Chapter 12


The next morning, Parry woke up in his own bed, but slept like a rock. Yes, he could have hinted he wanted to sleep at Trent’s, but he had a feeling if he woke up in bed with him, Trent may get the idea Parry had ‘latched on’.

Knowing Trent’s background of hookups and commitment issues, Parry didn’t want to give Trent the impression he was going to smother him. But…

The urge Parry had to contact Trent, to see if what he had felt last night was real or not, was strong.

After finishing toast and coffee, Parry sat at his computer and began working. He quickly checked his emails and the social websites, and noticed Trent’s profile had been deleted.

Parry frowned, knowing the abuse that Trent must have suffered when he finally logged on to see the slurs from the jealous morons that had written on his wall.

Again the urge to reach out to Trent hit, but Parry had to let it go. Last night was a beautiful experience for him, and kissing Trent goodbye at Trent’s front door was pure romance. It did not seem to Parry as if he left Trent in a bad place, or that Trent would wallow in self-pity. What they shared was powerful, and Parry hoped it gave Trent the strength to see he did not need these superficial connections of the cyber-world, nor the ‘fenemies’ who had been there to seduce Trent, but not there to support him after their own bad decisions.

He nudged his glasses higher on his nose and absorbed himself in his work.


Trent lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. He had slept well after Parry left, feeling both physically and mentally exhausted. Now, the morning after the night before, Trent looked at his nightstand, spotted an empty condom wrapper and the lube, and his dildos and toys still scattered on the floor.

After making love and showering, they cuddled in bed and Trent kept drifting off to sleep. It wasn’t until Parry kissed his cheek and got dressed that Trent realized Parry was going home.

He said nothing to stop him, watching him put on his clothing and seeing Parry blowing him a kiss. What followed that was the closing of his front door and dead silence.

Trent curled in the bed and it took some time, but he fell asleep.

Now, with the morning light, Trent relived the evening from the moment Parry arrived, preventing Trent from popping pills and more booze, to them playing in the pool, and finally consummating their affection by making love.

Trent rolled to his side and stared at the wall, trying to imagine Parry’s day. He picked up his phone and scrolled through the apps, opening up the social network. He had been warned by Parry. Trent didn’t even read the running commentary that was slander and shit-throwing by complete imbeciles. He simply deleted his profile. What did he need it for? None of the people on the list of friends, were friends, and if he wanted sex, he had other avenues to explore. So leaving a venue for vile insults was ridiculous.

He deleted every account on every social network he had.

It felt as if a burden was lifted. He no longer was a slave to the cyber-bullies, allowing them a forum to spew their hate. There was nothing he could do about graffiti in men’s room stalls, but he could at least do this to help himself.

He also went through his text messages, deleting everyone one of them except from Parry. One text message was still left by ‘James’. He read it. ‘don’t. its nice talkin to someone about somethin besides looks, ya know?

Trent deleted it and held the phone to his chest. He could not stop thinking about Parry, and he had no idea what to do about it.


By late afternoon Parry had accomplished a lot of work and was beginning to get exhausted by it. His cellphone rang and he grabbed it to see if it was Trent. It was Antonio.

Parry answered it, “Hey.”


“What’s up?” Parry took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

“Just wanted to see how you are.”

“Good. Why?”

“I don’t know. You seemed to be going through some weird stuff with that jerk.”

“I had sex with that jerk last night.”

Dead silence hit the other end.

“Ya there?” Parry asked.

“You didn’t. Not that arrogant idiot.”

“Yes, I did. And he’s not an arrogant idiot.”

“Listen, Parry, I’m not gay, and I don’t know gay guys, but, if you were a woman, and he was straight? You’d never hear from him again. He got what he wanted.”

A cold chill washed over Parry. “No. I got what I wanted.”

“I hope so.”

“Anyway,” Parry wanted to change the subject. “How’s the dating scene going?”

“Good. I actually deactivated the account for a while. Kathy is really sweet and I want to get to know her and not meet anyone else right now.”

