Al-, el-, and other initial articles in all languages are ignored in alphabetization. Figures are indicated by “f” following page number.
‘Abd al-Malik (caliph)
Abdullah b. Mas‘ud
Abode of Majesty
Abode of Peace
Abode of Rest
Abode of Shelter
‘abqari (carpet)
‘Abqari (land of jinn)
Abraham (prophet)
Abu Bakr (al-siddiq)
Abu Jahl (“father of folly”)
Abu Talib
acacia (talh)
Adam (first man)
adornment, problems of
aesthetic of Garden; celebrations and developments inspired by; cosmologies and; deception and perception in; earthly gardens as legacy of; formation of; mosques and
afterlife: Abu Jahl’s diatribes against; afterworld vs.; beliefs in pre-Islamic Arabia; connection between human life and; doctrine of; Islamic faith in; Islamic vs. Christian eschatology; material reward as proof of; Meccan contestation of validity; Muhammad’s visions of; as reward for sacrifice; social dynamics in
afterworld(s): afterlife vs.; anthropomorphism of; artistic forms shaped by; as central motif of Islamic narrative; creation of earthly world linked to; ethical orientations of; function of; heaven and hell as; inhabitants (see inhabitants of afterworlds); Islamic development of; landscapes (see landscapes of afterworlds); logic of; material culture in (see material culture and objects); as means to end; as metonymies for Islam; Muhammad’s visions of; Muhammad’s visit to, (see also Night Journey and Ascension); narrative authenticity controversies; onset of death as temporal link to; as realm of imagination; relationship of earthly life to; sensual aspects of; social life of; stratification of; terminology; as timeless realm; visions of. See also Fire; Garden
al-Ahbar, Ka‘b
al-akhira (the hereafter)
Allah: as final arbitrator of judgment; as jealous god; Muhammad’s revelations as word of; power and mercy of; proximity to in Garden; submission to
angels: administering punishment in Fire; four-headed
animals: in Garden
anthropomorphism of Garden and Fire
antichrist (al-Dajjal)
anti-Persian aesthetic
al-‘Aqaba, story of
al-Aqsa mosque
Arabia: aridity of; pre-Islamic eschatological traditions
Arda Wirag Namag
al-‘As b. Wa’il
Ascension. See Night Journey and Ascension
Asin, Miguel
Assassins (hashishiyya)
Bab al-Rahman (gate of Mercy)
badiya (desert)
Bahram Gur
banquets of Garden: companionship of; perpetual nature of; service at
Banu Makhzum tribe
al-Baqara (sura)
baraka (blessings)
Barolini, Teolinda
Battle of Badr
Battle of the Ditch
Battle of Uhud
al-Biruni, Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad
bitter fruit (dari‘)
bliss of Garden
Bridge of Sirat
Çaliş, Deniz
chahar bagh
children: clearing minefields as martyrdom; desire for procreation in Garden; value in Garden
Christian apostles, symbols of
clothing: adornment and; in Garden; of women
common sense, women lacking
companions: in Garden; of left hand; of Muhammad; of right hand. See also female companions
consolation, Garden as
Contemporary Muslim Apocalyptic Literature (Cook)
Cook, David
cosmologies; depictions of Night Journey and Ascension; in eschatological narratives; Haft Paykar; of Ibn al-‘Arabi; maps; of al-Qazwini
courtyard gardens
Ctesiphon, palace of
cupbearer (saqi)
cushions (namariq)
al-Dajjal (antichrist)
Daqa’iq al-akhbar fi dhikr al-janna wa-l-nar (al-Qadi)
dari‘ (bitter fruit)
date palms
desert, terminology
Divine Comedy (Dante)
Dome of the Chain
Dome of the Rock: al-Aqsa mosque; eschatological themes of buildings; mosaic decoration; pilgrimages to; as sacred site; as temple; as Temple Mount
dress. See clothing
Durra al-fakhira (al-Ghazali)
eclipse prayer
Eklund, Ragnar
end of time
eschatological manuals; architecture of Garden in; central eschatological events; contemporary; exhortation forms; Fire in; focus of; houris, wives, and children in; illustrating theological images; moral education and behavior in; narrative and textual drama; overview of; preaching and storytelling in; structure of. See also narratives, eschatological
ethics, Islamic. See Islamic ethic
Euphrates (river)
Fada’il al-bayt al-muqaddas (al-Wasiti)
fada’il ashab al-nabi
families in Garden; removal from landscape; reuniting of
Farrukhi Sistani
female companions: in Garden; in Islamic afterworld vs. Christian beliefs; terminology. See also houris
al-firdaws. See Paradise
