The points are the benchmarks of this diet plans. Unlike other weight plan diet, it lay more emphasis on the points rather than calories.  This makes sense because not all calories are created equal. You could eat 200 calories of lean chicken or 200 calories of gummy bears, but that doesn't mean they're the same nutritionally.
The point system focuses more on the specific micro and macronutrients of the food rather than the calorie, which in turns gives you a better outlook on how your body is obtaining its nutrients resources. It tells you the quantity of food you have left when it comes to when it comes to eating that day and staying with your general calorie allotment, even though calories are not being counted on this diet.
Food that has a larger number of both macro and, micronutrients are denoted by a lower point value in the Weight watchers scheme, while foods that have high sugars and saturated fats content are going to have a higher value.
When you go to your first meeting, your team leader will discuss your goals and what you want to accomplish with the program. This will help you get enough advice on the Do’s and Don’ts of the program and also ensure you start with the right amount of points that will help you to lose weight but not so few that you aren’t getting the nutrition that you need.
The Smart Points
In the year 2016, weight watchers made some changes in their point system. The received some criticisms that their program was too much about the point and not enough about the nutritional contents of the food people were picking. People could easily miss out on the healthy contents that they needed or pick foods that are high in sugars and saturated fats and still stick to the guidelines set for weight watchers. This is why the points were advanced to the smart points in 2016.
The smart points make it easier for you to count your points and pushes you towards eating foods that are healthier and more nutritious. It helps you feel better, lose weight and gain energy at the same time. The food items that may have had lower points in the previous system, such as foods with sugars and saturated fats, now has higher points values while protein sources and fresh produce will have lower points values. This new system encourages you to eat less saturated fats and sugars while eating more proteins in your food.
The Activity points are not being replaced by Fit points in weight watchers and they are being calculated based on activities you engage in each day. These activities range from your exercise routine to normal house chores every day. In addition to the normal point values that you are given, the former points system in weight watchers gives you an extra 49 that you will use the way you want.
The Smart Points still has this extra calorie but they are going to be adjusted based on the individual person and may include some factors such as Age, Gender, Your goal of the program and your activity levels.