My husband, Patrick, and I both love sex toys. In fact, we have some that are mine, some that are his, and some that we share. We’ve tried vibrators, butt plugs, nipple clamps, feathers, blindfolds, handcuffs, body paint, and more. We’ve used household implements for spankings and to tie each other up, and are constantly innovating. Whenever we travel to a new city, we make sure to visit the local smut emporium and buy something naughty to try during our trip.
On a recent vacation, we had quite the enjoyable time with our toys. We were visiting friends in Seattle, but staying at a hotel. One of the first things we did was head to a sex-toy store, where I impulsively bought him a new butt plug. Sure, he has lots of them, but this one was even bigger than the norm, and I liked the idea of him wearing it as we took in the sights. We bought some lube, a small paddle, and a mini-vibrator, then headed back to the hotel. I love having sex in hotels because there’s something extra naughty about it, and it felt even more so when I had Patrick strip, bend over, and take the butt plug into his ass.
“Open wide for me,” I said, massaging his anal passage with my lubed-up fingers. While the rational side of my brain knew that nobody could hear us, part of me got off on imagining that our hotel neighbors could hear me encouraging him to take more of my fingers. “You like it when I fuck you like this, don’t you, Patrick? Your ass is mine,” I said, then eased my fingers out before replacing them with the plug. It was camouflage green, which I thought he’d like since he used to be in the army. It was bigger than any of the plugs we’d used before, but I knew he could handle it.
“Tell me how much you want it,” I said, getting into being the wicked domme. Sometimes I bottom to him, and I get wet when he orders me around, but we’re both switches who can easily acclimate to either role. When he bends over and wants me to fuck him, I rise to the occasion.
“I need you to fuck my ass. I want the plug, the big green plug. I’ll even wear it while we’re out. I just need it inside me now!” This time, his decibel level rose so much that our neighbors really might have heard my husband’s naughty demands, but I didn’t care. I’m a proud pervert. I wondered if some secret security camera somewhere was watching as I eased the head of the fat toy between his butt cheeks, and the thought thrilled me. Even though I’d coated the toy with lube and Patrick was begging me to fuck him, I slowly inserted the plug, both for safety and because it’s so fun to watch him squirm. To me, there’s nothing quite like the sight of my husband taking my fingers or a toy into his bottom as he submits to me in the most sensual of ways.
“Yes, there, more,” he said, his cries getting increasingly incoherent as the pleasure of having the toy pressing against his prostate overtook him. I moved slowly and methodically, pressing the toy deeper, then turning it slightly as he wiggled happily below me. Once the butt plug was fitted between his ass cheeks, its flared base keeping it secure, I admired the view. There was my husband, his firm, tight ass upturned before me and his bare back exposed. I pinched one cheek, then the other, then gave one a slap. I realized I also had the new paddle at my disposal and took it out of its bag, admiring the shiny patent leather.
To tell you the truth, we really didn’t need another paddle; we have about ten at home. But this one had seduced me with its sheen and by the way it sounded when I cracked it first across my palm and then across Patrick’s denim-covered ass at the store. When he’s wearing a butt plug, he loves to be spanked even more than he usually does, so I relished the opportunity to give him a special treat. I brought the paddle down against my palm, watching him react to the noise. “What do you have to say for yourself, Patrick? Have you been a good boy or a bad boy?” He and I both know that’s somewhat of a trick question, because either way I’ll spank him, but his answer will give me a clue as to how to talk to him while I do it. If he’s “good,” he gets “rewarded” for his proper behavior with the kind of butt pounding he craves. If he’s “bad,” he gets thoroughly “punished” for his waywardness by his stern, but beloved, mistress.
“I’ve been very bad,” he said in a quiet, penitent voice. When he takes that tone, I know he wants me to confirm this for him with my smacks, so I hardly even warmed him up; I swatted him with the paddle hard enough to color his pale skin. The combination of the paddle and the plug delivered dual wicked pleasures, the force of impact jiggling the green plug just right. “Unh,” he grunted, and I hit the other cheek. At this rate, I wondered if we’d ever leave the hotel room because I was having such a good time topping my husband. I kept spanking his bottom, then the backs of his thighs.
Then I tapped the paddle against the plug itself, not hard enough to send it too much deeper, but enough to nudge his most tender spot. I knew his dick had to be rock hard, so I felt it for myself. Sure enough, he was ready to burst, and I knew exactly what needed to be done. I put the paddle down, then joined him on the bed. “Fuck me,” I ordered, and Patrick dutifully climbed on top of me and slammed his cock inside me. I like getting him so worked up and frantic that he immediately begins fucking me as deeply as he can.
I rested my hands on his hot ass, then toyed with the plug. “I’m gonna come if you do that,” he warned, but I didn’t stop, because he was ramming into me so hard that I wanted to do whatever I could to keep him producing those sensations. As I twisted the plug, I stared into his eyes, which were glassy with desire. He did as he’d promised, spurting a huge load inside me while I gave the plug a final spin. I tightened my cunt and played with my clit, making myself climax soon thereafter.
“We need to shower,” he said after we’d spent a few minutes cuddling. We hopped in the shower, where I removed the plug from his ass and washed it off. But when we were getting dressed, I realized I missed the way his ass looked with the plug.
“Hey, baby, I have an idea. Let’s make our sightseeing extra special and take the butt plug to the Space Needle… via your ass.”
“You want me to wear it out?” he asked, his eyes bulging. We’d never done that or any other public play, unless you counted teasing each other in sex-toy stores over our imminent purchases.
“Yes, I do. You said you would—besides, that’s an order. Now bend over.” We repeated the earlier process, and he made those same delicious moans. Then he covered up the plug with a pair of jeans and otherwise looked like an average guy about to see the sights with his wife. I took every opportunity I could to make sure he remembered the plug was in his ass. Instead of walking, I got us a cab so Patrick would intimately feel every bounce of the car. Then I took the cushioned seat at the restaurant where we ate dinner, leaving him the wooden chair. By the time we got back to the hotel, I could see the outline of his erection in his pants. I gave him a blowjob as a way of thanking him for wearing the plug so obediently. That was his reward for being such a “good boy.”
Patrick got his “revenge” on me, however. He ordered me to wear the plug on the plane ride home. I did, and let me tell you, turbulence has never been so fun! We now share these toys and use them whenever the mood strikes us.
—Ms. Natalie T., St. Paul, Minnesota