
THANK YOU TO MY FAMILY and friends for all the love, support, and encouragement—especially Danni and Isla, without whose love, support, and encouragement I wouldn’t accomplish a single thing.

Thank you to Myrsini Stephanides, who always has my back and never bats an eye at my often off-the-wall ideas.

Thank you to Karen Nagel, who helps me turn my ideas into books—books that wouldn’t be even half as good without her.

Thank you to Karin Paprocki and Serge Seidlitz, the masterminds behind all the staggeringly excellent EngiNerds art.

Thank you to everyone else at Simon & Schuster/Aladdin who had a hand in making this book what it is, and thank you to everyone there who has promoted and/or celebrated the EngiNerds series.

Thank you to Mike Lowery’s fantastic Random Illustrated Facts, from which I took the random facts that John Henry Knox shares with Ken and Mikaela in Chapter 13.

Thank you to every educator, librarian, bookseller, parent, and other person who has helped get my books into the hands of young readers.

And thank you to my readers, every single kid who has picked up EngiNerds, Revenge of the EngiNerds, or The EngiNerds Strike Back, who has spent some time with my words, exploring this little world I’ve created. I hope these books have given you at least a fraction of the joy, hope, and inspiration that you have given me.