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Abe & Louie’s, 139–40, 141

“accessory after the fact,” 30, 30n

Ahearn, James, 369, 383–84

Albano, Michael, 205–7, 294

Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, 78, 103

America’s Most Wanted (TV show), 11, 250

Angiulo, Donato “Danny,” 212–13, 281

Angiulo, Gennaro “Jerry,” 112–13, 156, 212–13, 277, 278–81

      arrest of, 364–65, 370n

      Deegan murder and, 105–6

      murder charge against, 92–93, 121, 278

      racketeering charges, 280–81, 282, 362

      wiretap of, 198–99, 279–81

Angiulo, Michele “Mikey,” 212–13, 281

Angiulo, Vittori Nicoli “Nick,” 212–13, 281

Animal (Sherman), 105n

Atlanta Penitentiary, 78–79

Attardo, Anthony, 275

audio interruption, 177, 179

Auerhahn, Jeffrey, 334

Bailey, F. Lee, 121, 277–78

Bangs, Joseph, 61

bank robberies, 61–62, 77–78, 113–14, 117–18

Barboza (Barboza), 105n, 108

Barboza, Joseph “Animal,” 103–13

      Angiulo and, 92–93, 105–6, 112–13, 121, 278–79

      background of, 104

      Bulger trial and, 48–49

      in Carney’s opening statement, 48–49

      as contract killer for Mafia, 6, 104–5, 105n

      Deegan murder, 105–8, 117–19, 121–22, 288–89, 344–46

      as FBI informant, 2, 6, 7, 10, 48–49, 108, 111–13, 115–19, 121–23, 278–79

      McLaughlin brothers and, 109–11

      murder charge in California against, 122–23

      murder of, 123

      nickname of, 104–5

      Patriarca and, 115–17, 121–22

      Salvati and, 2, 3, 5–6, 7, 49, 118, 119

Barrett, Arthur “Bucky”

      Depositors Trust bank robbery, 61–62, 183, 255

      excavating and moving body, 260–62

      murder of, 36–38, 39, 234, 254–57

Batista, Fulgencio, 141

Bennett, Edward “Wimpy,” 120, 126–27, 394

Berlinger, Joe, 100, 274, 415

Beth Israel Hospital, 109

Betrayal (Fitzpatrick), 353, 358, 366–67

Black Mass (Lehr and O’Neill), 126, 214–15, 215n

Boeri, David, 218

Bond, Theresa, 407–8

bookmaking, 44, 84–97, 179

Boozang, Steven, 320, 370–73

Boston (magazine), 60, 215

Boston, gangsterism in, 75–76, 80–84, 105, 165–71

Boston Combat Zone, 111

Boston Edison, 284–85

Boston gang wars, 80–84, 93–94, 105, 108–9, 111, 124, 164, 165–71, 342–45

Boston Globe, 77n, 126, 193, 212–15, 216–17, 320, 370n

Boston Herald, 137, 216, 273, 328, 404

Boston Marathon bombing, 31–32

Boston media, 211–18, 273–75, 330

Boston Phoenix, 218

Boston Police Department, 199–200

Boston University, 91

Bradley, Ed, 138

Bratsos, Arthur, 346

Brennan, Hank, 41–42

      background of, 59

      Bulger informant file, 184–89

      closing argument, 393–97

      Davis testimony, 378, 379–81

      Fitzpatrick testimony, 359–63, 368

      Flemmi testimony, 338, 339, 340, 342–47

      Foley testimony, 70–73

      jury nullification, 344–46

      Martorano testimony, 142–45, 151–53

      media appearances, 49–50, 211, 399

      Morris testimony, 197–203, 205–6

      “Nee matter,” 320

      objection to motion, 58–59, 60

      pretrial arguments, 60

      the verdict, 399

      witness list, 308, 352–53

Bricco Suites, 275–77

Brinks robbery of 1950, 76

Brothers Bulger, The (Carr), 216

Brunnick, Leo, 200–201, 360

Brutal (Weeks and Karas), 53, 55–56, 81–82, 262–63

Buccheri, Richard, 348–49

Buckley, Mike, 348n

Bulger, James Joseph, Sr., 76–77

Bulger, James “Whitey”

      apprehension in Santa Monica, 8–9, 16, 17, 41, 276, 349, 353

      early life of, 76–77

      as FBI informant, 9–10, 15, 124, 126–28, 132, 171–76, 181–207, 267–68, 309–10, 342, 347–48n, 363, 369, 381–84, 389; Carney’s trial “bombshell,” 43–44, 50, 54, 283; Connolly as handler, 16–18, 43–44, 47–48, 55–56, 126–27, 169, 171–76, 182, 186–90, 192–96, 198–99, 203–4, 280–81, 355–56, 357, 376–77, 381–82, 391–92; FBI files, 45–46, 124, 169, 181–89, 199, 203, 288, 357; Fitzpatrick’s efforts to close, 356–58, 360–62; and Morris, 192–204, 214; recruitment, 19–20, 78, 244–45, 279, 395

