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A-4 rocket. See also V-2 missiles


Aldrin, Edwin “Buzz”

Anders, Bill

Apollo 1 mission

Apollo 7 mission

Apollo 8 mission

Apollo 9 mission

Apollo 10 mission

Apollo 11 mission

Apollo 13 mission; malfunction aboard; move of crew to CSM; move of crew to LM; plan to get crew back to Earth; safe return from; as successful failure; water supply for crew

Apollo 17 mission

Apollo program: docking space vessels during; goal of; naming of; spacecraft design and function; unmanned tests during

Apollo-Soyuz joint mission

Armstrong, Neil

Astronauts: bravery of; dangers in space for; pilot backgrounds of; selection of

Atomic bombs

Borman, Frank

Bumper rockets

Carpenter, Scott

Chaffee, Roger B.

Cold War

Collins, Michael

Command module and service module (CSM): Apollo 11 mission; Apollo 13 malfunction of; Apollo missions to test; design and function of; docking with LM

Cooper, Gordon

Corned beef sandwich incident

Cunningham, Walter

Dog in space, first

Earth: distance to moon; orbiting of by Glenn; rocket propulsion to escape gravity; speed to break free of gravity


Eisele, Donn

EVA (extravehicular activity)

Explorer I satellite

Failure: not an option; possibility of; successful failure

Freedom 7 mission

Friendship 7 mission

Gagarin, Yuri

Gemini 1 mission

Gemini 2 mission

Gemini 3 mission

Gemini 4 mission

Gemini 7 mission

Gemini 8 mission

Gemini 12 mission

Gemini program: astronauts selection for; capsule design; docking space vessels during; goal of

Germany: destruction of scientific research in; division of after WWII; rocket science research in; V-2 development in; V-2 use during WWII


Glenn, John

Goddard, Robert

Grisson, Virgil “Gus”

Haise, Fred

Hermes rockets

Hopkins, Mike

Hydrogen bomb (H-bomb)

Jupiter rockets

Kennedy, John F.

Komarov, Vladimir

Kranz, Gene

Leonov, Alexei

Liberty Bell 7 mission

Lovell, Jim

Luna moon missions

Lunar landing module (LM): Apollo 13 crew move to and control of spacecraft from; Apollo missions to test; computing power in; design and function of; docking with CSM; landing on by Apollo 11; landing on moon in

Mach 1

McDivitt, James

Mercury program: astronauts selection for; capsule design; Mercury Control Center; naming of; rocket test launch failures; start of. See also Freedom 7 mission; Friendship 7 mission; Liberty Bell 7 mission

Missiles. See also V-2 missiles

Mission Control, Houston

Moon: challenges of mission to; dark side of; distance from Earth; Kennedy speech about goal of mission to; landing on by Apollo 11; last men on from Apollo 17; Luna missions to; orbiting of by Apollo 8; predictions about Soviet landing on; spacecraft design for trip to; trips to the surface and back; US goal of being first to; walking on

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): act to create; goal and mission of; mathematicians at; safety commitment of; team effort to support spaceflight; technology development by

Nuclear weapons: arms race and stockpiling of; atomic bombs; development and testing of; research to build long-range missiles; surviving nuclear war

R-7 intercontinental missile

Rockets: destructive potential of; escape from Earth’s gravity with; failures during testing and launch of; invention and development of; liquid-fueled rocket development; long-range missiles research; multistage rocket development; science behind; US military programs

Satellites: Soviet development and launch of; US development and launch of

Saturn V rocket

Schirra, Walter “Wally”

Scientific method

Scott, David

Shepard, Alan

Slayton, Deke

Soviet Union/Russia: failures in space program of; first human in space; nuclear weapon development and testing by; power of after WWII; rocket research in; safety of space program in; space program of; successes in space program of; tensions between US and; V-2s gathered by; V-2 testing and launch by

Soyuz 1 mission

Soyuz spacecraft

Space: dangers to humans in; first artificial object in; ongoing programs to explore; reasons for exploring; weightlessness in

Spacecraft: Apollo spacecraft; design, building, and testing of; docking vessels together; Gemini capsules; hatch-closing problem; materials for; Mercury capsules; thrusters to reenter Earth’s atmosphere

Spaceflight: advances in technology to allow; first American in space; first human in space; joint space programs; NASA goal and mission; radio blackout during reentry; team effort to support; von Braun as father of modern

Spaceflight accidents: Apollo 1 mission; deaths during; mission reorganization after; Soyuz 1 mission

Space race

Space shuttle program

Space stations

Space walk

Sputnik 1

Sputnik 2

Sputnik 3

Stafford, Tom

Swigert, Jack


Titan II rocket

Training, deaths during

Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin

TV-3 Vanguard rocket

United States (US): first American in space; German scientists move to; power of after WWII; rocket research in; tensions between Soviets and; V-2 research in

V-2 missiles

von Braun, Wernher; concern about misuse of rockets; as father of modern spaceflight; move to US by; rocket development by; space exploration interests of; US government work of; V-2 development by

Voskhod 1 mission

Voskhod 2 mission

Vostok 1 mission

Weapons: arming of V-2s with; arms race. See also nuclear weapons

White, Ed

World War II (WWII)

Yeager, Chuck

Young, John

YouTube videos