
Nancy Burnett (left) and Susan Shillinglaw (right) in Rocinante, Steinbeck’s truck for his Travels with Charley trip.

About the Author

Susan Shillinglaw is the Scholar in Residence at the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas, California, and Professor of English at San Jose State University, where she was also Director of the Center for Steinbeck Studies for many years. She was a consultant to Harpo Productions for Oprah’s website on East of Eden, and has consulted for popular media such as Good Morning America, the Discovery Channel, and A&E. She is the coauthor of Steinbeck’s How to Organize a Steinbeck Book or Film Discussion Group and a coeditor of America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction, Beyond Boundaries: Rereading John Steinbeck, and Steinbeck and the Environment. She lives in Los Gatos and Pacific Grove, California—Steinbeck’s towns.

About the Photographer

Nancy Burnett has been photographing the California landscape for more than thirty years. She is the producer of The Shape of Life and Strange Days on Planet Earth for PBS, coproducer of the photographic exhibit Sea Stars for the Smithsonian, and coauthor of The Shape of Life. She lives in the Carmel Valley in California.

About the ArtPlace Series

This book is part of the ArtPlace series published by Roaring Forties Press. Each book in the series explores how a renowned artist and a world-famous city or area helped to define and inspire each other. ArtPlace volumes are intended to stimulate both eye and mind, offering a rich mix of art and photography, history and biography, ideas and information. While the books can be used by tourists to navigate and illuminate their way through cityscapes and landscapes, the volumes can also be read by armchair travelers in search of an engrossing and revealing story.

Other titles include A Journey into Dorothy Parker’s New York, A Journey into the Transcendentalists’ New England, A Journey into Matisse’s South of France, A Journey into Flaubert’s Normandy, and A Journey into Ireland’s Literary Revival.

Visit Roaring Forties Press’s website,, for details of these and other forthcoming titles, as well as to learn about upcoming author tours, readings, media appearances, and all kinds of special events and offers. Visitors to the website may also send comments and questions to the authors of the ArtPlace series books.

A Journey into Steinbeck’s California

This book is set in Goudy and Futura; the display type is Futura Condensed. The cover and the interior were designed by Jeff Urbancic; Susan Lynch made up the pages. Kim Rusch designed the maps. Ellen Cavalli copyedited the text, which was proofread by Kimberley McCutcheon and Karen Mead and indexed by Sonsie Conroy.