      on the lam, 9, 215–16, 285

      mythology of, 14, 217–19, 220

      prison years, 78–79, 103

      swagger of, 33–34

      trial of. See People of the United States v. James J. Bulger

Bulger, John “Jackie,” 76, 371, 387

Bulger, William “Billy,” 348n

      advocacy for brother, 79

      Boston media and, 8–9, 212, 213–14, 216

      brother’s relationship with, 8–9, 13–14, 171, 212

      Burton committee hearings, 284–85

      Connolly and, 125, 219–20, 284

      St. Patrick’s Day breakfast, 219–20

      as senator, 8–9, 13–14, 69

“Bulger Mystique, The” (Boston Globe series), 213–14, 217

Burton, Dan, 284–93

Bush, George W., 285

Café Pompeii, 1–2, 4, 7, 276, 277, 279, 293–94, 297

Cahill, Joe, 315–16

Callahan, John, 200

      murder of, 130, 150–53, 409

      Wheeler murder, 146–47, 200

Camuti, William, 351

Capizzi, Frank, 176–80, 277

Cardinal Cushing High School, 13, 14

Cardinale, Anthony “Tony,” 19, 276–83, 290, 335

Carney, Jay W., 59

      assignment to case, 12, 41–42

      background of, 41

      Capizzi testimony, 179

      closing argument, 393, 396–97

      defense motion to adjourn, 306–9

      DeMasi and, 161

      Fourth of July recess, 239–40

      Katz testimony, 89–90

      Long testimony, 63–66

      Marra testimony, 187–89

      media appearances, 49–50, 211, 399

      Morris testimony, 197, 203–4

      “Nee matter,” 371–73

      O’Brien testimony, 95–96

      opening statement, 40–49, 50, 181, 204

      Patricia Donahue testimony, 318–19

      Sideropoulos testimony, 383–84

      the verdict, 399

      Weeks testimony, 263–70

      witness list, 308, 352–53

Carr, Howie, 137, 139, 142, 143, 146, 216, 273–75, 403–4

Casper, Denise J., 34–35

      background of, 34

      Bulger informant file, 184–85

      Bulger potentially taking the stand, 386–88

      Capizzi testimony, 179–80

      defense motion to adjourn, 308

      defense witness list, 308, 352–53

      Flemmi and, 340, 343–44

      Fourth of July recess, 239–40

      imposes gag order, 49–50

      jury nullification, 345, 346

      Lindholm testimony, 327–28

      Long testimony, 63–66

      Martorano testimony, 131

      Morris testimony, 194, 196–97, 200, 204

      “Nee matter,” 371–73

      O’Brien testimony, 90

      prosecution’s motion, 60

      sentencing of Bulger, 409

      Twomey case, 379–80

      Weeks testimony, 269

Cassesso, Ronald, 117–18

Castro, Fidel, 141

Castucci, Richard “Richie,” 145–46, 172

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 20, 78, 166

Chandler’s Bar, mob summit meeting at, 82–84, 93–94, 155–56, 165

Charlestown, 80, 105, 183, 246–47, 316, 343

Ciulla, Anthony “Fat Tony,” 174

claddagh ring, 166, 305, 312

Clarke, Ramsey, 116–17

Clement, Gerald, 61, 183

Cloherty, Jack, 348n

CNN, 99–100, 274, 366

cocaine, 218, 220–27

Condon, Dennis, 190–92

      background of, 115

      Burton committee hearings, 287–88

      Deegan murder case, 107–8, 117–20, 121, 191, 287–88

      McLaughlin murder, 109–10

      Morris and, 191–92, 206–7, 220, 279, 378–79

      Patriarca case, 115–17, 191

      retirement from FBI, 220, 285

      use of informants, 115–21, 123–24, 126, 127, 191, 244, 245, 285, 288

Connolly, John

      Angiulo and, 279, 280, 281

      author’s interview with, 16–18, 173–74, 389

      background of, 124–25

      Bulger’s relationship with, 16–18, 40, 43–46, 47–48, 55–56, 126–27, 146, 169, 171–76, 182, 186–90, 192–96, 198–99, 203–4, 212, 213, 231, 245, 279, 290, 337, 347–48n, 355–56, 357, 376–77, 381–82, 389, 391–92

      Callahan murder, 150, 151

      Carney’s opening statement, 43–46, 47–48

      corruption of, 16, 55–56, 149, 171–76, 189–90, 194, 195–96, 280–81, 289, 294, 309, 310, 343, 378–79, 391–92

      criminal investigations, 16, 193–94, 215, 335

      Cronin’s testimony, 376–77, 378–79

      Flemmi as informant, 40, 55–56, 126–27, 146, 174, 175, 245, 279, 290, 330, 347–48n, 376–77

      Halloran-Donahue murder, 149, 200–202, 363

      illegal drugs and, 219–20

      Martorano and, 47–48, 71, 132, 133, 150, 151, 175

      Miami murder trial, 16, 17, 18n, 60, 215, 289, 348n, 378–79

      Morris and, 46, 172, 192–96, 198–204, 205–6, 220, 281, 294, 369, 391–92

      retirement of, 284

      Salemme arrest, 125–26, 192

      Senator Bulger and, 125, 219–20, 284

      use of informants, 43, 126–28, 145, 146, 200–201, 258, 281, 283, 310, 347–48n, 363