“Wow.” Parry put his glasses back on.

“I know, right?” Antonio laughed. “I’m bringing her with me tomorrow night to Marty and Carol’s place, so you will all get to meet her.”

“That’s pretty quick. I mean, you really like her?”

“I do. And I haven’t even made love to her yet. So… I must really like her.”

Parry chuckled. “That’s funny.”

“I know. Strange, huh?”

Parry wondered if he could ask Trent to come with him, then knew it was a bad idea before he considered it another second. “I’m happy for you. I didn’t think those sites worked.”

“Sometimes you find the diamond in the sand. And she’s not a catfish!”

Parry tried not to react to the word, since now he knew what it was and had been one himself. “Beware… right?”

“Only if they don’t video chat. I mean, the minute you do, you know it’s all good.”

“Yeah. That’s true.”

“Okay, buddy, let me go. I just wanted to see how you were.”

“Thanks. I’m good. See you tomorrow.”


Parry disconnected the call and was about to text Trent, just maybe ‘hi’, but didn’t. He put the phone down and said out loud, “Nope. Don’t.”


Trent headed to the gym.

After yesterday he had thought about canceling his membership but last night empowered him. Parry’s attention, his appreciation, and his adoration, gave Trent a slightly different attitude on life. And that was…

He decided who he was. Not others.

There was no way Trent was going to allow bullies and haters to dictate how to live, where to work out, and what to do with his life. It was his to decide.

And his only.

He entered the gym and scanned his card, walking with his head held high to the locker room, feeling on top of the world.

Setting his gym bag down on a bench, Trent opened a locker and changed into his work out clothing, thinking of Parry, deciding when to call him, and not wanting Parry to get the wrong idea.

But Trent hadn’t decided what that idea was. And all he could think about was Parry and the love they made last night.

He finished dressing, put the key coil around his wrist and headed out to the exercise floor. Trent brought ear buds with him this time, and while he worked out, he plugged into his phone and listened to music. If anyone said something nasty, he wouldn’t hear it, and as far as looks of disdain? He ignored everyone.

I have my man. Screw all of you.

He smiled as he warmed up on the treadmill and jogged, his music blasting louder than the amplified crap that the gym was playing, and enjoyed his routine.

On his own, his favorite tunes to listen to, Trent finished running on the treadmill and began pushing weights. As he avoided men who walked by, friend or foe, he couldn’t care which, Trent started to think of corny things; like bringing Parry flowers, or maybe taking him out to one of the finer restaurants in LA and wining and dining him. It made Trent slightly giddy at treating Parry to wonderful things, talking about the world, science, history…

Plans spinning in Trent’s mind as he brought his muscles to a delicious burn, he actually laughed out loud at one point, recalling Parry and him playing in the pool.

It was fun. And Trent was very happy.

After an hour he returned to the locker room, dripping with sweat. He unplugged his ears and wrapped up the headphones, then opened the locker.

Someone drew near and asked, “Are you Trent Hill?”

“No. I’m James Dean. Go away.”

The young man tilted his head and was about to say something else when Trent said, “I’m involved with someone, goodbye.”

The young man appeared shocked and walked away.

Trent smirked and stripped for a shower. Now. That felt good.

He grabbed a towel and strutted to a stall to wash off, seeing a small group of men staring at him. Trent only glanced briefly their way and entered a shower stall, lavishing in the rinsing off of the sweat and getting more excited about doing something wonderful for Parry.

He finished showering and dried off, then wrapped the towel around his hips and opened the shower curtain. Nearby were a few of the same people he encountered yesterday. His intention was to ignore them and keep a good attitude.

But they had other ideas.

“Hey, ya slut, sucked any cock lately?”

“I read on a bathroom wall you give lousy head.”

Trent kept walking to his locker, wishing he still had the music playing and could block it out.

He opened the door of his locker and removed his fresh clothing. When the small group stood at the end of the aisle to watch him, or sneer, Trent fought to ignore it, but his instinct was to grow enraged.

