* The false self is one way of not being oneself. The following are a few of the more important studies within the existentialist tradition relevant to the understanding of the false self, as one way of living inauthentically: Kierkegaard, The sickness unto death (1954); Heidegger, Sein und Zeit (1953); Sartre’s discussion on ‘bad faith’ in Being and Nothingness (1956); Binswanger, Drei Formen missgliickten Daseins (1952) and ‘The Case of Ellen West’ (1958); and Roland Kuhn, La Phénoménologie de masque (1957). Within the psycho-analytic tradition the following are among the most relevant studies: Deutsch, ‘Some forms of emotional disturbances and their relationship to schizophrenia’ (1942); Fairbairn, Psychoanalytic studies of the personality (1952); Guntrip, ‘A study of Fairbairn’s theory of schizoid reactions’ (1952); Winnicott, Collected papers (1958) (passim); Wolberg, ‘The “borderline” patient’ (1952); and Wolf in Schizophrenia in psychoanalytic office practice (pp. 135–9, 1957).