Connors, Eddie, 315

Constitution, U.S., 240–41, 397, 404, 406

Crawford, James, 376–77

Criminal and an Irishman, A (Nee), 30, 164, 246

Cronin, Matthew, 375–77

Cuba, 140–41

Cullen, Kevin, 77n, 216–17, 370n

Daily Beast, 16

Daley, Kevin, 27–29

Daly, Thomas J., 145, 217, 308

Danbury Federal Correctional Institution, 15

Davis, Debra

      exhumation of remains, 311–12

      murder of, 97, 98–99, 270, 310, 336–39, 385–86, 404

      wrongful death lawsuit, 99

Davis, Fred, Jr., 377–81

Davis, Michelle, 339

Davis, Mickey, 337

Davis, Olga, 98, 338–39, 342

Davis, Steve, 97–101, 273–74, 337, 399, 404, 407

Deegan, Teddy

      Burton committee hearings, 285–89, 291, 296

      murder of, 105–8, 108n, 117–19, 121–22, 344–46; framing of Salvati, 5–7, 49, 113n, 118, 119

Defago, Don, 319

DeMasi, Ralph, 161–64, 398

De Niro, Robert, 47

Departed, The (movie), 11, 35

DePasquale, Frank, 275–76

Depositors Trust bank robbery, 61–62, 183, 255

DePrisco, Thomas, 346

Dillinger, John, 113, 173

Discovery Channel, 52–53, 320, 329, 370, 372, 410

“discovery material,” 42

Doherty, Thomas, 61, 183

Donahue, Michael

      murder of, 100, 149–50, 164–65, 200–202, 251–54, 252–53, 267, 318–19, 362

      wrongful death lawsuit, 99

Donahue, Patricia, 100, 101, 308, 318–19, 388, 398, 407

Donahue, Tommy, 100, 165, 211

Donnie Brasco (movie), 348n

Drinan, Robert, 78–79

drug dealing, 44, 218–37, 325–27

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 20, 274–75

due process, 241

Dukakis, Michael, 219

Eatherton, Gigi, 183

“fair game,” 196

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

      Boston media and, 212–13

      Bulger trial and, 375–88

      Burton committee hearings, 284–93

      Carney’s opening statement, 43–46

      culture of corruption in, 189–92

      C-3 Squad, 126, 172, 191, 192, 194, 195, 198, 199, 214, 217, 279–82, 284, 354, 376–77, 378, 392

      C-7 Unit, 375–80

      D.C. meeting, 357–58, 362–63

      Deegan murder, 106–8, 108n, 117–19

      Fitzpatrick and, 353–70

      informant program, 16–17, 19–20, 113n, 114–15, 284–93, 309–10, 347–48n, 411–13. See also specific informants

Femia, Nicky, 62

Ferrara, Vincent “Vinny,” 334–35, 335n

Fidler, Alan “Suitcase,” 168, 311

Fifth Amendment, 75, 161, 179, 241, 284, 321, 371, 372, 373

Fitzgerald, John E., Jr., 116, 120, 127, 330

Fitzpatrick, Jane, 358–57, 368

Fitzpatrick, Robert “Fitzy”

      author’s meetings with, 353–54, 356–57, 368–69

      background of, 358, 359

      Betrayal, 353, 358, 366–67

      efforts to close Bulger as informant, 356–58, 360–62

      meeting with Bulger, 354–56

      punishment of, 370n

      witness testimony, 19, 353–58, 359–70, 392, 404

Flemmi, Michael, 332

Flemmi, Stephen J.

      arrest of, 332

      Barrett murder, 37–38, 255–57

      Bennett murder, 120, 126–27, 394

      bookmaking, 88–89, 90, 96–97

      Bulger trial and, 39–40, 47, 394–96; witness testimony, 323, 330–33, 336–49

      Davis murder, 97, 98–99, 336–39, 385–86

      FBI files, 55–56, 109–11, 244, 331

      as FBI informant, 9–11, 19–20, 108, 109–13, 113n, 116, 119–21, 125, 126–28, 132, 172, 174, 175, 195–96, 244–45, 276, 279–81, 309–10, 330, 342, 346, 347–48n, 376–77

      Fitzgerald bombing, 116, 120, 127, 330

      Hussey murder, 39, 99, 259–60, 270–71, 339–42

      King murder, 168, 311

      Lancaster Street garage investigation, 62, 65, 90

      Lindholm and, 326–27

      Martorano and, 39–40, 132, 135, 137, 139, 150–51

      McIntyre murder, 259

      McLaughlin murder, 109–11

      O’Brien and, 96–97

      plea deal of, 333

      Shea and, 235

      weapons stash, 67, 69–70, 250

      Wheeler murder, 147, 148

      Wolf hearings, 10–11, 132, 288

      as Zelig of Boston underworld, 331–32

Flemmi, Vincent “Jimmy the Bear”