“He does suck lousy cock. I should know.”

Trent stepped into his jeans and rolled his eyes. He had not sucked anyone’s cock but Parry’s since high-school, and the baiting was annoying.

“All boast and no substance.”

Trent put his shirt on, stuck his workout clothing into his bag and made sure he had everything he came with. When he was done, he slung the shoulder bag over his arm, and picked up his wet towel. On his way out, he had to approach the obnoxious idiots. Trent carried the towel to the basket to toss it in, and the men began to draw too close for comfort.

“Had to delete your account on the social network?” one man asked, making a sound of condescending clicks of his tongue. “Too bad. I was enjoying the truth finally being posted about you.”

Trent had enough. He faced them and met each one of their eyes before he spoke. He didn’t even know who they were. And… had never hooked up with any of them.

So, they were just bullies. Plain and simple.

Since it appeared he was outnumbered three to one, they puffed up boldly, as if they could intimidate him.

Trent walked up to the tallest, mouthiest one and invaded his personal space. “You got a problem?”

The man tried to look tough but he glanced at his friends first, as if making sure they were there.

Trent said, “Because if you do, we can take it outside.”

The man laughed nervously. “Why? Do you want to suck me? Ya slut?”

Trent didn’t know what came over him, but he punched the guy in the mouth so quickly, neither of the other men could react.

The man grabbed his face in pain and appeared shocked.

Trent turned to his two friends. “Either of you got something to say?”

They both went mute and shook their heads.

“Yeah. I didn’t think so.” Trent left the locker room and then looked at his knuckles. He moved his fingers around since he delivered a hard blow and left the gym.

His good mood had diminished with the confrontation. The last thing Trent wanted to do was hit someone. But he’d had enough.


By five pm, Parry was getting hungry and also thought about a nap. After coming home from Trent’s place, he only had around five hours of sleep and was wearing down.

He checked his phone before he headed to the bathroom and washed his face, trying to wake up and function and decide what to do about dinner. When he left the bathroom he heard his phone hum. He glanced at it where it lay and realized it was a text from Trent. Snatching the phone as if it were his lifeline, Parry read; ‘do you own a suit?’

He blinked in surprise at the question. ‘no.’

‘decent slacks and shirt?’

Parry had no idea since he never had a reason to dress up. ‘y?’

‘surprise 4 u.’

‘I can go shopping tomorrow…’ Parry walked into his closet and pushed through hangers.

‘nope. 2nite. text ur address. now, mr brampton.’

Parry smiled and sent his address. ‘I have to look in my closet. how long have I got?’

‘an hour. try ur best.’

‘ha. k.’ Parry put the phone on his bed and rushed to look at the clothing he had available. One pair of black pants was on a hanger way in the back of his closet. They needed pressing, and he did own an iron. He tossed them on his bed and went from hanger to hanger, slightly panicked since whatever Trent was planning, it sounded as if he needed to be dressed up. He wished he knew this morning because he could have gone shopping.

Parry didn’t have much of a selection but he located one dress shirt, also in sad shape, and an old pair of black shoes.

“Shit.” Parry wasn’t pleased by the attire, but on short notice, he had no choice. He hurried to his find the iron, which was a thrift store purchase he’d made ages ago, and made sure it was clean and then plugged it in. He placed a towel on his kitchen table, since he did not own an ironing board and did the best he could to spiff up the two pieces of wardrobe he never thought he would ever wear again.

Once he ironed the clothing he rushed into the bathroom and got himself ready… for anything, his excitement was so intense he kept dropping everything.

Trent called! He called me! Trent Hill called me! Happy dance!

Parry laughed out loud and couldn’t imagine what this man had planned for him, but it definitely sounded like it was going to be good!


Trent made sure his appearance was perfect, his black crew neck shirt under a dark sports jacket, and black slacks. He put his gold watch on, one he rarely wore since it was slightly over the top for the club scene. He dabbed on Dangereux cologne and heard someone at the door.

