Chapter 10



Trent crossed his legs at the ankle and leaned his palms on the patio while Parry took off his clothing.

Time and their conversation had brought Trent back to nearly complete sobriety, and with it came a clearer head.

Parry removed his shoes and shirt. He peeked at Trent.

Trent smiled at him. “Lookin’ good.”

“And you say I’m a liar.” Parry unbuttoned his fly and tugged down the zipper pull.

“You already sent me a cock shot.”

“Yeah, but this is all of me. No one has seen that.”

“What are you afraid of?”

“You, seeing my pale skinny body.”

“Take off your pants, Parry.” Trent motivated himself and jumped into the pool, walking to the float and lying on it.

Parry turned his back towards Trent, stripped and covered his groin as he headed to the pool, quickly jumping in.

“Nice ass.” Trent paddled closer to him.

Parry leaned on Trent’s shoulder as he stood beside him. “This is nice. Is the water heated?”

“Yes, but I think it only kicks in at night. It’s pretty much solar heated.”

“That’s very eco-friendly of you.” Parry smiled.

“The sun.” Trent pointed. “Not solar panels.”


“You still have your glasses on.”

“Shoot.” Parry walked to the end of the pool near the table with his clothing and took them off.

When he tried to toss them near his clothing, Trent got another look at his ass and legs. So nice…

Parry waded back to Trent as Trent deliberately moved to the deeper end.

“Is there another float?” Parry asked as he held onto Trent’s as the depth hit six feet.

“I don’t know where it is. You’re going to have to share this one.” Trent smirked.

“Share it? I don’t think so.” Parry tipped Trent off and went to climb on, face down.

Trent popped up and the battle was on. They rough-housed, trying to claim ownership of the raft until they were both laughing so hard they couldn’t breathe.

“Fine! You win.” Trent pushed the raft towards him. “But only because I’m sapped from the dope.”

“Yeah, that’s another reason to stop popping pills.” Parry climbed on the raft, sitting in the middle so the ends bent like wings. “Get over here.” Parry pushed at the foot of the raft.

Trent struggled to sit on it, since it kept flopping up, but between them they were able to balance and sit on the raft face to face, centered, the two ends poking up.

Trent slid closer so their cocks touched and smiled at Parry. “Hello.”

Parry appeared shy and his cheeks went red. “Hi.”

“What can we tick off the box for you now?” Trent ran his wet hand up Parry’s shoulder to his neck.

“Anything we do is a new experience, believe me.”

Trent smiled in delight. “That is so cool.”

“No, it’s pathetic.”

“No. Think about it. It’s like being a kid, and everything is new and amazing.”

“No. It’s awkward and scary.”

“Not with me. Right?”

Parry stared at Trent. “Especially with you. You’ve got so much experience and I’m a complete novice.”

“Sounds like kind of a hot combination.” Trent loved Parry’s hair, how the water made it wavy and it was thick and a beautiful dark brown, like Parry’s pubic bush. Trent could see Parry had shaven it, once, and it was growing back. He touched the stubble and Parry nearly fell off the raft at the surprise.

Trent laughed and held onto him until he was balanced.

“Warn a guy!” Parry laughed.

“I wasn’t going for your cock. Just the nubs.”

“Nubs? Is that another gay slang thing?”

“No!” Trent laughed. “You shaved your pubic hair.”

“Yeah, well, I did for the selfie, I mean, yours is. It seems like everyone’s is. Why?”

“I don’t know. It’s like tats and piercings, they just come in and out of style. I can tell you just shaved it recently, because of the bumps.”

“Yeah, and it itches. Not sure about it.”

“I don’t mind pubes. As long as it’s not a jungle.”

Parry made a silly face at him. “Being a gay guy is so complicated. I mean, Antonio never thinks, ‘hell, I’ll shave my pubes’. I mean, he’s just him. I know he’d never even think about it.”

“Gay guys are different. You have to know that. I mean, most gay guys. I can’t generalize. But… in WeHo?” Trent rolled his eyes. “Every time I’m at the gym all I see is shaven pubes.”


“Huh.” Trent touched Parry’s wavy locks. “I love your hair. It’s amazing. You look great with it thick and long. Don’t cut it short, it won’t suit you.”

“If you knew how I battled it my whole life, gluing it down, despising it.”

“No.” Trent ran his fingers through it. “Damn, it’s so thick.”

Parry glanced down. “That’s not the only thing that’s thick.”