      Deegan murder, 105–8, 117, 288–89, 344–46, 397

      as FBI informant, 49, 107–11, 113n, 117–18, 172, 244

Florian Hall, 261–62, 300–304, 304, 317

Florida Supreme Court, 18n

Florida v. Connolly, 60

Floyd, Charles “Pretty Boy,” 113

Flynn, James, 318–19

Foley, Thomas J., 96, 212, 300, 366

      Most Wanted, 67–68, 70–71, 133–34, 366

      witness testimony, 66–73

Folino, Paulie, 156

Forge Books, 137

Forte, Felix, 7, 7n

Fourth of July, 239–41

French, Roy, 107, 117–18

Garo, Victor J., 292–93, 294

Garriola, Scott, 349

Gertner, Nancy, 113n, 204–6, 296–97, 416

Gianturco, Nicholas, 185, 284–85, 348

Giso, Nick, 62, 199

Giuliani, Rudolph, 65

Gotti, John, 115

Grasso, William “Billy,” 282, 283

Gravano, Sammy “the Bull,” 115

Greco, Louis, 118, 294

Greene, Nathanael, 240–41

Greig, Catherine, 9, 51–52, 77, 315

Gustin Gang, 276

gypsy wire, 106, 107, 109, 117, 289

Hafer, Zachary

      Capizzi testimony, 176–77, 178

      Lindholm testimony, 326–27

      Long testimony, 60–61, 63–64, 65

      objection to defense motion to adjourn, 307–8

      O’Brien testimony, 91–95

Halloran, Brian

      murder of, 149–50, 164–65, 200–202, 251–54, 267, 318–19, 362, 409

      as potential informant, 200–201, 254, 360–62

      Wheeler murder, 147, 200–201

      in witness protection program, 367–68

      wrongful death lawsuit, 99

Handley, James L., 112–13

Harrington, Edward “Ted,” 118, 191, 279

      Burton committee hearings, 288–89

      Patriarca indictment, 115, 121–23

Hartford Courant, 323

Harvard University, 200, 251, 263

Haunty, the (799 Third Street), 25–26, 29–31, 254–61

      Barrett murder, 37–38, 254–57

      Bulger’s use of, 316–17

      excavating and moving bodies, 29–30, 260–62, 299

      McIntyre murder, 38–39, 257–59

“hit man,” 142–43

Hitman (Carr), 137, 139, 142, 143, 146, 216

Hoffa, Jimmy, 92

Holmes, Kenneth, 61

Holy Grail, 277, 281–83

Hoosier State Bank robbery, 77–78

Hoover, J. Edgar, 2, 10, 43, 106, 107–8, 109, 112, 113–14, 113n, 116, 286–87, 309

horse race-fixing case, 132, 174, 175, 196, 199, 279–80, 290, 389

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 284–93, 296

Howie Carr Show, 273–75, 403–4

Huff, Mike, 200, 287, 287n

Hughes brothers, 80–81, 105, 343

Hurley, John, 251

Hussey, Deborah

      excavating and moving body, 261–62

      exhumation of remains, 312–13

      murder of, 39, 99, 259–60, 270–71, 310, 339–42

      wrongful death lawsuit, 99

Hussey, Marion, 339–40, 342

illegal drugs, 38, 218–37, 325–27

Impact Statement (Davis), 404

induction ceremony tapes, 281–83

Irish gang wars. See Boston gang wars

Irish Mob, 8–9, 10, 15, 35, 138, 173

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 26, 54–55, 246–47, 258, 315–16

Italian Mafia. See Mafia; New England Mafia

Jackson, John, 134

Jamar, Jeff, 362

Jersey Boys (Broadway show), 167

jury nullification, 344–46, 379, 405–6

Justice Department, U.S. (DOJ), 271, 381

      Bulger trial and, 11, 12–13, 19, 39, 103, 185–86, 344, 362, 380, 391, 392, 395, 399, 409, 410–11; Carney’s opening statement, 43–46

