Morning sickness denotes symptoms of nausea and vomiting which pregnant women do go through. They general occur at any time of the day, but it is more pronounced in the mornings. Morning sickness differs in intensity. The situation is mostly observed to happen in three quarters of women during the first trimester of their pregnancy. Nearly half of all pregnant women do experience nausea and vomiting. The symptoms generally start during the sixth week of pregnancy, although it may even be noticed in the fourth week. The symptoms then gradually increase over the course of the months.
A lot of women discover that the symptoms becomes reduce and even ebb away completely by the fourteenth week of pregnancy. But for some categories of women, symptoms of pregnancy may continue for some time longer. Episodes of morning sickness may also be occurring in a day on and a day off pattern through the pregnancy, without meticulous routine. The experience of morning sickness can leave you feeling fatigued, but there are ways to alleviate the symptoms. Morning sickness may an individual so tired easily; however there are ways of addressing the associated challenges.
The notable symptoms of morning sickness are nausea, vomiting and tiredness. Additionally several women also suffer constipation, pain in the back, swelling of the breasts and darkening of the areola. Symptoms of morning sickness are not thing to be worried about. These things occur because the body is adjusting to the growing pregnancy. It is a kind of defense system which enables you to understand the changes going on in your body. Every woman adapts to pregnancy in different ways; therefore some women may experience morning sickness while other categories of women may be far from it. This too is not a cause for worry. There is no verifiable scientific evidence that connect absence of morning sickness with problems in pregnancy. The baby cannot be affected in any way by morning sickness. Because of nausea and vomiting, a number of women lose their desire for food and are unable to add weight effortlessly. If there is no weight gain during the first trimester, there is no cause for alarm. Nevertheless it is essential that the body is not deprived of foods. Proper hydration must equally be ensured. In general, women are able to have their appetite restore in quick time and weight increase begin occurring properly. In situations where nausea and vomiting is serious and unceasing, there may be a possibility of premature birth and low birth weight.
Management tips for Morning sickness
Herbal Remedies
1. Mix single drops of ginger, fennel and peppermint oils. Then add them together in an ounce of carrier oil. Massage the ‘exquisite oil’ into the skin; it soothes the stomach.
2. Put little drops of lavender oil in the bath tub and immerse yourself in it. This relaxes your muscles and keeps you calm.
3. ½ to 1 teaspoon of Wild yam root should be taken each day. This herbal remedy will help you deal with morning sickness.