Fire: attributes of; as desert intensified; in eschatological manuals; functions of; as hell; inhabitants (see inhabitants of afterworlds); landscape of; as marker of Islamic denial; as metonym; Muhammad’s visions of; pain and punishment in, (see also punishment); personification of; population of; realms for other religious traditions; reverse effects of elements in Garden; seven gates of; solitude and emptiness in; structure of; terminology; transformation of body in; women as sinners. See also afterworld(s); jahannam (hell); al-nar (Fire)
Flood, Finbarr Barry
foremost of faith
free will
fruit trees
furush (carpet)
al-Futuhat al-makkiyya (Ibn al-‘Arabi)
Gabriel (angel): houris and; revealing Khadija’s palace in Garden; revelations to Muhammad; showing soul its place in afterworld
Garden: actions barring entry into; actualizing desire and fantasy; as anthropomorphic being; banquets (see banquets of Garden); bliss of; catering to men’s pleasures; companionship of (see companions; female companions); as consolation; contemporary celebrations and images of; envisioning of; families and households in; food and drink in; foremost of faith in; as frame for meaning in earthly time; functions of; gates of; as Heaven; as image of Paradise; inhabitants (see inhabitants of afterworlds); landscape and architecture (see landscapes of afterworlds); legacy of (see aesthetic of Garden); levels and hierarchy of; marketplace in; as metonym; as motivational device; pairs theme in; piety required for; procreation of children; retinues in; as reward; rivers and waters of; sacrifice in battle and entry into; as sexual paradise; social life of; terminology; textiles in; transformation of bodies in; trees and vines in. See also afterworld(s)
Garden of ‘Adn
Garden of Bliss
Garden of Firdaws
Garden of Immortality
gardens, earthly: demonstrating power of rulers; epistemology and metaphor of; iconography of; not always invoking Paradise; Persian landscape design traditions; shaping natural world
Gathering (hashr)
gems (yaqut)
ghadir (pools)
ghayra (jealousy)
al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Tusi
Ghaznavid gardens
ghilman (slave boys)
Gihon (river)
Gog and Magog
Golden Gate
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck
hadiths: on animals in Garden; as canonical material; classification of traditions; code of ethics based on; scale of afterworlds in
Haft Paykar (Nizami): garden imagery of; illuminated manuscripts using; miraj-like journey in; narrative of Bahram Gur; paradisical traditions of tales
Hakki, Ibrahim
Halevi, Leor
Hanaway, William
Hasan-i Sabbah
hashishiyya (Assassins)
Hatib b. Umayya b. Rafi‘
hawiya (abyss)
heaven: Christian belief in; complex structure of; gates of; Islamic vs. Christian eschatology; Old Man of the Mountain legend; opposition of heaven and earth. See also Garden
hell: eroding Christian belief in; Islamic vs. Christian eschatology; terminology. See also Fire; jahannam (hell)
Hijaz region (Arabia)
holy cities
honey, rivers of
houris: in eschatological manuals; as female companions; frolicking in Garden; interaction with believers; as motif of Garden; public role in Garden; as reward for good behavior on earth; role in battles; sensuality of; servant girls of; signifying otherworldly places; terminology; untouched by men or jinn in Garden
hutama (furnace)
Ibn al-‘Awf
Ibn al-‘Arabi, Muhyi al-Din
Ibn Habib
Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad
Ibn Hisham, Ahmad b. Hasan
Ibn Ishaq. See also Sira Rasul Allah (Ibn Ishaq)
Ibn al-Jawzi, Abu al-Faraj
Ibn Luhayy, ‘Amr
Ibn ‘Umar, ‘Abdallah
Iconotextual Studies in the Muslim Vision of Paradise (Tamari)
‘idah trees
infanticide, female
inhabitants of afterworlds; as active vs. passive agents; inhabitants of Garden seeing inhabitants of Fire; male/female stratification in; replicating earthly models of slave class; rich vs. poor in; servants; stratification of humanity in Last Judgment
intercession (shafa‘a)
Iram (city)
Iskandar-nama (Book of Alexander) (Nizami)
Islam: as belief system; envisioning of Garden and sense of self; establishing primacy of; Garden and Fire as metonymies for; as religion of Garden; as threat to social structure of Mecca. See also Islamic origins
Islamic ethic: adornment and; as code of behavior; earthly behavior and afterlife; Garden and Fire in; hadiths and; material culture and; polarity of ethical behavior; rejection of Persian influences; women’s role
Islamic history (discipline)
Islamic origins; difficulties in understanding afterlife; evolution from Mecca to Medina; historical search for; Islamic society and focus on; Meccan contestation of validity of afterlife; Muslim fight to win Mecca