      Connolly’s criticism of, 16–17

      D.C. meeting, 356, 357–58, 362–63

      Fitzpatrick and, 360, 361, 362, 367, 368

      Office of the Inspector General, 181–82, 381

      Salvati case and, 1, 292, 294, 416

Karas, Phyllis, Brutal, 53, 55–56, 81–82, 262–63

Katz, James J., 85–90

Kaufman, Georgie, 62

Kefauver Committee, 75

Kehoe, John J., Jr., 112–13, 284–85

Kelly, Brian, 67, 215

      background of, 36

      Barboza and, 103

      building of case, 11–12, 16

      Connolly investigation, 16, 215

      Fitzpatrick and, 361–62, 363–70

      Fourth of July recess, 239–40

      jury nullification, 344–46

      Katz testimony, 90

      Long testimony, 62

      Martorano plea deal and, 71, 133

      Morris testimony, 196–97

      O’Brien testimony, 162–63

      opening statement, 35–40

      Shea testimony, 228–29, 231–32, 234, 237

      Sideropoulos testimony, 384

      Sussman de Tennen testimony, 158, 159–60

      Tower testimony, 221–22, 225, 227

      Uhlar and, 403–5

      Weeks testimony, 249–54, 258–60, 269

Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 219

Kennedy, Joseph P., 25

Kennedy, Robert F., 75–76, 114

Killeen, Donald, 81–82, 267

Killeen, Eddie, 81, 164

Killeen, Kenny, 81, 83–84

Killeen-Mullen gang war, 81–84, 93–94, 124, 164, 165–69, 171, 267

Kimberly’s, 93–94

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 359

King, Tommy

      burial site of, 315

      exhumation of remains, 311–12, 314, 315

      murder of, 167–70, 184, 311–12, 314

Knights of Columbus, 119

Krantz, Chico, 85–86, 88, 96

Ku Klux Klan, 345

Labate, George, 94–95

La Cosa Nostra, 44, 112, 116, 173, 177, 191, 281

Laffey brothers, 376

Lancaster Street garage investigation, 61–66, 90, 381–82

Lapiana, Louis, 157–60

Latif, Louis, 99

Leavenworth Penitentiary, 78, 183

Lehr, Dick, 77n, 126, 214–15, 215n

Leonard, Francis “Buddy,” 168, 169

Lepere, Frank, 379, 380

Liberty Bank burglary, 183

Life (magazine), 80

Limone, Peter J., 117–18, 204–7, 294, 335n

      wrongful conviction lawsuit, 113n, 204–6, 295–97, 416n

Lincoln National Bank robbery, 107, 117–18

Lindholm, David, 325–27, 330

Linskey, Patrick, 227, 234

Lisi, Vincent, 400

London, Michael, 89

Long, Robert “Bobby,” 60–66

LSD tests, 78, 166

McClellan Committee, 75–76

McCormack, John W., 79, 125

McDonald, Joseph “Joe Mac,” 145, 175, 183

      Callahan murder, 151–53

      Wheeler murder, 147–48

McGarry, Bernard, 91, 92

McGonagle, Donald “Donnie,” 81–82, 167

McGonagle, Paul “Paulie”

      burial site of, 170, 313–14

      exhumation of remains, 304–6

      murder of, 81–82, 164, 167–69, 314, 406–7

McGonagle, Sean, 406–7

McIntyre, John

      exhumation of remains, 304

      as FBI informant, 55, 258–59

      murder of, 38–39, 55, 257–59, 366–67

      wrongful death lawsuit, 99

McLaughlin, Bernard “Bernie,” 80, 109

McLaughlin, Edward “Punchy,” 80, 109, 110–11, 394

McLaughlin, George, 80–81, 109–11

McLaughlin brothers, 80–81, 105, 108–11, 124, 343, 394

McLean, Buddy, 80–81, 83, 105, 124, 175, 331, 343

McWeeney, Sean, 362

Mafia, 43, 75–76, 113–14, 281–83. See also New England Mafia

Mahoney, Ed, 323–24

makeup, 87, 91, 94–95

Mann Act, 339

Mantville, Jimmy, 267

Marconi Club, 326–27

marijuana, 220, 229–30, 325–27, 379

Marra, James, 181–84, 186, 187–89, 207, 381

Marshall Motors, 84, 127, 145–46, 147, 165, 169, 175

Martorano, James “Jimmy,” 15, 82–83, 132, 134–35, 137–39, 140, 326–27

Martorano, John, 15, 19

      author’s meetings with, 137, 139–41

      background of, 138–39, 140–41

      Carney’s closing argument, 396–97

      Carney’s opening statement, 47–48

      on the lam, 131–32, 175

      murders of, 10, 39–40, 133–37, 141–53, 156–57, 164, 168, 255–56; Wheeler, 130, 147–49, 360, 408–9

      O’Brien and, 95, 96–97

      plea deal and payout, 71, 131, 132–34, 393

      60 Minutes interview, 141, 143, 144

      summit meeting at Chandler’s, 82–83, 93–94

      witness testimony, 129–53, 155–57, 160, 169–70, 385–86

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), 248, 249, 251, 310–11

Massachusetts State Parole Board, 205, 309

Massachusetts State Police, 39, 214, 285, 354–55, 381, 382

Medellín Cartel, 230

Medford induction ceremony, 281–83

media coverage of trial, 49–50, 99–100, 211–18, 215–18, 239, 273–75, 276, 320, 330, 388–89

Melotone, 172

Mercurio, Sonny, 281–83

“message killing,” 254

Messick, Hank, 105n, 108

Milano, Michael, 157–58, 159, 160

Mires, Ann Marie, 299–307, 310–13

Mirisola’s, 51–53, 54, 56–57

mistaken identity killings, 156–58


Moakley, Joe, 295

Moakley United States Courthouse, 21, 31, 32–34, 295, 323. See also People of the United States v. James J. Bulger

