astern in or at the stern (rear) of the ship

bilge the bottom of a ship’s hull

binnacle a box found on the deck of a ship near the helm which holds the compass

bitts strong posts fastened in pairs in the deck of a ship to which are attached cables and ropes

bluff-bowed a ship which has little inclination: the bows are nearly vertical

bobstay rope used to pull the bowsprit of a ship downwards

boom a long spar extending from a ship to increase or ‘boom out’ the foot of a sail, or a pole erected to mark the course of a channel or deep water

bowsprit a large pole extending from the stem of a vessel to which the foremast stays are fixed

bulkhead a partition in a ship which divides the hold or creates a cabin

bumpkin boom used to extend the foresail, mainsail, and mizzen

burgee a triangular or swallowtailed flag used as a distinguishing flag on yachts

carronadc a piece of ordnance, mainly used on shipboard

catspaw a slight breeze which ripples the sea surface

clipper vessel built for fast sailing

culvert a channel or conduit carrying a stream across or beneath a canal

davit-tackles a pair of cranes on the side of a ship with sheaves and pulleys for raising or lowering a boat

ferry packet a boat travelling at regular intervals between two points

fo’c’sle forecastle, a short raised deck at the fore end of a vessel

foresail the principal sail set on the foremast (the forward lower mast)

forestay a strong rope stretching from the foremast-head towards the bowsprit end

galliot a small boat propelled by sails and oars and used for swift navigation

grapnel a tool with iron claws used especially for seizing and securing boats

gunwale the upper edge of a ship’s side

halyards rope used for raising or lowering a sail, spar, or flag

hawse-pipe a cast-iron pipe fitted into the hawse-hole (one of two holes in the bow of a vessel for a cable to run through) which prevents the cable from eroding the wood

head-sail any of the sails belonging to the foremast and bowsprit

helm the handle or wheel used to control the rudder

jib a triangular sail stretching from bowsprit to masthead in smaller boats

jib-sheets one of the ropes by which the jib is trimmed

kedge a small anchor used in mooring or moving a ship

keel the lowest longitudinal timber of a boat on which the frame of the whole is built

lanyard short piece of rope fastened to something to secure it

lee the side of a ship that is turned away from the wind

lighter a boat used for unloading ships that cannot be discharged at a wharf

lugsail a four-cornered sail, bent upon a yard which is slung at one-third or one-fourth of its length from one end, and so hangs obliquely

mainsheet the rope which secures the mainsail when set

marling-spike a pointed iron tool used to separate the strands of rope in splicing

mizzen-mast the aftermost mast of a three-masted ship

mosquito a motor-torpedo boat for rapid manoeuvring

overfall a turbulent surface of water with short breaking waves

painter a rope attached to the bow of a boat for making it fast to a ship or stake

port the left-hand side of a ship when looking forward

roadstead a place where ships lie at anchor near the shore

rowlock a device on the gunwale of a boat forming a fulcrum for the oar in rowing

rudder a broad, flat piece of wood or metal attached vertically to the sternpost of a ship to assist in the steering

scud ocean spray driven by the wind

scull an oar operated by working it from side to side over the stern of the boat, reversing the blade at each turn skipper the captain of a ship

spars a general term for all masts

spar-torpedo a torpedo (underwater explosive device) fastened on the end of a spar projecting from the bows of the boat

starboard the right-hand side of a ship when looking forward

stern the hind part of a boat

tackle the rigging or ropes used for working the sails

taffrail the aftermost part of the poop-rail of a ship

thwart scat placed across the width of a boat

tide-rips a commotion of the sea caused by opposing currents, or by a rapid current passing over an uneven bed

tiller horizontal lever used to control the rudder for steering purposes

tiller-head extremity of the tiller to which are attached two ends of tiller-rope

to jib to pull the sail from one side of a boat to the other

to kedge (kedging off) to move a ship by winding in a hawser attached to a small anchor dropped at a distance

topsail the uppermost sail

torpedo-boats a small, fast warship from which torpedoes are discharged

tug a small, strong steamer used to tow other boats

warp a rope attached to a fixed object and used in hauling in or moving a ship

windlass a mechanical device around which a rope or chain is wound, especially for weighing the anchor

yawl a small fishing or sailing boat