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Warts can be described as little growths on the skin brought about by a range of viruses known as Human papilloma virus (HPV). There are almost 60 identified types of HPV. There may occur in single or in clusters. Generally there are three well known warts:
1. Common warts
2. Genital warts
3. Plantar warts.
Common warts usually occur in nearly all the parts of the body although it is generally common on the fingers, elbows, knees, face, the skin of the nails and the forearms.
Plantar warts are found on the soles of the feet and beneath the toes. They are generally soft to touch and burst open if the surface is scratched hard.
Genital warts are naturally soft growths that are located around the anus, penis, groin, vagina and scrotum. They are generally red or pink in nature and they tend to occur in clusters. Genital warts are extremely contagious and mostly transmitted through oral, anal and vaginal intercourse.
Herbal Remedies
1. Apply some raw and fresh juice of aloe vera directly on the warts. Aloe vera is known to dissolve warts and beautifies the skin.
2. Marigold is an excellent herb for treating warts. The juice of marigold should be applied generously over the warts. Equally the sap from the marigold stem can be applied too. In the same manner, soak some handfuls of marigold leaves in warm water for about 20 minutes and then sieve off the water. Put the leaves in a mortar and pound into a thick paste. This paste should then be applied adequately on the warts and make sure you a clean piece of cloth to hold the paste in place for 2 or 3 hours at a stretch. Then remove the cloth and wash the area with cold water. This wonderful plant brings an outstanding result very fast.
3. The peels of Papaya (pawpaw), pineapple and figs are known to contain proteolytic enzymes. These proteolytic enzymes can dissolve warts perfectly without any hassle. All you need to do is to just massage the area affected by warts with any of this peel to get result. Alternately, you can also tie the peel to warts for several hours and then remove.
4. Milkweed is a popular weed that is common in the North America. Massage the fresh milky juice to warts daily; the outcome is superb. There are no known side effects whatever.
5. Look for a snail or snug in your garden. Massage the warts with its spittle and then allow it to stay on for 24 hours before you clean up the area.
6. Squeeze milky sap from dandelion and apply directly to the warts area two or three times in a day.
7. Crush some pieces of garlic, squeeze the juice and rub the juice on the warts. Allow it for some hours before washing it off with water.
8. Rub the wart with a piece of garlic or garlic juice of four.
9. Cut raw potatoes and massage on the warts many time in a day; usually for the least period of 2 weeks. Similarly the raw potatoes can be crushed to paste and apply directly to the warts. Note that, the juice should be used instantly to avoid oxidation of potato juice with oxygen that tends to reduce its efficacy.