Trent spotted Parry’s cock poking out of the water, blushing red, and fully erect. “You have a perfect cock.”

“Shut up.” Parry laughed in embarrassment.

Trent slid off the raft and moved it so he could reach Parry from the side. “Lie flat.”

“Really?” Parry’s eyes widened.


“Oh, my God, oh, my God…” Parry carefully stretched out on the float and gripped the sides.

Trent moved the raft so it was against the wall of the pool and wouldn’t drift, then he leaned over Parry’s hip and took the head of his cock into his mouth.


Parry could not believe his eyes. Trent Hill was giving him his first blowjob. “Holy shit!” Just watching Trent’s lips surround his dick was enough to make Parry come. “You know I won’t last. Auugh… shit!”

Trent held the base and licked underneath the head, along the length. “Mm. You taste good.”

“I must taste like chlorine.”

“Nope.” Trent sucked deeper, nearly getting all of Parry’s cock into his mouth.

“Holy fucking shit!” Parry swooned and tried not to squeeze the raft so hard he’d pop it. He put his hands behind his head to prop it up and watched Trent bob up and down on his length.

Oh, yes. I see why you want this all the time. Oh, holy mother of God… if I could get a blowjob every night? Duh!

Trent seemed to sense when Parry kept getting close to a climax, because he would stop and prolong the pleasure, touching Parry and even playing with his balls.

“Trent… Trent Hill the magnificent.”

Trent laughed. He smiled wickedly at Parry and dove back on him, sucking stronger and deeper.

“Oh. My. God.” Parry spread his legs, almost instinctively, and Trent took the opportunity and went right for his ass and the root of his cock. The minute he was touched there, Parry’s body went into the most intense rush he had ever felt. He closed his eyes and could not even grunt it was so overwhelming.

Trent moaned as Parry came, and milked his cock strongly at first, then slowed down as Parry’s climax subsided. Parry touched his own chest and blinked, astonished at the pleasure his own body was capable of, in the right mouth and hands.

His chest rose and fell rapidly from his elevated respirations and the aftershocks from his ass to the tip of his cock were amazing.

“Oh, my fucking God.” Parry tried to function and couldn’t.

“Yeah, right? New addiction, Parry?”

“Holy crap. I get it. I so get it.”

Trent moved the raft so he and Parry were face to face. “Wanna taste it?”

“Sure.” Parry loved the kinky gleam in Trent’s eyes.

They kissed and Trent moved his tongue into Parry’s mouth. Parry slipped off the raft and into Trent’s arms. He picked Trent up, urging Trent to encircle his hips with his legs. Trent did, and locked his ankles behind Parry. Lost in the kissing, Parry carried a weightless Trent around the pool, moaning against his soft lips and dizzy from Trent’s tongue.

He dug his fingers into Trent’s damp hair and opened his mouth wider for more forceful kisses, and Trent responded wildly to the aggression. Parry felt Trent’s stiff cock poking his stomach and Trent tried to get friction for it, against Parry’s body.

Parry opened his eyes while they kissed and could see the intense pleasure on Trent’s face as he furrowed his brow and his long dark lashes glittered in the sun.

Parry moved them to the shallower end of the pool and aimed Trent’s back towards the wall. He then picked Trent up and sat him on the ledge.

Trent caught his breath and caressed Parry’s hair tenderly.

Parry parted Trent’s legs and moved between his knees.

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to.” Parry met Trent’s eyes.

Trent nodded.

Parry looked at Trent’s tiny dark erect nipples, down his hairless chest to his six-pack abs and that shaven package. He held Trent’s balls, which were tight from the water, and then lowered to place the head of his cock into his mouth.

Trent’s dick was cool from the water, and the minute it was inside Parry’s hot mouth, it pulsated and Parry tasted a salty drop of pre-cum. He fantasized a moment like this so many times. Sucking a guy. But he never in his wildest dreams thought it would be a guy as beautiful as Trent.

He had no idea if he could swallow, assumed not, and figured he’d soon find out. He just wondered if spitting it into the pool would be considered bad manners.

Trent held Parry’s head and at first allowed Parry to set the pace, but soon Parry realized his mouth was being fucked. So, he tried to relax his jaw and not gag.

He lost himself momentarily on keeping his teeth covered with his lips, then remembered how good it felt to be touched near his ass. He went for it, massaging under Trent’s balls and trying to use his tongue as Trent had on him.

“Oh, fuck.”

Parry got ready for the load he knew was coming. He pushed his finger nearer Trent’s rim and Trent gripped Parry’s head and came, holding him there to get a mouthful.