Islamic Understanding of the Afterlife (Smith and Haddad)
al-isra’ wa-l-mi‘raj. See Night Journey and Ascension
isti‘ara (metaphor)
‘Izra’il (angel)
jahannam (hell); personification of
jahim (hellfire)
al-jamahir (al-Biruni)
al-janna: as a garden vs. Garden; as highest realm of heaven; as place and thing; terminology. See also Garden; heaven
Jayhan (river)
Jenkins, Jerry
jihad: as highest grade of abstention; as internal struggle on righteous path; martyrdom and
jinn, belief in
John Paul (Pope)
judgment: extension beyond time and space; inevitability of; material aspects of reward and; Meccan reaction to revelations on; non-believers and; physical state of body reflecting; revelations of Muhammad; sacrifice in battle not defense against; things that began before time and. See also Last Judgment
Jughrafiyat al-maladhdhat al-jins fi al-janna (Mahmoud)
kadhdhaba (lying)
Kağithane Commons
Kağithane gardens
al-Kawthar (fountain; pool; river)
Khabbab b. al-Aratt
khamr (wine)
Kitab ‘aja’ib al-makhluqat wa ghara’ib al-mawjudat (al-Qazwini)
Kitab al-akhira (al-Ahbar)
Kitab al-qussas wa-l-mudhakkirin (Ibn al-Jawzi)
Kitab al-tawahhum (al-Muhasibi)
Kitab dhikr al-mawt wa ma ba‘dahu (al-Ghazali)
Kitab al-haqa’ iq wal-l-daqa’iq (al-Samarqandi)
Koch, Ebba
kuhan (soothsayers)
LaHaye, Tim
landscapes of afterworlds; absence of animals; anthropomorphic characteristics; architecture of Garden; common plants omitted from; as deliberately structured realms; Fire in; fountains and rivers; idealized landscape of Garden; perfumes and senses in; precious metals and stones; scale of; social landscape; spatial and temporal parameters; topography and geography; trees
Last Judgment: depictions off; Muhammad’s revelations of; punishment of; reality of; stratification of humanity; as theme in Qur’an; transformation of body
laza (flame)
Left Behind (LaHaye and Jenkins)
Life Between Death and Resurrection According to Islam (Eklund)
liquids, as metaphors for life
location, states of existence and
Lote Tree of the Boundary (Sidrat al-Muntaha)
lotus (sidr) tree
lying (kadhdhaba)
Mahmoud, Ibrahim
Malik (keeper of hell)
Malik ibn Anas (Imam)
Malik Makhsi (calligrapher)
manaqib al-ansar
Mani (artist and heretic)
maps: of eschatological time and space; Mughal fascination with gardens in
al-Maqdisi, Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Shams al-Din
Marco Polo
Ma‘riftename (Hakki)
marketplace of Garden
martyrdom: action vs. intentions; Battle of Uhud and traditions of; children clearing minefields in Iran-Iraq war as; rewards of
Masjid al-Aqsa
material culture and objects; adornment and; in afterworlds; believers vs. unbelievers and enjoyment of; bliss of Garden and; defining what is possible in afterworld; eschatological manuals and power of; of Garden; judgment linked to things that began before time; objectification and social landscape
Meisami, Julie Scott
Meri, Josef
milk, rivers of
mi‘aj. See Night Journey and Ascension
Mir Haydar
Moosa, Ebrahim
mosques: Dome of the Rock; pilgrimages to; sacred topography and building sites; Umayyad Mosque
Mount Qasiyun
Mughal gardens
Muhammad: on afterlife; battles for Mecca; companions of; dreams of afterworld; historical view of; life in Mecca and Medina; message of afterlife; as messenger who cannot provide reward; negotiations with Quraysh leaders; revelations as threat to Meccan social life; riding Buraq across night sky; sense of joy of; shrine of; on sinners; visions of afterworlds; visions of Fire; visit to afterworld; as warner (al-mundhir). See also Night Journey and Ascension
Muhammad’s Grave: Death Rites and the Making of Islamic Society (Halevi)
Mumtaz Mahal
musk (misk)
Muslims, odes to courage of
mustard seed trope
Al-Muwatta’ of Imam Malik ibn Anas: The First Formulation of Islamic Law (Malik)
nabidh (wine)
al-Nahyan, Zayed bin Sultan (Sheikh)
al-nar (Fire)
narratives, eschatological: of apocalypse; contemplation of death; cosmology in; drama in; Garden and Fire in; of al-Ghazali; of Ibn Habib; of al-Qurtubi; of al-Samarqandi; sensuality in; transformation of; types of. See also Night Journey and Ascension
Niche of Lights (al-Ghazali)
Night Journey and Ascension; ascension as test of faith; ascension narratives; contestation of journey to Holy Land in one night; Dome of the Rock and; eschatological depictions of; iconic quality of; meeting biblical prophets on; as Muhammad’s visit to afterworld