Trent rushed to get his wallet and keys, stepped into his shoes and opened the front door. A man in a dark uniform and cap smiled brightly at him and said, “Your car is ready, sir.”

“Thanks.” Trent took a last look around his house, set the alarm, and walked with the chauffeur to the limousine waiting at the curb. The back door was opened for him and Trent climbed in, then relaxed and spotted the bottle of champagne he had asked for and two fluted glasses.

The driver got into the car and asked, “Where to, sir?”

Trent pulled the address for Parry up on his phone and relayed it. “North Hollywood.” He could see the man adding the address to a satellite system and then he drove off.

Trent was slightly nervous, but in a good way. He wanted to drink the champagne but waited. He rubbed his sore knuckles and watched the progress the car made towards the highway in late rush hour traffic.


One thing he didn’t miss if he had to commute to a job. LA rush hour. But it was slightly off-peak, so he hoped the drive wasn’t going to be too brutal.

He took out his phone and looked at the traffic maps on the website for local news. “Shit.”

The driver looked up.

Trent leaned closer to him and asked, “Can you stop for flowers on the way?”

“Something special or a bouquet I can pick out for you at the grocery store?”

“Special. I would like a dozen red roses. Hang on, let me see where there’s a florist on the way.”


Trent tapped his phone and said, “Okay, found one.”


Parry felt as if he were running late. He rushed around the apartment, dressed in his fancy clothing, finding one pair of black socks with a hole in the toe, and another pair slightly faded, but he had no choice. He tried to shine his shoes and by the time he had showered, readied himself for sex and made sure his hair wasn’t an unruly mess, he was drenched in nervous sweat. He reapplied deodorant and checked to see if he owned cologne. One old bottle of aftershave was in his cabinet. He sniffed it and recoiled, throwing it out.

He checked the time, began to go into a tailspin and put his glasses on to see how he looked, then took them off to try and appear sexy, then had to put them on again to see if he was presentable and not a rumpled mess.

Beginning to make himself crazy, feeling inadequate for this kind of date, this kind of man, Parry, checked his wallet for cash, which was low, and pocketed it, then his phone and keys. He paced, running his hands through his hair, wondering if he looked like a complete dork. He took a selfie, and sent it to Antonio then called him.

“Hey,” Antonio answered.

“Trent just told me he’s taking me out to someplace fancy. I sent you a pic. Am I horrible? I have nothing nice to wear.”

“Hang on, I’m video chatting with Kathy. Give me two seconds.”

“Why don’t you two meet up?”

“She lives two hours away, that’s why we don’t see each other often and video chat. But she’s coming tomorrow to Carol and Marty’s.”

“Hurry, will ya? He’s coming soon.” Parry ran back to the bathroom and looked at his clothing.

“You look fine. Where’s he taking you?”

“I have no clue, but he asked if I owned a suit. Do you believe I don’t?”

“I have one. Christ, it’s five years old.”

“I need to get a suit.” The buzzer for his intercom sounded. “Shit. He’s here. I look okay? Really?”

“From what I can tell. I mean, man, it’s a shirt and slacks, you’re fine.”


“Chill! Jesus, Parry, you act as if you’re a rabid admirer and not a friend.”

“I’m both. Bye.” Parry stuck the phone into his trouser pocket and made sure the lights were off. He ran out of the apartment, struggling to double bolt it from the outside, then raced down the hallway.

By the time he trotted to the apartment door, Parry realized it was not Trent buzzing him, but a stranger in a dark suit. Parry opened the door and asked, “Did you make a mistake?”

“Are you Mr Brampton?”


“Then I didn’t make a mistake. Right this way.”

“Are you a chauffeur?” Parry gawked at him and then took off his glasses and held them in his hand, hoping he didn’t look too much like a loser.

“I am. Here you are, sir.” The man opened the back door of a black limousine.

“Are you kidding me?” Parry poked his head in and Trent was there, looking fabulous in black, and the scent of roses was strong in the compartment. Parry climbed in and had to put his glasses on, since this was too good to miss.