Parry closed his eyes and swallowed, though it was not a nice taste, he certainly didn’t want it to linger on his tongue. It went down and Trent released him. Parry wiped his mouth and looked at Trent. Trent was recovering, panting and flushed from his heat.

“Did I do okay?” Parry held onto Trent’s knees.

“Yes.” Trent laughed with a breath of exhaustion. “You did okay. I’d even say, you did great.”

“Not sure about the taste.”

“Well, that’s my fault. Oxy and booze. I’ll try and eat better, more fruit and veggies.”


“Yeah. It’s all about diet.”

“How do I taste?”

Trent gave him a wicked smile and slid into the pool to stand against him. “Like honey.”

“Aww… liar.” Parry laughed.

“Well, your cock is the first one I’ve sucked since high-school. So, mm… good.”

“Shut up!” Parry shoved him. “You’re full of it.”

Trent got Parry in a headlock and whispered in his ear from behind, “I get sucked. I don’t suck.”

Parry blinked as he stared out at the hills. Then he recalled, yes, Trent did not reciprocate the favors. That was one of the beefs the WeHo boys had against him.

Nudging at Trent’s arm-lock, Parry forced Trent to let him face him. They stood toe to toe in the water, and Parry said, “Thank you.”

The look of shock on Trent’s face surprised Parry.

“Thank you?”

“Yes.” Parry pecked Trent’s lips. “Thank you for thinking I’m special enough to do that for me.”

Trent’s expression changed to a sweet smile. “You’re very welcome.”

Parry hugged him and when Trent squeezed him close, Parry knew heaven. He just hoped it didn’t turn back into hell.


After the oral sex in the pool, Trent and Parry relaxed on the lounge chairs, and dried off as they dozed from the warmth and exertion. Parry touched Trent’s arm. “I should go…”

Trent tried to wake up, feeling woozy from napping. “Is it late?”

“Not really, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome.” Parry stood and began putting on his clothing.

Trent watched him and didn’t really want Parry to leave. Which surprised him since he usually liked his sex anonymous and away from his home. “Uh, I have a ton of Chinese food. Did you eat before you came here?”

“No. But it’s okay.” Parry put on his glasses and patted his jeans pockets, as if checking he had everything.

“Are you sure? I just have to reheat it.” Trent stood and slipped on his briefs and shorts.

“You… you want me to stay?”

Trent met Parry’s eyes from behind the thick lenses and said, “Yes.”

“Cool.” Parry shrugged, smiling.

“Cool.” Trent opened the sliding doors and washed his hands at the kitchen sink, then removed plates from a cupboard and said, “Just fill your plate up and we’ll zap ‘em.”

Parry nodded and inspected the selection.

Trent grabbed water from the fridge and filled two tall glasses, then he pointed Parry to the microwave and took food for himself.

As they waited, the microwave humming in the background, Trent looked at Parry as he held the water glass and drank it. “How blind are you without the glasses?”

Parry stopped mid-sip and met Trent’s gaze.

“Can I see them?”

Parry took his glasses off and handed them to Trent. Trent put them on and said, “Whoa!”

“I know, right? I wish I could afford corrective eye surgery. I don’t really like the idea of contacts.”

Trent tried to walk with them on, but it was as if he were either drunk or in a funhouse.

“They kind of look cute on you, Trent.” Parry laughed. “Nerd chic.”

“Yeah?” Trent felt his way down the hall to the bathroom and a mirror.

He stood in front of it and cracked up with laughter. “I look like a professor.”

Parry moved behind him and said, “If I had a professor like you in college, I’d have been a horny mess.”

Trent removed the glasses and handed them back to Parry. “They look cute on you too. Really. I mean, they suit you. Don’t think you look ugly in them, okay?”

The microwave made a ‘ding’ noise as it finished heating Parry’s food.

Trent and Parry stared at each other for a long moment until Parry looked away shyly and said, “Sounds like it’s your turn to heat your dinner.”

“Yeah.” Trent followed Parry back to the kitchen, staring at his wavy dark hair and his tight little ass. They removed Parry’s plate and replaced it with Trent’s. Trent gestured to the table and said, “Don’t wait. It will just get cold again.”

Parry tried to touch the plate and said, “It’s probably molten lava.” He used a napkin to carry the plate to the table.

“I know. Sometimes the food superheats. I’m surprised at how fast it does.” Trent leaned on the counter near the microwave.