Montanari, Gerald, 200–201, 308, 357–58, 360, 362

Moore, Paul, 275, 308

Morris, John, 191–203

      background of, 172, 191

      Condon and, 191–92, 206–7, 220, 279

      corruption of, 46, 64, 175–76, 193, 194, 195–96, 198–203, 369, 378–79, 391–92

      Cronin’s testimony on, 376–77

      Davis’s testimony on, 378–79

      Fitzpatrick and, 354–56, 369

      as source for media, 213, 214

      use of informants, 172–73, 174, 192–93, 194–96, 198–99, 376–77, 381–82

      witness testimony, 193–207, 211, 214, 220, 240, 241–42, 294

      Wolf hearings, 193–94, 288

Most Wanted (Foley), 67–68, 70–71, 133–34, 366

Mueller, Robert, 352, 377

Mullen Gang, 27, 81–84, 124, 164, 165–71, 173, 175, 252, 311–12, 314

Murphy, Shelley, 77n, 216–17

Murray, Joe, 183, 230–31, 246, 256–57, 258

Murray, Michael, 183

National Crime Information Center (NCIC), 189

Nee, Michael, 25–26, 29

Nee, Patrick

      author’s meetings with, 15, 26, 28–29, 30–31, 51, 52–53, 54, 56–58, 73, 163–64, 165, 167, 243, 245–46, 313–16, 333–36, 410

      background of, 25–29, 54–55

      Bulger’s order to Weeks to kill, 245–48

      Bulger trial and, 30–31, 30n, 54, 56–58, 71, 163–64; subpoena, 52, 57, 73, 319–21, 359, 370–73

      burial sites of bodies, 314–18, 320–21

      Daley attempted murder, 27–29

      DeMasi and O’Brien and, 163–64

      excavating and moving bodies, 29–30, 260–62

      the Haunty and, 25–26, 29–31, 316–17

      IRA and, 26, 54–55, 246–47, 315–16

      Martorano and, 137–42, 169–70

      mob summit meeting at Chandler’s, 82–84, 93–94, 155–56

      Mullen gang wars and, 27, 81, 82–84, 164, 165–71, 314

      murders of, 164–65; Barrett, 256, 257; Halloran-Donahue, 164–65, 252, 267, 318–19; McGonagle, 164, 168, 170, 313–14; McIntyre, 258–59

      Rakes murder and, 328–30, 333–34

Nee, Peter, 26–29

Nee, Thomas “Tommy,” 222–24, 228, 229

New England Mafia, 9, 39, 43–44, 44, 116, 173, 212–13, 245, 278–79, 309, 334–35

      Barboza and, 6, 7, 104–5, 105n

      induction ceremony, 281–83

New England Organized Crime Strike Force, 17, 46, 64, 121–22, 149, 176, 212–13, 279, 361–62, 395

