taste buds, whether you are dieting or entertaining friends. As all the calories are stated per serving throughout, it’s easy to incorporate these into your daily calorie allowance.

Use the charts at the back of the book to monitor your weight and inch loss progress and be aware that you’ll not only be transforming the outside appearance of your body but the inside, too!

Perfect portion control

Overestimating portion sizes is the biggest single reason why dieters don’t lose weight as fast as they think they deserve to.

Rosemary Conley Portion Pots, which come in four different sizes and colour, offer a simple solution for measuring your servings of staple foods such as rice, pasta, cereals, baked beans, chopped foods – and even wine. Once you get into the habit of using them, you’ll speed up your weight loss like a dream. To order a set, visit or call 0870 050 7727. They cost just £4.99 plus p&p or get a set free when you join your local Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Club.

I have included the appropriate portion pot colour in the diet and menu plans here to help you measure your servings with greater accuracy and ease, but in case you do not yet own a set I have also given the equivalent metric weight equivalents.
