39 The Opposite

My phone pinged again. I looked up cautiously. Hali was focusing on the screen. Stepping back a few paces, I gingerly reached for my side pocket. I fumbled for the phone while turning my body slightly. Holding my phone up to waist height, I put my Bluetooth earpiece in.

‘Cam?’ I whispered.

‘Why you whispering, Iago?’

‘Never mind!’ I hissed. ‘What did you find out?’

‘Well, you were right - the view from the window. On the hillside, across the lake was a flag - A CERN flag!’

‘That’s got to be it then!’

‘Yeah, we’re on our way now.’

‘Is Mie still with you?’

‘Yeah!’ smiled Cam, happily. The camera swirled round and Mie’s pretty face filled the screen. She grinned and waved.

‘Lucky Cam!’ I whispered to him.

‘Yeah, for once,’ he replied. ‘Get back to you soon! Cam out!’