Newsweek, 16, 17, 98

Newton, John, 348n

Nicholson, Jack, 11

Nixon, Richard M., 46

North End, 275–77

Northern Ireland, and IRA, 26, 54–55, 246–47, 258, 315–16

Northern Irish Aid (NORIAD), 316

Noseworthy, Janet, 198

Notarangeli, Al “Indian Al,” 155–58, 164, 177, 179

O’Brien, Richard “Dickie,” 90–97

O’Brien, Tara, 96–97

O’Brien, William, Jr., 398–99

O’Brien, William “Billy,” 161–64, 315, 398–99, 407

O’Donovan, Jack, 63, 202

Old Colony Housing Project, 235–37

O’Leary, Francis, 61

O’Neill, Gerard, 77n, 126, 214–15, 215n

O’Neill, Kevin, 222, 223–24, 227, 348–49, 405

O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” Jr., 219

Organized Crime Control Act, 46

Organized Crime Drive Program, 116–17

Ortiz, Carmen, 176, 399–400

O’Sullivan, Billy, 81–82

O’Sullivan, Jeremiah, 279, 369

      background of, 65

      Bulger’s immunity and, 17, 39, 173–76, 186–87, 199, 214

      Burton committee hearings, 290, 291

      Carney’s closing argument, 395

      Carney’s opening statement, 43, 45, 46

      Cronin testimony, 376, 377

      Halloran and witness protection, 149, 361–62, 367

      Long and Lancaster Street garage investigation, 63–66

      protecting life of, 387, 388–89

Pacino, Al, 47

Paddy Whacked (English), 14–15

Palladino, Bobby, 134

Patriarca, Raymond, Sr., 76, 92

      Barboza and, 115–17, 121–22, 278

      Deegan murder, 106, 286, 288–89

      indictment and conviction of, 113, 115–17, 121–22, 191, 278

Patriarca crime family, 76, 83, 92, 104, 106, 115–17, 121–22, 145, 278

People of the United States v. James J. Bulger

      author’s point of view, 18–19

      bookmaking and, 84–97

      Bulger’s arrival, 31, 32–34

      Bulger’s potentially taking the stand, 12, 57–58, 73, 187, 359, 386–88

      closing arguments, 389–97

      cost of, 411

      defense motion to adjourn, 306–9

      defense’s strategy, 46, 55

      families of victims, 97–101, 398–99; impact statements, 406–9

      first day, 34–49, 57–58

      Fourth of July recess, 239–40

      gag order, 49–50, 211

      illegal narcotics, 38, 218–37

      informants’ role in, 46–49

      jury nullification, 344–46, 352, 405–6

      media coverage, 49–50, 99–100, 211, 215–18, 239, 273–75, 276, 320, 330, 388–89

      “Nee matter,” 52, 57, 73, 319–21, 359, 370–73

      opening statements, 34–49; Carney, 40–49; Kelly, 35–40

      prosecution enters into evidence organizational charts, 58–59, 60

      prosecution’s strategy, 42–43, 228

      Salvati framing and, 1–2, 3–4, 132

      second day, 58–59

      sentencing, 403, 409

      sidebars, 63–65, 161, 239, 344

      the verdict, 397–400

      witnesses, 19, 103, 308, 352–53, 375, 377; in order of appearance, 419–21. See also specific witnesses

Peter J. Limone, et al. v. United States of America, 113n, 204–6, 295–97, 416n

Pistone, Joe, 348n

Plummer, Al “Bud,” 177–78, 277

Plymouth County Correctional Facility, 31, 307, 387, 411

Prillaman, Randy, 362

Prohibition, 75

prostitution, 231, 259

Prouty, Charles, 285

Quinn, Ed, 215, 364–65

race-fixing case, 132, 174, 175, 196, 199, 279–80, 290, 389

Rakes, Stephen “Stippo,” 100, 264–67, 274

      death of, 324–25, 328–30, 333–34, 336, 351

Rat Bastards (Shea), 275

Reagan, Ronald, 219

Rico (Huff), 287n

RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act), 1–2, 7, 10, 11–12, 38, 59, 228, 390

Rico, H. Paul, 78, 114–27, 279

      background of, 115

      Burton committee hearings, 286–87, 291, 323

      corruption of, 190–91, 192, 206–7, 287, 291, 343–44

      death of, 287

      Deegan murder case, 107–8, 117–20, 121–22, 286–87, 344–46

      Flemmi’s testimony, 342–46, 347

      McLaughlin murder, 109–11

      Patriarca case, 115–17

      use of informants, 78, 107–27, 175, 244, 286–87, 342–46, 347, 394–95

      Wheeler murder, 147, 151, 287

Ring, James, 347–48n, 376–77

Roberto, Vinnie, 62

Robin Hood myth, 14, 220

rotor file, 188, 245, 376, 378–79

Rule 35, 89–90

Russo, Joe, 83

Saint Hoods (TV show), 52–53, 320, 329, 370, 372, 410

St. Patrick’s Day breakfast, 219–20

Salemme, Frank, 255, 342–43

      arrest by Connolly of, 125–26, 192

      as FBI informant, 116, 119–21

      Fitzgerald bombing, 116, 120, 127, 330

      McLaughlin murder, 109, 111

      murder attempt on, 282, 283

Salvati, Joseph

      author’s meetings with, 1–8, 293–94, 297, 400–401

      Burton committee hearings, 292–93

      release and attempts to clear name, 293–97

      wrongful conviction of, 2–3, 4–8, 49, 101, 118, 119; lawsuit, 113n, 204–6, 295–97, 416n

Salvati, Marie, 292–93

Sarhatt, Lawrence “Larry,” 354, 369, 381–84

Scarpa, Gregory, 20

Schneiderhan, David, 172, 382–83

Scorsese, Martin, 11

serial killers, 143

Sessions, William, 283

Shea, Billy, 224–25, 226

      desire to retire, 233–37

      witness testimony, 228–29, 231–32, 233–37

Shea, John “Red,” 274–75

Sheehan, Robert, 284–85

Sherman, Casey, 105n

Shields, Hugh “Sonny,” 177–78

sidebar process in trial, 63–65, 161, 239, 344

Sideropoulos, Desi, 381–84, 385

Sims, Jimmy, 145, 156–57, 164, 175, 183, 290

Sinaloa Cartel, 413

Sixth Amendment, 197

60 Minutes (TV show), 138

      Martorano interview, 141, 143, 144

      Weeks interview, 53, 216

Smith, Herbert, 135–36

South Boston Liquor Mart, 100, 264–67, 324

Southern Hills Country Club, 148

Southie (South Boston), 13–14, 25–27, 52, 166, 173, 218–19, 243–44

“Southie pride,” 219

Stanley, Teresa, 15, 51–52, 77

Stearns, Richard G., 34

Stuart, Bill, 342–43

“substantial assistance,” 86, 89, 198–99

Suffolk County Courthouse, 79

Sussman de Tennen, Diane, 155, 157–60

“tailgating,” 77

Tameleo, Enrico “Henry,” 118

Teamsters, 76, 92

Tenean Beach, 170, 304–6, 310, 311, 313–14

Thacher Island, 113

Thatcher, Margaret, 316

Third Street, 68–70, 250, 337–38. See also Haunty, the

Thornburgh, Dick, 283

Title III wiretaps, 198–99, 281–82

Tobin Memorial Bridge, 168–69

Tolson, Clyde, 109

Top Echelon Informant Program, 16–17, 19–20, 43, 45, 78, 114–15, 116, 126, 182, 291–92, 309–10, 411–12. See also specific informants