The door was closed for him and Parry had no idea what to say.

Trent handed him the roses. “For you.”

Parry took them and inhaled them, then cracked up. “Holy shit, dude. Roses?”

“And champagne.”

Parry looked at the ice bucket with the two fluted glasses near it. He could not stop laughing. “Are you crazy?”

“Absolutely. There’s no question about that.”

Parry put the flowers aside and moved to sit next to Trent. “I am so overwhelmed. I mean, do I look okay? All I had was this.”

“You look edible.” Trent snaked his arm around Parry and drew him closer. The car moved from the curb and Parry didn’t ask where they were going. Did it matter?

He kissed Trent and took off his glasses again so they didn’t bump Trent’s head. His giddiness was so strong, Parry kept laughing against Trent’s mouth. Trent looked at him with the same happy smile.

“You already spoiled me last night.” Parry touched Trent’s knee.

“At least you didn’t say soiled.”

“No!” Parry whacked Trent’s arm playfully. “Loved it. I was awake most of the night reliving it.”

“Mm.” Trent ran his hand down Parry’s leg. “How about a bit of the bubbly?”

“Sure.” Parry watched Trent reach for the chilled bottle and point the cork away from them, hearing it pop. He filled a glass and handed it to Parry, then poured one for himself.

After Trent set the bottle back into the ice bucket, they held up the glasses for a toast.

“To what?” Parry kept giggling.

“To you.”

“Me?” Parry blushed and had never had a man look at him the way Trent was looking at him. “Why me?”

“Why not you?” Trent sipped the champagne.

Parry tasted it. “Mm. That’s good.”

“It is.” Trent relaxed against the soft leather seat and stared at Parry as if he were truly smitten by him.

Parry faced Trent on the seat and said, “Why me? What did I do that brought this on?”

“You care for me.”

“You got that right.”

Trent caressed Parry’s cheek lovingly. “That means a lot to me.”

Parry wanted to say he loved Trent, but kept it to himself. The last thing he wanted was to scare him off, and he also wondered if by not calling Trent, Trent had a greater urge to come after him, do the pursuing. Trent certainly was like a wild cat chasing prey at times.

And Parry, for once, was doing the right thing.

He sipped more champagne and went for a kiss. Trent closed his eyes and they made out, lovingly, affectionately, as if they had known each other for decades.


Trent had never done anything like this. No one in his life brought out the urge for him to court, to woo, to desire to please.

If Trent had been fooled the way Parry had fooled him by posting the fake profile while Trent was in his young twenties, Trent would have sought revenge and tried to ruin Parry’s life.

But at thirty-two, being emotionally deprived and recently realizing his life had no meaning, Trent forgave him.

And there was a very good reason he did forgive Parry. Parry was right. If James Dean had not broken through the barrier to him, Trent would never have given Parry any chance at all. At least Trent acknowledged that to himself. It was true.

Yet the amazing thing to Trent was, the more he was with Parry, the better Parry looked. Inside Parry was one of the most beautiful souls Trent had met, and that wonderful man, shined so brightly, all Trent wanted was him.

Roses, champagne, limousine, dinner at a five-star restaurant, and hopefully fabulous sex at his place, that’s what Trent envisioned. He also loved making Parry smile and laugh.

They parted lips and grinned at each other, as if they knew each other’s secret. And perhaps they did.

Trent Hill was not a conceited slut.

And Parry Brampton was not an ugly geek.

Somehow they had broken through each other’s defenses. Trent didn’t ask why. He was just happy he had. Happy.

A place he never thought he could be again. An emotion he had given up on, almost to the point of suicide.

Without Parry, Trent knew most likely, he would have followed through, overdosed, and left all hope behind.

Trent picked up Parry’s hand and kissed his fingers.

Parry was staring at Trent as if he was a prince, and seeing himself through Parry’s brown eyes gave Trent a new self-image. One he liked.

The car stopped and Trent finished his champagne and set the fluted glass in the holder.