“Yeah, it uses radio waves to agitate the water molecules in food.” Parry removed a pair of chopsticks from a paper sleeve and then opened a packet of soy sauce with his teeth.

Trent’s dinner was also done, and he nearly burned himself on the ceramic plate, using a dish towel to bring it over to the table. “Well, my shallow buddies would never understand that.” He set the plate down and sat across from Parry, also using chopsticks and the sweet and sour sauce and soy sauce.

“Do you understand it?” Parry smirked at him.

“Yes, ya jerk.” Trent laughed. “Man, you and those guys would be at a loss for conversation. I mean, do you even know who wore what on the Red Carpet this year?”

“No!” Parry laughed as he ate his food, covering his mouth. “And unless you’re in the fashion industry? Why waste the brain space?”

Trent laughed. “They don’t have much of that either.” He blew on the food and ate it. “Mm. Still good.”

“It wouldn’t spoil that fast.”

Trent watched Parry eat. “Do you cook?”

“No. I should learn. I eat ready meals or like this, take-out.”

“We should go to a cooking class.”

Parry looked up at him from over his glasses. “A cooking class?”

“Yeah. Wouldn’t it be fun to learn how?” Trent took a bite of an eggroll. “Together?”

Parry’s expression brightened up. “Yes. It would be. Where are the classes?”

“I don’t know, but I bet I can find out.”


Trent laughed at Parry’s enthusiasm. “What kind of stuff do you like to do?”

“I don’t know. A little of everything. I like going to movies, I do some online gaming, and read a lot.”

“And the club scene?”

“Just recently got into that. I had to really force myself to even go to Weho. I mean, you should have seen me before I had my hair styled. I was really a geek.”

Trent thought about it as he ate, and asked, “So you were picked on in school?”

“Yeah. Pretty much. I never was a ‘cool guy’ or one of the ‘in’ people.”

Trent finished chewing and kept staring at Parry, curious of what he must have looked like then, because now? Parry was very cute. At least he was to him.

“How about you?” Parry asked, “What do you like to do?”

“Uh…” Trent smiled wryly. “Let’s see… go to clubs, party all night, hookup with strangers, take drugs, drink to excess…”

Parry raised an eyebrow at him. “We sure have a lot in common.”

That reply made Trent laugh again. “Yeah, guess not. But they do say opposites attract.”

“I’m not so sure.” Parry finished his food and drank the water.

“Oh? So we’re doomed?”

“I don’t think we’re opposites, Trent.”

Trent narrowed his eyes at him skeptically. “The virgin and the slut?”

Parry choked on his water and then coughed before he could reply.

Trent finished his meal and stacked his plate on Parry’s.

Parry said, “I meant, mentally the same. I mean, we’re both in the same place in our heads.”

“How is that?” Trent relaxed in his chair, curious of Parry’s observation.

“You’ll get angry if I tell you what I think.”

“Promise. I won’t.”

“Okay.” Parry leaned his elbows on the table and said, “You pretend to be cool and tough, but you’re really insecure… like me. You crave love, and want it desperately, since no one gives you any… like me. You are detached from your family and aloof from your friends, only making a few real connections to few people… like me…”

Trent wasn’t angry, he was digesting the analysis and surprised at the accuracy.

“You feel useless, as if you have no effect on anything, and are lost… so much so, you seek ways out… like me. But I don’t do it with drugs. I escape with my gaming buddies and pretend I’m some superhero on a screen. But still, it’s the same principle. Leaving our minds and problems behind and sinking into oblivion. So? What are we doing with our lives? Waiting for the end date?”

Trent stifled a gasp. The thoughts coming from Parry were so similar to his own he was truly in awe. He too, leaned on his elbows to get closer to Parry across the table. “Yes. The end date. But when you want it, it never comes.”

“Maybe you and I have something to accomplish first.”

“What? What could it be? I’m good for nothing and have no motivation to work.”

“Maybe it’s something simpler. Like you are here to show one person he’s not ugly or unlovable.”

Trent felt his eyes burn and heat coming from within from the emotions Parry was stirring.

Parry paused, as if giving Trent a moment to respond, then said, “Maybe that’s all there is. But to me, it’s a lot.”

Trent nearly leapt over the table to grab Parry’s face and kiss him. Not expecting it, Parry made a noise of surprise and then stood up and met Trent halfway.

Trent ended the kiss but not the passion. He went for Parry’s hand and brought him down a hallway. They interlaced fingers and Trent was smiling the whole way to his bedroom. Happy.