Tower, Joe, 220–27, 229

trial of Whitey Bulger. See People of the United States v. James J. Bulger

Triple O’s Lounge, 221–24, 225, 227, 234, 235, 248, 249, 316, 405

Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar, 32, 32n

Tsarnaev, Tamerlan, 32

Twomey, David, 376, 379–80

Uhlar, Janet, 35, 155, 157, 160–61, 239–42, 403–6

Underboss, The (Lehr and O’Neill), 214, 215n, 364

University of Massachusetts, 284, 285

Unsolved Mysteries (TV show), 11, 250

Valachi, Joseph, 114, 281

Valencia, Milton J., 320

Valhalla, 258, 316, 319

Veranis, Tony, 134–35

Vietnam War, 26–27, 79

Wallace, Frankie, 276

Walpole Prison, 7, 111, 112–13, 116, 121, 122, 163, 228, 337, 347

Walsh, Bernard “Dodo,” 276

Walsh, Eddie, 170

Walsh, Frank, 5, 6, 170

Warren, Joseph, 240–41

Weeks, Bill, 262–63

Weeks, John, 262–63

Weeks, Kevin, 53–58, 316

      appearance of, 248

      author’s meetings with, 51, 53, 54, 56–58, 243–48, 270–71, 410

      background of, 54, 251, 262–63

      Barrett murder, 37–38, 254–57

      Brutal, 53, 55–56, 81–82, 262–63

      Bulger’s order to kill Pat Nee, 245–48

      as Bulger’s surrogate son, 53–54, 58, 262, 263–64, 270

      Bulger trial and, 19

      daily running of operations, 249–50

      debriefings, 299–300, 317

      excavating and moving bodies, 29–30, 260–62, 299–300, 302–3

      Halloran-Donahue murder, 251–54, 267

      Hussey murder, 39, 259–60, 270–71, 340–41

      loyalty to Bulger, 263–70

      McIntyre murder, 39, 55, 257–59

      Rakes and, 264–67

      Shea and drugs, 231, 235

      60 Minutes interview, 53, 216

      witness testimony, 248–70, 274, 302–3, 335; Bulger’s “You suck,” 269, 270

Weinberg, Martin “Marty,” 131, 132–33, 137

Weld, William, 220, 294–95, 362, 377

Westies, The (English), 15, 138–39, 140

Wheeler, David, 408–9

Wheeler, Roger, 130, 146–49, 200–201, 270, 287, 362, 408–9

Whitey (Lehr and O’Neill), 77n

Whitey Bulger (Cullen and Murphy), 77n, 216–17

Wilson, James, 286

Winter, Howie, 83, 93–94, 145, 155–56, 174, 175, 290

Winter Hill Mob, 13, 80–84, 183

      bookmaking, 88–89, 93–96

      Bulger’s rise in, 171–72, 175–76

      Bulger trial and, 39, 47, 58–59, 284, 325

      Castucci and, 145–46

      circa 1975 to 1980, 58–59, 60, 422–23

      circa 1982, 58–59, 60, 424–25

      gang wars, 80–84, 93–94, 105, 165–71, 314, 342–45

      Notarangeli murder, 155–57

      summit meeting at Chandler’s, 82–84, 93–94, 155–56

witness protection program, 46, 86, 121, 361, 367–68

Wolf, Mark L. (Wolf hearings), 10–11, 132, 214–15, 217, 288, 317, 334

      Connolly and, 16–17, 215

      Fitzpatrick and, 367

      Martorano and Wheeler murder, 408–9

      Morris and, 193–94, 288

      O’Sullivan and, 65, 290

World Jai Lai, 146–47, 200, 360

Wyshak, Fred, 67, 215

      background of, 59–60

      Barboza and, 103

      building of case, 11–12

      Bulger informant file, 184–85, 186

      closing argument, 389–93

      Connolly investigation, 16, 215

      defense witness list, 353

      Fitzpatrick and, 365–66, 370n

      Flemmi testimony, 332–33, 340, 342–43

      Foley testimony, 66–67, 68, 72

      jury nullification, 344–46

      Katz testimony, 85–89, 90

      Marra testimony, 182, 184

      Martorano plea deal and, 71, 103

      Martorano testimony, 129–31, 133, 134–37, 153

      Mires testimony, 300–301, 303–6, 312–13

      Morris testimony, 193–97, 200, 205, 206

      motion to submit charts as evidence, 58–59, 60

      Sideropoulos testimony, 384

      Twomey and, 379–80

      Uhlar and, 403–5

Yerardi, Joe, 88–89, 325–27

Young, William G., 99

Zalkind, Jack, 286

Zambada Niebla, Jesus Vicente, 412–13

Zannino, Larry, 62, 290