First of all, I send enthusiastic thanks to Funado Yoichi, who got me started on this project.
In China, Lang Kehua not only organized my trip to the Northeast but also helped me find my way through numerous documents. She has been invaluable to me, and I cannot thank her enough.
In Japan, Hokari Kashio and Yanagisawa Kazuhiko were generous, gracious hosts during my visits to Matsumoto; they allowed me access to their archive and helped in countless ways. Kawashima Shōko, Yoshiko’s grand-niece, also took the time to share her views about Yoshiko and other members of the family. Kamisaka Fuyuko and Terao Saho, Yoshiko’s Japanese biographers, were immensely kind as well, supplying vital documents and insights into her character.
At home in the United States, Haruko Aoki Iyer helped me with many problems, deciphering mysterious sources and frequently coming to my aid. Teruko Craig checked through my manuscript and as always contributed much to the final product. Mary Few has again been my vigilant reader, offering firm and crucial suggestions. Nancy Berliner helped out with all things Chinese.
In addition I would like to thank the following people for their help: Abe Yumiko, Joanna Handlin Smith, Makinami Yasuko, Margaret Mitsutani, Lynne Riggs, Sang Ye, Takahashi Chikako, Takarabe Toriko, Takechi Manabu, Wang Qingxiang.
Thanks also to my editor, Jennifer Crewe, and my agent, Victoria Skurnick, for their encouragement and friendship.