Parry downed his as well, handing the empty glass to Trent. “Are we here?”

“We are.” Trent caressed Parry’s hair.

The back door opened.

Parry stepped out, with Trent right behind him. The driver smiled at Trent and said, “I’ll be right around the corner. Call when you need me.”

“Thanks.” Trent hooked Parry at the elbow and got a look of surprise from Parry at the romantic gesture. “Is this okay?”

“Yes.” Parry stood proudly and held onto Trent’s arm.

“You can put your glasses on.” Trent chuckled.

Parry did, and blushed.

The host greeted them. Trent approached him. “Reservations for two, Mr Hill and Mr Brampton.”

“Very good. Right this way.”

Trent had been to many of the top-rated restaurants in LA, but loved seeing Parry’s reaction. A first. Everything for this sweet guy was a first, and Parry acted as if he were a child at Disney World, full of wonder and awe.

Though at times Trent wanted to laugh at Parry’s reaction of joy, Trent held it back, not wanting Parry to know how much he was amused by his enjoyment of everything bright and shiny.

Trent wondered how he had grown so jaded, but he knew the answer. Love. Being unloved made one very angry and mean.

For once, Trent was not on a tear, a bender, out for a hookup. He was on a real date.

They were shown to a table on an enclosed courtyard, glittering with white twinkling lights and dim with candles on the tables.

Parry sat down and instead of sitting across from him, Trent sat beside him. They were given menus and the moment they were seated, a flurry of attendants approached them, one bringing crisp bread and dips, and another with a wine list.

Since Parry appeared slightly overwhelmed, Trent said, “What would you like, Parry? Anything is fine. Do you want wine? A cocktail or a beer?”

“Um. What are you having?” Parry held the menu, his glasses making him look studious and adorable.

“I’ll have a Cosmopolitan.”

“Same.” Parry nodded.

“Very good.” The wine steward left.

Parry went for a piece of the crunchy thin toast and dipped it into an olive oil and garlic mixture.

Trent read the menu and began making selections in his head. Then he heard Parry choke. Trent looked up quickly. Parry looked back. “I can’t afford this.”

Trent relaxed and said, “I asked you out. You don’t worry about it.”

“No. Trent. Are you sure?”

“Am I sure?” Trent tried not to be insulted, but in reality, it was nice for Parry to not immediately assume Trent was buying everything, like his ‘buddies’ had.

“Trent, I know you have—”

“I have you. Please. Don’t make it an issue.”

Parry gave him an apprehensive smile and leaned closer to Trent. “You have me? Does that mean, you want me?”

Now it was Trent’s turn to squirm.

Parry smiled and then laughed, going back to reading the menu. “I’m lost. Order for me.”

“You got it.” Trent loved it. Not only did Parry allow him to indulge upon him to excess, he made Trent feel like a man. A real man, taking care of someone he loved. That moment from Parry made Trent feel worthy, and also made Trent feel as wonderful and generous as his grandfather. Something priceless to Trent.


For the first time in his life, Parry felt special. Someone bought him flowers! Roses! And now he was at a fancy restaurant about to eat a gourmet meal. Even the crunchy bread and dip was out of this world.

Their cocktails were placed on the table and the waiter asked if they were ready to order. While Trent told the man what they wanted to eat, another attendant swept the tiny crumbs from the crunchy bread off the white tablecloth. Parry was stunned and sat back to watch as their water was brought to the table in a large bottle, poured into stemmed glasses and it seemed as if they had four people watching over them, serving them, and making sure they had everything they needed.

The acoustics were slightly rough, but it was not coming from loud music, just chatter that echoed in the large room with the high ceiling.

Trent handed off the menus and raised his drink.

“What did you order?” Parry picked up the Cosmo and sipped it. It had sugar coating the rim, and he moaned in delight as he slurped it.

“You’ll see. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not. I’m in heaven. Wow.” Parry looked around, almost expecting to see celebrities, the restaurant was so upscale.