Nile river
Nizami (poet): Haft Paykar; Iskandar-nama (Book of Alexander)
nonintoxicating drinks in Garden
al-Nur (“the Light”)
Old Man of the Mountain
O’Shaughnessy, Thomas
palace of Ctesiphon
The Palm (planned community)
palm trees
Paradise: catering to mean’s pleasures; Dante’s vision of; earthly gardens representing; as enclosed space; highest (firdaws); Islamic vs. Christian views; Old Man of the Mountain’s deceitful legend of; poetic gardens reflecting; rivers of. See also Garden
pearls (lu’lu’)
Pishon (river)
poetic gardens
pomegranate trees
preachers (wu“az)
preaching and storytelling: dramatic gestures in; fabrication of traditions; Garden and Fire as motifs for; innovations of; manipulation of audience; relationship with audience
precious metals and stones
privacy, as luxury of Garden
prophets, hierarchy of
punishment: angels administering; based on earthly sins; body as prime site of; boiling liquids as; earthly behavior affecting in afterlife; Fire as metonym for; illustrations of; types of
al-Qadi: on architecture of Garden; eschatological narrative; on houris; on punishments of Fire
Qasab (Khadija’s palace)
al-Qazwini, Zakariyya b. Muhammad
Qur’an: absence of animals in Garden; on al-janna; ambiguities in; didactic nature of verses; invoking Garden and Fire; Last Judgment as theme of; linking life to afterlife; as literal word of God; myth of she-camel’s scream; on reality of judgment; view of afterworld
Rabat, Nasser
Rabi‘a al-’Adawiyya
al-Rahman (“The Merciful”)
religious literature, American
residences (masakin)
Resurrection (qiyama); eschatological narratives of; Qur’an on possibility of
retinues, in Garden
reward, Garden as metonym for
rivers: of Garden; as markers of Muslim territory; as trope for plenty
Robinson, Cynthia
Ruggles, D. Fairchild
sa‘a (appointed hour)
sahra’ (desert)
Sa’ib of Tabriz
Sa‘id al-Khudri
Saint John the Baptist (church)
sa‘ir (fire)
el-Saleh, Soubi
Salih (prophet)
salsabil (fountain)
sama’ al-dunya (lowest heaven)
al-samawat (the heavens)
saqar (blaze)
Satanic verses
Sayhan (river)
Schwartz, Merlin
scream of she-camel (myth)
Séguy, Marie-Rose
senses, in Garden
servants: in afterlife; boys (ghilman; wildan); girls (wasifa; jaria). See also slavery
seventy, significance of
sex outside marriage
sexual paradise, Garden as
shade trees
shahada, behavior vs.
Shah Jahan
shayatin (satans)
she-camel, scream of (myth)
Sidrat al-Muntaha (Lote Tree of the Boundary)
sight, Garden and
silver and gold eating vessels
Sira Rasul Allah (Ibn Ishaq): on faith in afterlife; Garden and Fire as metonymies for Islam; history of; Jewish man foretelling rise of Islam; variations on Night Journey
slavery: ghilman as slaves; in Islamic society; material objectification in afterworlds and
smell, in Garden
Smith, Jane Idleman
solar eclipse
soul (ruh)
sound, in afterworld
spending of money, inappropriate
storytellers (qussas). See also preaching and storytelling
Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic (Cook)
Sur Gujarati (painter)
Tabbaa, Yasser
al-Tadhkira fi ahwal al-mawta wa-umur al-akhira (al-Qurtubi)
Taj Mahal
Tamari, Shemuel
tamarisk (ithl) tree
tasnim (wine)
tawhid (unity)
Temple Mount
temple of Solomon
Tigris (river)
time, as distance measure
al-Tirmidhi, Abu ‘Isa Muhammad
tithe (zakat)
tombstone inscriptions
topography, sacred
tree of al-Zaqqum; illustration
trees: in afterworlds; in contemporary eschatological manuals; importance in Garden; in Qur’an
Tuba (tree)
‘Ubayda b. al-Harith
‘Umar al-Khattab
Umayyad Mosque: construction on previous sacred sites; eschatological significance of; inscriptions of; in Islamic sacred history; mosaics of; pilgrimages to
Umm Hani
unbelievers: punishment in Fire; torment at battle of Badr; transformation of bodies in Fire
La vie future selon le Coran (el-Saleh)
al-Walid (caliph)
al-Waq‘a (“The Reality”)
warner (al-mundhir), Muhammad as
Wasf al-firdaws (Ibn Habib)
wildan (servant boys)
women: adornment and dress; ethical standing of; intermediary place in afterworld; lacking common sense; as population of Fire; punishments of; as reward for martyrs; seclusion in Garden; starving of cat; ungrateful relationships with husbands as sin; as wives in afterlife. See also female companions
wrongful speech
yaqut (gems)
Yasir b. ‘Ammar
zabaniya (angels administering punishment)
zabibatan (bald monster)
zakat (tithe)
al-Zaqqum, tree of. See tree of al-Zaqqum
zarabi (carpet)
Zayd b. Haritha