
With each new book I see published, I find myself more and more amazed by the support I’m given by a variety of people. To these people, I give heartfelt thanks.

To my editors, Raela Schoenherr and Karen Schurrer—Thank you for polishing up my stories and getting me back on track when I start going down those rabbit trails.

To the fabulous marketing and sales team at Bethany House—Your diligence in getting my work out to the readers is truly inspiring. I couldn’t do any of this without you.

To Paul Higdon and John Hamilton—Thank you for another wonderful cover.

To my brother-in-law, Mike Gibas—I know the family was a little skeptical when you up and married my sister, Tricia, so unexpectedly all those years ago. But, it’s been proven time and time again that our skepticism was unfounded. You’re a delightful brother-in-law and are simply perfect for my sister. Thank you for reading all of my stories, even the horrible ones, and proclaiming them wonderful. Your encouragement kept me going even when I wanted to throw in the towel and just go back to fashion.

To my sister-in-law, Kristin Turner—I’m so glad you didn’t let Dave scare you away with all that talk about his sisters, although I’m pretty sure he wasn’t including me when he told you those dastardly tales. You’ve been such a fun addition to our family, and you’ve given me two adorable nieces, Meghan and Kaitlyn, whom I just love to pieces.

To Amy Hall, one of my favorite librarians—It’s been so lovely getting to know you. Your mad research skills and ability to dig up everything concerning the Gilded Age has been invaluable. Thank you for not getting tired of all my questions.

To all my friends, neighbors, and strangers I just happen to meet on the street—Thank you for allowing me to go on and on about my stories, even when I know full well you have no idea what I’m talking about. I promise that someday, when this isn’t quite so new to me, I’ll talk about something else, like football, or the latest styles in shoes.

To Al and Dom—Thanks for everything, especially just being my guys.

To the readers—Thank you for picking up my stories and for becoming so attached to my characters. Your letters inspire me, bring me to tears at times, and make this whole writing thing a complete joy.

And to God—for giving me an imagination, an outlet for that imagination, and a wonderful life.

God bless!