Trent touched Parry’s hair, making Parry look into his blue eyes. Parry melted at the expression on Trent’s face. When Trent leaned closer for a light kiss, tingles washed over Parry’s body. It was okay to kiss here. This was LA!

Parry smiled and hummed happily, sipping his sugary cocktail with the best-looking man in the room. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.”

“You look amazing.” Parry touched Trent’s jacket.

“You do too.”

“Nah. This stuff is so old. I wish you had let me know. I would have bought new clothes.”

“You look perfect.”

Parry paused, set his glass down and said, “You make me feel handsome.”

“You are.” Trent touched Parry’s leg.

“Now I’m hard.” Parry tried not to laugh.

“I’d suck you off in the men’s room, but this place is slightly too classy.”

“Ya think? Every time I look up, someone is at our table pouring, cleaning and fixing it.”

“Great service. Great food.”

“Great company.”

Trent seemed to melt at the compliment. He held up his Cosmo and indicated Parry to do so.

“Another toast?” Parry picked his glass up.

“Nope.” Trent hooked his elbow and drank his drink in a sensual cuddle.

Parry hoped no one was upset they were expressing their affection for each other, but did he care? No. He sipped his cocktail, as if they were engaged lovers at their wedding.

Both of them finished the sweet, strong drink and immediately someone approached and asked if they would like another.

“Yes. Please.” Trent smiled.

Parry was falling in love; truly, madly, deeply, scary love. “Oh, Mr Hill…”

“Yes?” Trent batted his lashes comically at him.

“No wonder everyone wants you.”

“I don’t want them.”

“Who do you want?”


Though Parry was fishing for that comment, he was still stunned Trent had said it without flinching or hesitating.

“You mean that?”


“Want me for… sex?”


“A friend?”

“Yes.” Trent started laughing while he buttered a slice of the delicious bread.

“A… boyfriend?” Parry placed his hand on Trent’s thigh.

“I don’t know. Can you handle Trent-the-conceited-slut?”

“You bet I can. And if you call my boyfriend that again, I’ll punch you.”

Trent glanced at his right knuckles briefly.

Parry did not miss the gesture. “Who did you punch?”

Sitting back slightly, Trent said, “A creep at the gym who thought tormenting me was a good idea.”

Parry grew upset. “I hope you knocked his teeth out.”

“I may have. My knuckles are sore. I hope his face is.”

Taking Trent’s hand in his, Parry kissed his knuckles softly. “All better?”

“I think my nuts hurt as well.”

Parry roared with laughter, then covered his mouth with his cloth napkin because it seemed uncouth to laugh in such a high-class place. Trent started chuckling and soon they were deep in a laughing fit for no reason.

Parry dabbed at his tears and tried to contain the hilarity.

“I swear,” Trent used his napkin to wipe his eyes, “no one makes me laugh like you do.”

“Same here. You’re a riot.”

Two more strong pink cocktails appeared magically at their table. A waiter on silent feet had set them down while they were busy flirting, and left.

“Oh, my God,” Parry said, picking it up. “Am I glad neither of us is driving.”

“That’s a good reason to hire a car.” Trent raised his cocktail to Parry and sipped it.

“They are strong.”

“They’d better be.”

“How much are they?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Parry watched Trent drink his cocktail, seeing him inspect the interior of the noisy room. Sighing, so happy he didn’t know how to handle it, Parry set his glass down and held Trent’s hand under the table, massaging his fingers gently. If anyone said anything to disparage Trent while he was around? He’d do more than punch them in the face, he’d kick them to the ground. No one was going to mock his man. No way.

One by one their courses were served and Parry sat back as the server explained each dish and kept them happy and pampered.

Parry had never tasted food like this and moaned after every bite. They shared everything they ordered and the evening began to take on a fairytale magical quality for Parry. He never thought he’d be ‘the guy’. The guy to meet the prince and fall in love.

But even the ugly duckling had turned into a swan, and Trent could fall for him, the way he had completely fallen for Trent.

Only time would tell.